Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Women in the Crucible Essay - 885 Words

The Skewed Role of Women in The Crucible The outlook on gender roles in today’s advanced society is in drastic contrast to the views portrayed in The Crucible, set in Salem, Massachusetts, in 1692. The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller, depicts women as weak creatures, who are expected to submit to men, and whose only access to power is through dishonest means. None of the females in The Crucible possess extreme power, but the truthful, pure-hearted, and family oriented women seem to be even less powerful than the others. Elizabeth Proctor and Rebecca Nurse are two of the less powerful women in The Crucible. Both of their lives are led by an instinct to serve their families and communities (Alter 1). Elizabeth Proctor is convicted in†¦show more content†¦Abigail, herself says â€Å"I want the light of God, I want the sweet love of Jesus! I danced for the Devil; I saw him; I wrote in his book; I go back to Jesus; I kiss His hand.† After proclaiming this, the re ligious officials of Salem are left, in essence, with no choice but to believe her. The main quality admired and expected of women in The Crucible is submissiveness. It is clear from the play that Salem, Massachusetts, in 1692, was largely a patriarchal society. Power in the hands of women was looked down on and even feared. Any leverage that women had was gained solely through manipulation. If the men suspected a woman of interacting with the Devil, she was expected to submit to their authority and confess her crime. If she rebelled and refused to confess, she was sentenced to death, no questions asked. However, the same was also true for men, though they were much more seldom found guilty of witchcraft. In The Crucible, women are commonly caught in lies. Not only are the manipulative girls, such as Abigail Williams, prone to lying, but Elizabeth Proctor is also caught lying. Towards the beginning of the play, when Parris and the other religious officials and witch hunters are star ting toShow MoreRelatedFemale Characters Of Women s The Crucible 1478 Words   |  6 PagesThe status of women continuously changes, however while going through the play The Crucible, women s’ social standing clearly acts as one of inferiority and subordination to male characters. This contributes greatly to the general structure of the storyline. The role of women taking place in the time of the Salem Witch Hunts in 1692, symbolizes the manipulative ways that female characters can become able to make their way to the top of society in the courts, held to a very high esteem. 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