Wednesday, May 6, 2020

An Analysis of Cathedral - 822 Words

An Analysis of Cathedral Cathedral, written by Raymond Carver, is a short story that explores the narrator’s insecurities and fears of what he does not understand and through the progression of the story is enlightened by the man he fears. The short story Cathedral is a story of the narrators’ wife’s old friend coming to visit. The friend, Robert, is a man that she knew ten years before and has kept in contact with since. The two correspond via tape recordings on a regular basis. The wife tells Robert of all goings on in her life and Robert responds in kind. Robert’s wife has died and he will be close enough to come and visit his old friend. Cathedral is written in the first person and is narrated by the husband character. The†¦show more content†¦Robert being sightless did not preclude him from having insight. The narrator had drawn a picture for a blind man, and for a time he himself was sightless, and they both could see the product of their labor. The story Cathedral is about a man who is insecure in his relationship, uncommunicative, and fearful of the unknown. He meets Robert, a blind man, and through Robert’s persistence they begin to get to know one another. The narrator eventually becomes enlightened to the fact that the unknown is nothing to fear and that sight isn’t necessary to see what is around him. References Carver, R. (1983) Cathedral. Retrieved 1 May, 2011, from Clugston, R. W. (2010), Journey into literature. San Diego: Bridgepoint Education. Retrieved 1 May, 2011, fromShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Story Cathedral 1734 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Cathedral is a famous short story by American writer and poet Raymond Carver. The story was first published in The Atlantic Monthly in 1981 and appeared in The Americas Best Short Stories in 1982. In the short story cathedral, the unnamed narrator’s wife’s blind friend is coming to visit. 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