Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Is The Entitlement Beneficiary - 1931 Words

Jared and Dad, please check out the following articles, information and analysis I am sharing with you. I feel compelled because I am concerned and I care. I think it will take about 30 minutes of your time. Western debt-based, consumption-driven societies have been living beyond their means for a very, very long time. For decades we have been consuming, as a group of people, more than we have been producing and we ve been financing it by mortgaging our children s future through national debt and deficit spending. The question becomes, How long can we continue to mortgage our children s future and how many creditors are still willing to buy that mortgage? I think the reckoning is approaching when we have to answer those questions. So what is that reckoning going to look like? Well, things like this require a painful cure and it needs to be decided who will end up on the short end of the stick. Will it be the taxpayer? Will it be the entitlements beneficiary? Will it be the bond holder? The saver? My answer is yes. All of them and everyone. The lender in me looks at the balance sheets of the major sovereigns in the world and the picture I see is not pretty at all. As a lender, I would not be willing to lend to these governments. I assume that if I am acting rationally then most of the counter-parties and creditors out there eventually will act rationally too. Which is not a comforting thought at all. Nearly 1 in 6 Americans receive food stamps.Show MoreRelatedThe Association Between Power And Sense Of Entitlement1179 Words   |  5 PagesSawaoka, Hughes, Ambady (2015) examined the association between power and sense of entitlement. Studies have shown that those with an induced sense of power perceive that they deserve better results than others. Sawaoka, Hughes, Ambady (2015) mentioned that those with power are more likely to engage in unfair behaviors, such as cheating, lying. Ironically, other studies have also indicated that the powerful are more likely to notice and point out other people’s unethical be haviors. Although mostRead MoreThe Cost Of Medicare And Reduce Its Proportion Of The Federal Budget1332 Words   |  6 Pagesbudget. These include; a) The introduction of voucher system that would enable for the more privatization in the offering of insurance policies for Medicare. b) Increasing the Medicare revenues by raising the payroll taxes that are charged on the beneficiaries. Unhealthy lifestyle choices like smoking also need to be penalized by Medicare so as to reduce the many claims related to such habits. c) Cutting down the Medicare expenses through elimination of frauds, raising of eligibility age to 67, andRead MoreMajor Differences Between The Medicaid And Medicare Programs1513 Words   |  7 Pagesgovernment (including deductibles, copayments and beneficiary premiums). In contrast to Medicare, Medicaid seeks funding from federal and state contributions, with federal share extending to the 50%-78% of the program costs, depending on the affluence of the state. Medicare initiative renders benefits to the aged (over the age of 65), disabled (younger than 65) and individuals with End-Stage Renal Disease without regard to their income. Also, Medicare beneficiaries must have paid into the system through payrollRead MoreChanging Medicare And Social Security1155 Words   |  5 Pagespopulace is growing rapidly, and will reach 3.4 million or 12.8% of the population. Eventually, in the next thirty years older adults will comprise of 20% of the total population due to the aging of 76 million baby boomers (Olson, 2001). Seeing that, entitlement programs and means-tested benefits, are presented, in order to bolster this increment of older adults. Accordingly, around 96% of the American workforce is secured by Social Security and it is likewise estimated that 58 million American will receiveRead MoreEntitlement Programs And The Entitlement Program1250 Words   |  5 Pagesinclude, that all men are created equal. However, throughout history, it has be en made clear through the various social classes that this is not the case within the realm of monetary value. It is for reasons such as this that the entitlement programs were born. Entitlement programs were created to provide security and assistance to those in need. They would allocate basic necessities for eligible persons and families to live comfortably until they are no longer necessary. Though a great deal of peopleRead MoreHealthcare Plan For A Universal Healthcare Program1589 Words   |  7 Pageshas also provided care to the disabled that are under age 65. This national social healthcare program has also come under fire politically because of the extremely high cost of the program. The baby-boomer generation is aging and adding more beneficiaries’ at an increasing rate than ever before and is estimated to impact the federal deficit by over 17% by 2020. Many other countries have National Healthcare that provides better care at a much lower cost. Medicare was the motivation for a universalRead MoreMathew V Eldridge By George Eldridge1248 Words   |  5 Pagesthe demonstration in District Court to challenge the protected legitimacy of the managerial systems instituting by the Secretary of Health Education and Welfare for instituting whether there exists a proceeding with sick wellbeing justifying a beneficiary to Social Security Disability (SSD) assistances. Subsequently Eldridge was advised that his assistances would end without a prospect for a previous hearing. Eldridge completed it, specifying that his situation had not gotten better. The office thenRead MoreInflation Indexing and its Macroeconomic Effects1206 Words   |  5 Pagesgovernment, on the other hand, uses the CPI to set cost of living adjustments (COLA) for many entitlement programs as well as adjustments in tax brackets (Miller, J.,2013). COLA’s help offset the reduced purchasing power caused by inflation for those who are beneficiaries of entitlement programs as well as those who have COLA’s built into their wage agreements. COLA’s should increase wages and entitlements by at least the anticipated inflation rate for a time period so that those affected do no sufferRead MoreMarket Value Analysis Of Local Real Estate Broker1020 Words   |  5 Pagesmortgage insurance, which would afford some loss protection if we foreclosed our lien but there was insufficient equity in the real property collateral to repay all sums owed.  · All Loan documents and insurance policies will name the Fund as payee and beneficiary or as additional loss insured, as applicable. If we purchase Loans, we will receive assignments of all beneficial interest in any documents related to such Loans. Our Loans will not be held in the name of the General Partner or any other nomineeRead MoreThe Health Care Act Of 1965937 Words   |  4 Pagesof Medicare plans to select from: â€Å"Part A provides hospital and skilled nursing coverage’s through Hospital Insurance Trust Funds. Part B covers physician services, ambulatory surgical services, and other miscellaneous services paid by Medicare beneficiaries. Part C is managed care coverage offered by private insurance companies. It can be selected in lieu of Part A and B). Medicare Part D covers prescription drugs (Louis C. Gapenski)†. Medicare can something be useful for American senior citizens;

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