Thursday, December 26, 2019

Financial Management Analysis - 4816 Words

1.0 INTRODUCTION The main objective of doing this project is to develop students understanding about Malaysia Capital Market. Malaysia Capital Market involve of shares and investment. This project also study the relationship between expected return, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, covariance, correlation, beta and capital asset pricing model. One of the financial objectives of business organization is to maximize returns on its investments and operations. Various components of returns make up the returns to proportional with the various types of risks borne and market conditions. Risk can be defined as the chance of financial loss in the common of basic definition. Assets having greater chances of loss are viewed as†¦show more content†¦The seminal point came in 1972 when Merlin Hotels Malaysia Berhad merged with Faber Union SD Bud and Faber Merlin Malaysia Berhad was formed - a company which recognises the importance of change. Over the years, Faber Merlin Malaysia Berhad continues to diversify and grow in strength. Finally, on 22 November 1990, in recognition of the progress achieved by the company, Faber Merlin Malaysia Berhad changed its name to Faber Group Berhad with core businesses in Hospitality and Property. The group expanded its portfolio in October 1996 to include Hospital Support Services in the northern states of Peninsular Malaysia and in East Malaysia. Vision of Faber Group is to be the no.1 partner in Integrated Facilities Management and to be the preferred Property Developer. Mission of Faber Group is to continuously raise the standards in Integrated Facilities Management and to deliver innovative, quality and valued realty. 2.3 GAMUDA BHD Gamuda Berhad is an investment holding company which engaged in civil engineering construction. The company was incorporated on 6 October 1976 and was listed on the main board of Bursa Malaysia on 10 august 1992. It is a leading infrastructure and property developer with operations in Asia and the Middle East regions. The company runs three segments in engineeringShow MoreRelatedA1 Syllabus FIN 423 SPRING 2015 Financial Analysis And Management Capstone 1 4552 Words   |  19 PagesSyllabus: FINANCIAL ANALYSIS AND MANAGEMENT (FIN 423) Spring 2015 The class meets Mondays and Wednesdays from 2:00pm-3:50pm in P-149. Instructor: Babak Lotfaliei Office: SSE 3304, Tel: 619-594-4790 E-mail: Office Hours: 4:00pm-6:00pm Mondays, (or by appointment) Assigned Examination Date: Monday 11 May, 1:00pm-3:00pm COURSE DESCRIPTION This four-credit course is for students who major in finance. By the end of this course, students will understand the practice of financial managementRead MoreFinancial Analysis : Financial Management1125 Words   |  5 Pagesas lending and borrowing needs in an organization. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Is The Entitlement Beneficiary - 1931 Words

Jared and Dad, please check out the following articles, information and analysis I am sharing with you. I feel compelled because I am concerned and I care. I think it will take about 30 minutes of your time. Western debt-based, consumption-driven societies have been living beyond their means for a very, very long time. For decades we have been consuming, as a group of people, more than we have been producing and we ve been financing it by mortgaging our children s future through national debt and deficit spending. The question becomes, How long can we continue to mortgage our children s future and how many creditors are still willing to buy that mortgage? I think the reckoning is approaching when we have to answer those questions. So what is that reckoning going to look like? Well, things like this require a painful cure and it needs to be decided who will end up on the short end of the stick. Will it be the taxpayer? Will it be the entitlements beneficiary? Will it be the bond holder? The saver? My answer is yes. All of them and everyone. The lender in me looks at the balance sheets of the major sovereigns in the world and the picture I see is not pretty at all. As a lender, I would not be willing to lend to these governments. I assume that if I am acting rationally then most of the counter-parties and creditors out there eventually will act rationally too. Which is not a comforting thought at all. Nearly 1 in 6 Americans receive food stamps.Show MoreRelatedThe Association Between Power And Sense Of Entitlement1179 Words   |  5 PagesSawaoka, Hughes, Ambady (2015) examined the association between power and sense of entitlement. Studies have shown that those with an induced sense of power perceive that they deserve better results than others. Sawaoka, Hughes, Ambady (2015) mentioned that those with power are more likely to engage in unfair behaviors, such as cheating, lying. 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If we purchase Loans, we will receive assignments of all beneficial interest in any documents related to such Loans. Our Loans will not be held in the name of the General Partner or any other nomineeRead MoreThe Health Care Act Of 1965937 Words   |  4 Pagesof Medicare plans to select from: â€Å"Part A provides hospital and skilled nursing coverage’s through Hospital Insurance Trust Funds. Part B covers physician services, ambulatory surgical services, and other miscellaneous services paid by Medicare beneficiaries. Part C is managed care coverage offered by private insurance companies. It can be selected in lieu of Part A and B). Medicare Part D covers prescription drugs (Louis C. Gapenski)†. Medicare can something be useful for American senior citizens;

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Blaine Kitchenware Case Study free essay sample

Do you believe Blaine’s current capital structure and payout policies are appropriate? Why or why not? According to the current situation, we think Blaine’s current capital structure and payout policies are not appropriate. capital structure: Blaine is currently over-liquid and under-levered. In this case, Blaine’s shareholders are suffering from the effects. Because Blaine is a public company with large portion of its shares held by conservative family members, Blaine has huge financial surplus and causes bad financial leverage. In other words, Blaine does not fully utilize its funds. Because the company is totally equity financed, there is no tax shield. Excess cash will lower the return on equity and increase the cost of capital. A huge amount of cash would not only offer possible acquirer incentives to buy Blaine with its own cash but also decrease the enterprise value of Blaine. In other words, acquirers could pay way less than they originally expect to buy out this family-based family. We will write a custom essay sample on Blaine Kitchenware Case Study or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page payout policies: Regarding the payout policies, the dividend payout ratio from 2004 to 2007 is 35%, 43. 6% and 52. 9%. However, the management’s goal is to maximize the shareholder’s value, rather than paying dividend. Management should use all available cash in attractive investments. Investors usually consider the periodical dividend as an evaluation for a healthy company. Although investors take dividend as an indicator for a company to succeed, they also expect dividend will be paid continuously at either stable or growing rate. But BKI knows that the recent trend in BKI’s payout ratio was unsustainable. In order for Blaine to keep its current payout policies, Blaine has to reduce numbers of outstanding shares throughout share repurchasing. In this case, the payout ratio would decrease as expected.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Managing People The Case of Virgin Atlantic

Introduction The aviation industry has emerged as one of the most dynamic and fastest growing sectors of the global economy. This rapid growth has brought forth both opportunities and challenges.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Managing People: The Case of Virgin Atlantic specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More On the one hand, the increasing demand for air transport has enabled this industry to remain productive even in the face of financial uncertainty (Boxall Purcell 2012). On the other hand, the threat of new entrants (particularly the low-cost airliners) has intensified completion (Balmforth 2009). As such, the momentum of change and the shifting landscape has increased the need for a new generation of leaders (Bratton Good 2012). One of the challenges that the airline CEO faces now is adopting strategic practices that will facilitate talent management. Virgin Atlantic is one of the most progressive airliners th at have maintained their competitive edge despite the turbulences in the aviation industry. The company has experienced unprecedented growth over the years by expanding into various global destinations. Virgin Atlantic stands out as one of the most successful companies in the United Kingdom in terms of market value and competiveness. The company’s success story means that it has adopted sound human resource practices to sustain its growth (Balmforth 2009). Bakker and Schaufeli (2008) have asserted that the human resource function plays a significant role in enhancing productivity, which translates into profitability.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This report will review the human resources practices that Virgin Atlantic has adopted over the years to maintain its competitiveness. The report will emphasize the role of employee involvement and engagement. In addition, the ensuing discussions will also analyse the leadership styles that are effective in encouraging employee involvement and engagement in the company. Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) has increasing become a norm in HRM practices. This report will also analyse the role of SHRM with particular reference to the delegation of HR functions to the line managers. Finally, the analysis will provide recommendations for enhancing the current HR practices. Employee Engagement and Involvement The airline industry is safety-sensitive, extremely competitive and technology –intensive. The combination of these aspects has critical implications for players in the sector in relation to organizational culture, strategy and management. The traditional top-down model of governance, operations and policy is increasingly becoming archaic and inappropriate (McLeod Clarke 2009). The high knowledge base that characterises this service market calls for flexible and transformational leadersh ip. In addition, the trend of globalisation has also necessitated the development of diversity policies to provide equal employment opportunities (Frees 2008). The HRM function is now imperative in selecting and retaining a workforce that meets the changing demands of customers (Armstrong Taylor 2014). The threat of new entrants, coupled with the rising costs of fuel and operations has increased competition in the airline industry. Consequently, some airliners have recorded massive losses due to poor performance.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Managing People: The Case of Virgin Atlantic specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The affected companies may recover, stagnate, or close down depending on the strategy adopted in such tough situations (Getenby et al. 2009). Virgin Atlantic has also encountered these challenges although the company has remained productive. Conversely, the company should enhance its employee involvement and engagement practices to maintain a comparative and competitive advantage. This goal is essential considering the stiff competition from Asian and Middle East-based airliners (Balmforth 2009). Employee engagement has moved to the forefront as one of the most viable HRM practices. Nonetheless, there is no consensus on a single definition of employee engagement (McLeod Clarke 2009). Firstly, Markos and Sridevi (2010) have defined employee engagement as the ability and willingness of the employees to support the realisation of the organizational goals. Secondly, Frees (2008) conceptualises this concept as the active involvement in work-related tasks with passion and enthusiasm. Thirdly, Endres and Mancheno-Smoak (2008) have hypothesised employee engagement in terms of employees’ perceptions and values. The common theme of these multiple definitions is the two-way relationships between the employers and their employees (Frees 2008). The divergent views in the HR d iscourses do not demean the value of employee engagement. On the contrary, all HR managers concede that employee engagement generates positive organizational outcomes (Daniels, Davis Shipton 2008).Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The employees engaged and involved in decision-making processes are more productive than those who are not (Markos Sridevi 2010). Armstrong and Taylor (2014) found out that employee engagement reduced the rate of turnover and absenteeism significantly. Further, Frees (2008) has demonstrated that enhances the quality of customer service. The ongoing advances in technology have laid the foundation of innovation. Bakker and Schaufeli (2008) have argued that employee engagement increases the level of satisfaction, which is a prerequisite of innovative behaviour. The primary concern is that the majority of companies (if not all) do not encourage employee engagement. MacLeod and Clarke (2009) underscored the critical role of an engaged workforce in both individual well-being and organisational success. Conversely, Gatenby et al. (2009) have found out that organization and companies in the UK do not value employee engagement. The principal concern is that HR consultants and professionals have limited knowledge about the application of employee engagement. According to MacLeod and Clarke, three aspects underpin the concept of employee engagement. These issues include the commitment to organizational values and goals, motivation and personal development. Virgin Atlantic should promote employee engagement in various ways. First, the airliner should encourage an entrepreneurial culture within its system. The increasing trend towards air travel has presented growth opportunities. One area that the management should focus on is the promotion of personalised services. An entrepreneurial environment will allow performing employees to recommend new starters for the company (Frees 2008). For example, the flight attendants can participate in the development of in-flight protocols. Bakker and Schaufeli (2008) have argued that an entrepreneurial culture motivates the employees to make real contributions to organizational growth, in addition to influencing the strategic direction . Second, the competitive business environment inherent in the aviation industry calls for more productivity and efficiency than before. Although the unprecedented advances in technology will revolutionise the service market, they demand employees who posses superior professional and technical skills (Endres Mancheno-Smoak 2008). The CEOs cannot manage the highly knowledge-based workforce using the outdated system of totalitarian management. By contrast, these individuals expect a high level of job satisfaction, motivation and operational autonomy (Markos Sridevi 2010). In essence, Frees (2008) has noted that the current management practices are shifting focus to the employees. Virgin Atlantic should promote employee engagement by involving them in decision-making processes. Third, Virgin Atlantic should develop a two-way communication to enhance employee engagement. The aviation industry is dynamic and fluid considering the ongoing advances in technology and consumer demands (Bal mforth 2009). As such, Virgin Atlantic will have to implement change progressively and continuously to adapt to both internal and external pressures (McLeod Clarke 2009). Effectual change management requires the active involvement of the employees in making strategic decisions from planning to implementation (Armstrong Taylor 2014). The Virgin Atlantic top management should adopt a consistent and clear communication of the company’s strategic direction. This strategy should also include the role of the employees in bringing this goal to fruition. Both the HR managers and employees recognise the fact that effectual communication can have a revolutionary and dramatic effect on organizational performance and productivity (Bakker Schaufeli 2008). Markos and Srivedi (2010) have asserted that interactions within the organization influence the direction of all strategic decisions. Effective communication is especially crucial when planning and implementing changes (Boxall Purcel l 2012). Virgin Atlantic should develop systems that enhance internal communication between executives and the employees. These initiatives should pay more attention on the input of junior staff. The free flow of information and mutual trust will help the company to implement change. Fourth, Virgin Atlantic should establish a robust performance management system of providing feedback. Change is a continuous process that mandates constant monitoring and evaluation to identify gaps and opportunities (Frees 2008). The company should conduct regular surveys to determine the factors that drive engagement. Endres and Mancheno-Smoak (2008) have shown that this activity enables the HR and line managers to concentrate on the aspects of engagement that have a fundamental influence on the employees. The top management should use the evidence from the surveys to develop SMART (Specific-Measurable-Accountable-Realistic-Time bound) action-oriented plans. Further, it is essential for the top manag ement to demonstrate their commitment to employee engagement. Gonos and Gallo (2013) have opined that the followers are often sceptical when the top management does not believe in employee engagement. In fact, Frees (2008) has found out the actions taken by leaders influence the direction of their followers. For example, the Virgin Atlantic CEO should lead by example by owning the process before passing it down to the low-level managers and employees. According to Markos and Sridevi (2010), lip services that are not commensurate with commitment portray employee engagement as a corporate or HR fad. Thus, the top management of Virgin Atlantic should match their words with actions. Strategic Human Resource Management The HR function is increasingly becoming an integrated component of strategic thinking considering the role that employees play in the realization of organizational goals (Henderson 2011). The role of employees in supporting the achievement of strategic objectives has supp orted the introduction and development of the Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM). SHRM evolved in the 1990s to facilitate the promotion of a value-driven, integrative, and proactive approach to human resource management (Reyner 2009). The primary goal of SHRM is to assimilate HR practices into the organizational strategy. Thus, SHRM is crucial to facilitate the active participation of employees in making strategic decisions (Henderson 2011). Virgin Atlantic faces the challenge of making strategic decisions just like the other players in the industry. Most airliners are now outsourcing some of the previously held in-house functions to respond adequately to industry fluctuations (Wang Wang 2015). One of these approaches has been the adoption of the Shared Services approach. This strategic decision has helped Virgin Atlantic to expand its services to the international markets (Balmforth 2009). Conversely, Bakker and Schaufeli (2008) have found out that most companies do not in clude the HR functions in the development of their strategic plans. Consequently, the employees are often dissatisfied or resist change because they do not own the strategic processes (Ramphal 2011). The SHRM should assume a crucial role in employee engagement and participation processes. Mergers and acquisitions (MA) have become prevalent in the aviation and other industries. The essence of MA is to enhance productivity and efficiency by rationalising the use of scarce resources (Claydon Beardwell 2007). Virgin Atlantic merged with Delta Airlines in 2013 as a means of reducing costs and enhancing the delivery of transatlantic services. The transatlantic partnership was critical to counter the competition from its fiercest rival, the British Airways (Gregory 2014). Despite its benefits, this merger has brought to the limelight practical challenges. For instance, Delta may decide to realign the HR function since it will own 49% of Virgin Atlantic’s shares. Such an action migh t result into employee rationalisation to reduce costs. The scenario presented above highlights the significance of adopting the SHRM by Virgin Atlantic. The elemental concern is that the failure to adopt efficient HR practices during the development of Shared Services and MA contributes to failure (Creasy, Stull Peck 2009). The primary function of the HR managers is to facilitate employee engagement and participation during the change processes (Denison, Adkins Guidroz 2011). According to Rayner (2009), the achievement of this goal necessitates the development of HR systems that are both adaptable and compatible with the strategic choices. Virgin Atlantic continues to undergo significant transformations to remain productive and competitive. As such, it is essential for the company to increase the scope of SHRM practices. The adoption of the SHRM function will require the inclusion and involvement of HR managers in strategic decision-making processes. The HR managers should not be bystanders but rather equal partners alongside the other senior managers (Creasy et al. 2009). Denison et al. (2011) have found out that such opportunities ensure that the HR managers present the employees’ concerns from the outset. The misrepresentation of employees amounts to a violation of labour laws. Virgin Atlantic will avoid the consequences of litigation if it addresses the demands of workers before implementing strategic decisions. One of the areas that the company should optimise on is the delegation of some of the HR practices to the line managers. The line managers have a frequent and direct contact with employees. As such, these employees are more conversant with the needs of these employees than the senior HR managers do (Purcell Hutchinson 2007). Some of the functions of the line managers include interviewing prospective candidates and making recommendations for salary increments (Frees 2008). Nonetheless, the company should only assign the HR duties to the l ine managers who have appropriate skills and competencies. The senior HR managers should form strategic partnerships with the line managers. This collaboration will facilitate the provision of resources and training to ensure that the HR practices are in line with the established policies (McLeod Clarke 2009). Another crucial component of SHRM that Virgin Atlantic should consider is the development of an innovative selection and recruitment system. The competitive and dynamic nature of the airline industry mandates the identification of appropriate talents to realise organisational goals. A rigorous recruitment and selection system creates a sense of high expectations about performance (Marchington Wilkinson 2012). The mismatch between organisational demands and personal capabilities increases the risk of poor performance (McLeod Clarke 2009). The company should complement these efforts by developing comprehensive career development and training programmes. For instance, the pilo ts should undergo in-house training regularly to update their skills of using modern technologies. Finally, the trend of globalisation has diversified global communities. This diversity also manifests in HR practices (Markos Sridevi 2010). Virgin Atlantic must adopt and implement inclusion policies to provide equal employment opportunities by promoting a distinctive corporate culture. An organizational culture that emphasises mutual respect will enable the company to achieve its strategic goals (Frees 2008). Such customs will make the company attractive to both customers and prospective employees from diverse cultural backgrounds. Markos Sridevi (2010) have indicated that companies improve their performance and productivity when they harmonise organizational cultures. Bakker and Schaufeli (2008) have noted that the poor management of diverse cultures causes conflict. Personal Reflections on Effective Leadership Styles The preceding sections have highlighted the significance of emp loyee engagement and strategic human resource management (SHRM). The common theme between these two components is the employer-employee relationships, particularly the interaction between managers and the junior staff. These aspects then bring to the forefront the issue of leadership. The volatility and uncertainty in the aviation industry call for a new style of leadership to facilitate innovative thinking and change management. The human resource executives should assume a leading role in developing the required generation of leaders. The starting point will entail the alignment of strategic priorities with the future demands for skilled talent. Employee engagement is one of the primary functions of change management. It is imperative to reiterate the fact that the airline industry will continue to encounter massive transformations. Conversely, the successful implementation of change will require leaders who are both transformative and visionary (Marquez 2007). Transformational le adership is central in management discourses and is the most applied style in modern society. A transformational leader influences the actions of followers by transforming their attitudes, perceptions, and beliefs about change (Gonos Gallo 2013). One of the major challenges faced by many organizations is achieving constant productivity and profitability. A transformational leader identifies the need for change and rallies followers towards realizing change (Alkahtani, Abu-Jared Suleiman 2010). The critical pillars of transformational leadership are visionary and coaching leadership styles (Chen Chen 2008). Virgin Atlantic will continue to experience continuous change. Nonetheless, not all the employees will be receptive to the change initiatives. The company CEO and other senior managers should adopt the transformational leadership style to influence planning and implementation processes efficiently. These leaders should share their visions and goals with the employees through co nsultations and active engagement. According to Gonos and Gallo (2013), transformational and visionary leaders do not impose change on their followers. The rapid transformations and advances in technology necessitate the development of continuous education programmes for the employees. These initiatives will ensure that the employees have the requisite skills and competencies that are in tandem with modern practices (Bakker Schaufeli 2008). The changing landscape of the airline industry has created the urgency for transformation. The top management of Virgin Atlantic should coach and train the employees to enhance productivity and profitability. The company cannot compete favourably in the volatile market unless it has highly skilled personnel. Marquez (2007) has affirmed that a transformative and visionary leader does not give orders and wait for progress reports. By contrast, such leaders are part of the operations team and lead by example (Purcell Hutchinson 2007). Leadership a nd management are common terms in academic and business discourses that generate divergent viewpoints. These discussions often centre on the perceived differences and similarities between the two concepts (Gonos Gallo 2013). Several definitions exist regarding theories, styles and attributes of leadership and management. Both leadership and management emphasize the coordination of the HR functions (Chen Chen 2008). The only difference lies in the manner in the coordination processed. While managers control the realisation of organizational goals, leaders influence people to embrace change (Alkahtani, Abu-Jared Suleiman 2010). The Virgin Atlantic CEO and other line managers should strike a balance between the two to achieve optimal outcomes. Conclusion Employee engagement has moved to the forefront as one of the most viable HRM practices. Nonetheless, there is no consensus on a single definition of employee engagement. Despite these contentions, employee management is a critical c omponent of human resource management. The concept of employee engagement is particularly crucial in the airline industry considering the dynamic and competitive nature of this service sector. Virgin Atlantic is one of the prominent airliners in the UK and across the globe. Although the company has remained productive and competitive, the external threats will most likely challenge this hegemony. As such, the company should adopt a strategic plan to remain afloat in a highly competitive market place. Virgin Atlantic should encourage employee engagement practices by fostering effective communication and interactions. Conversely, employee engagement is a complex and long-term process. The company will achieve this goal if it adopts broad cultural and organizational strategies that involves employees at all the organizational levels. The company should align these initiatives with the human resource practices. Change is inevitable in the aviation industry but the employees should be pa rt of the transformations. The company CEO and managers should foster transformational leadership styles to influence the employees to adapt to the change successfully. In conclusion, collaboration, strong communication and mutual trust should form the basis for implementing employee engagement. Reference List Alkahtani, AH, Abu-Jared, I Suleiman, M 2010, ‘The impact of personality and leadership styles on leading change capability of Malaysian managers’, Australian Journal of Business and Management Research, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 70-99. 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