Thursday, December 26, 2019

Financial Management Analysis - 4816 Words

1.0 INTRODUCTION The main objective of doing this project is to develop students understanding about Malaysia Capital Market. Malaysia Capital Market involve of shares and investment. This project also study the relationship between expected return, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, covariance, correlation, beta and capital asset pricing model. One of the financial objectives of business organization is to maximize returns on its investments and operations. Various components of returns make up the returns to proportional with the various types of risks borne and market conditions. Risk can be defined as the chance of financial loss in the common of basic definition. Assets having greater chances of loss are viewed as†¦show more content†¦The seminal point came in 1972 when Merlin Hotels Malaysia Berhad merged with Faber Union SD Bud and Faber Merlin Malaysia Berhad was formed - a company which recognises the importance of change. Over the years, Faber Merlin Malaysia Berhad continues to diversify and grow in strength. Finally, on 22 November 1990, in recognition of the progress achieved by the company, Faber Merlin Malaysia Berhad changed its name to Faber Group Berhad with core businesses in Hospitality and Property. The group expanded its portfolio in October 1996 to include Hospital Support Services in the northern states of Peninsular Malaysia and in East Malaysia. Vision of Faber Group is to be the no.1 partner in Integrated Facilities Management and to be the preferred Property Developer. Mission of Faber Group is to continuously raise the standards in Integrated Facilities Management and to deliver innovative, quality and valued realty. 2.3 GAMUDA BHD Gamuda Berhad is an investment holding company which engaged in civil engineering construction. The company was incorporated on 6 October 1976 and was listed on the main board of Bursa Malaysia on 10 august 1992. It is a leading infrastructure and property developer with operations in Asia and the Middle East regions. The company runs three segments in engineeringShow MoreRelatedA1 Syllabus FIN 423 SPRING 2015 Financial Analysis And Management Capstone 1 4552 Words   |  19 PagesSyllabus: FINANCIAL ANALYSIS AND MANAGEMENT (FIN 423) Spring 2015 The class meets Mondays and Wednesdays from 2:00pm-3:50pm in P-149. Instructor: Babak Lotfaliei Office: SSE 3304, Tel: 619-594-4790 E-mail: Office Hours: 4:00pm-6:00pm Mondays, (or by appointment) Assigned Examination Date: Monday 11 May, 1:00pm-3:00pm COURSE DESCRIPTION This four-credit course is for students who major in finance. By the end of this course, students will understand the practice of financial managementRead MoreFinancial Analysis : Financial Management1125 Words   |  5 Pagesas lending and borrowing needs in an organization. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Is The Entitlement Beneficiary - 1931 Words

Jared and Dad, please check out the following articles, information and analysis I am sharing with you. I feel compelled because I am concerned and I care. I think it will take about 30 minutes of your time. Western debt-based, consumption-driven societies have been living beyond their means for a very, very long time. For decades we have been consuming, as a group of people, more than we have been producing and we ve been financing it by mortgaging our children s future through national debt and deficit spending. The question becomes, How long can we continue to mortgage our children s future and how many creditors are still willing to buy that mortgage? I think the reckoning is approaching when we have to answer those questions. So what is that reckoning going to look like? Well, things like this require a painful cure and it needs to be decided who will end up on the short end of the stick. Will it be the taxpayer? Will it be the entitlements beneficiary? Will it be the bond holder? The saver? My answer is yes. All of them and everyone. The lender in me looks at the balance sheets of the major sovereigns in the world and the picture I see is not pretty at all. As a lender, I would not be willing to lend to these governments. I assume that if I am acting rationally then most of the counter-parties and creditors out there eventually will act rationally too. Which is not a comforting thought at all. Nearly 1 in 6 Americans receive food stamps.Show MoreRelatedThe Association Between Power And Sense Of Entitlement1179 Words   |  5 PagesSawaoka, Hughes, Ambady (2015) examined the association between power and sense of entitlement. Studies have shown that those with an induced sense of power perceive that they deserve better results than others. Sawaoka, Hughes, Ambady (2015) mentioned that those with power are more likely to engage in unfair behaviors, such as cheating, lying. 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If we purchase Loans, we will receive assignments of all beneficial interest in any documents related to such Loans. Our Loans will not be held in the name of the General Partner or any other nomineeRead MoreThe Health Care Act Of 1965937 Words   |  4 Pagesof Medicare plans to select from: â€Å"Part A provides hospital and skilled nursing coverage’s through Hospital Insurance Trust Funds. Part B covers physician services, ambulatory surgical services, and other miscellaneous services paid by Medicare beneficiaries. Part C is managed care coverage offered by private insurance companies. It can be selected in lieu of Part A and B). Medicare Part D covers prescription drugs (Louis C. Gapenski)†. Medicare can something be useful for American senior citizens;

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Blaine Kitchenware Case Study free essay sample

Do you believe Blaine’s current capital structure and payout policies are appropriate? Why or why not? According to the current situation, we think Blaine’s current capital structure and payout policies are not appropriate. capital structure: Blaine is currently over-liquid and under-levered. In this case, Blaine’s shareholders are suffering from the effects. Because Blaine is a public company with large portion of its shares held by conservative family members, Blaine has huge financial surplus and causes bad financial leverage. In other words, Blaine does not fully utilize its funds. Because the company is totally equity financed, there is no tax shield. Excess cash will lower the return on equity and increase the cost of capital. A huge amount of cash would not only offer possible acquirer incentives to buy Blaine with its own cash but also decrease the enterprise value of Blaine. In other words, acquirers could pay way less than they originally expect to buy out this family-based family. We will write a custom essay sample on Blaine Kitchenware Case Study or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page payout policies: Regarding the payout policies, the dividend payout ratio from 2004 to 2007 is 35%, 43. 6% and 52. 9%. However, the management’s goal is to maximize the shareholder’s value, rather than paying dividend. Management should use all available cash in attractive investments. Investors usually consider the periodical dividend as an evaluation for a healthy company. Although investors take dividend as an indicator for a company to succeed, they also expect dividend will be paid continuously at either stable or growing rate. But BKI knows that the recent trend in BKI’s payout ratio was unsustainable. In order for Blaine to keep its current payout policies, Blaine has to reduce numbers of outstanding shares throughout share repurchasing. In this case, the payout ratio would decrease as expected.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Managing People The Case of Virgin Atlantic

Introduction The aviation industry has emerged as one of the most dynamic and fastest growing sectors of the global economy. This rapid growth has brought forth both opportunities and challenges.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Managing People: The Case of Virgin Atlantic specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More On the one hand, the increasing demand for air transport has enabled this industry to remain productive even in the face of financial uncertainty (Boxall Purcell 2012). On the other hand, the threat of new entrants (particularly the low-cost airliners) has intensified completion (Balmforth 2009). As such, the momentum of change and the shifting landscape has increased the need for a new generation of leaders (Bratton Good 2012). One of the challenges that the airline CEO faces now is adopting strategic practices that will facilitate talent management. Virgin Atlantic is one of the most progressive airliners th at have maintained their competitive edge despite the turbulences in the aviation industry. The company has experienced unprecedented growth over the years by expanding into various global destinations. Virgin Atlantic stands out as one of the most successful companies in the United Kingdom in terms of market value and competiveness. The company’s success story means that it has adopted sound human resource practices to sustain its growth (Balmforth 2009). Bakker and Schaufeli (2008) have asserted that the human resource function plays a significant role in enhancing productivity, which translates into profitability.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This report will review the human resources practices that Virgin Atlantic has adopted over the years to maintain its competitiveness. The report will emphasize the role of employee involvement and engagement. In addition, the ensuing discussions will also analyse the leadership styles that are effective in encouraging employee involvement and engagement in the company. Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) has increasing become a norm in HRM practices. This report will also analyse the role of SHRM with particular reference to the delegation of HR functions to the line managers. Finally, the analysis will provide recommendations for enhancing the current HR practices. Employee Engagement and Involvement The airline industry is safety-sensitive, extremely competitive and technology –intensive. The combination of these aspects has critical implications for players in the sector in relation to organizational culture, strategy and management. The traditional top-down model of governance, operations and policy is increasingly becoming archaic and inappropriate (McLeod Clarke 2009). The high knowledge base that characterises this service market calls for flexible and transformational leadersh ip. In addition, the trend of globalisation has also necessitated the development of diversity policies to provide equal employment opportunities (Frees 2008). The HRM function is now imperative in selecting and retaining a workforce that meets the changing demands of customers (Armstrong Taylor 2014). The threat of new entrants, coupled with the rising costs of fuel and operations has increased competition in the airline industry. Consequently, some airliners have recorded massive losses due to poor performance.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Managing People: The Case of Virgin Atlantic specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The affected companies may recover, stagnate, or close down depending on the strategy adopted in such tough situations (Getenby et al. 2009). Virgin Atlantic has also encountered these challenges although the company has remained productive. Conversely, the company should enhance its employee involvement and engagement practices to maintain a comparative and competitive advantage. This goal is essential considering the stiff competition from Asian and Middle East-based airliners (Balmforth 2009). Employee engagement has moved to the forefront as one of the most viable HRM practices. Nonetheless, there is no consensus on a single definition of employee engagement (McLeod Clarke 2009). Firstly, Markos and Sridevi (2010) have defined employee engagement as the ability and willingness of the employees to support the realisation of the organizational goals. Secondly, Frees (2008) conceptualises this concept as the active involvement in work-related tasks with passion and enthusiasm. Thirdly, Endres and Mancheno-Smoak (2008) have hypothesised employee engagement in terms of employees’ perceptions and values. The common theme of these multiple definitions is the two-way relationships between the employers and their employees (Frees 2008). The divergent views in the HR d iscourses do not demean the value of employee engagement. On the contrary, all HR managers concede that employee engagement generates positive organizational outcomes (Daniels, Davis Shipton 2008).Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The employees engaged and involved in decision-making processes are more productive than those who are not (Markos Sridevi 2010). Armstrong and Taylor (2014) found out that employee engagement reduced the rate of turnover and absenteeism significantly. Further, Frees (2008) has demonstrated that enhances the quality of customer service. The ongoing advances in technology have laid the foundation of innovation. Bakker and Schaufeli (2008) have argued that employee engagement increases the level of satisfaction, which is a prerequisite of innovative behaviour. The primary concern is that the majority of companies (if not all) do not encourage employee engagement. MacLeod and Clarke (2009) underscored the critical role of an engaged workforce in both individual well-being and organisational success. Conversely, Gatenby et al. (2009) have found out that organization and companies in the UK do not value employee engagement. The principal concern is that HR consultants and professionals have limited knowledge about the application of employee engagement. According to MacLeod and Clarke, three aspects underpin the concept of employee engagement. These issues include the commitment to organizational values and goals, motivation and personal development. Virgin Atlantic should promote employee engagement in various ways. First, the airliner should encourage an entrepreneurial culture within its system. The increasing trend towards air travel has presented growth opportunities. One area that the management should focus on is the promotion of personalised services. An entrepreneurial environment will allow performing employees to recommend new starters for the company (Frees 2008). For example, the flight attendants can participate in the development of in-flight protocols. Bakker and Schaufeli (2008) have argued that an entrepreneurial culture motivates the employees to make real contributions to organizational growth, in addition to influencing the strategic direction . Second, the competitive business environment inherent in the aviation industry calls for more productivity and efficiency than before. Although the unprecedented advances in technology will revolutionise the service market, they demand employees who posses superior professional and technical skills (Endres Mancheno-Smoak 2008). The CEOs cannot manage the highly knowledge-based workforce using the outdated system of totalitarian management. By contrast, these individuals expect a high level of job satisfaction, motivation and operational autonomy (Markos Sridevi 2010). In essence, Frees (2008) has noted that the current management practices are shifting focus to the employees. Virgin Atlantic should promote employee engagement by involving them in decision-making processes. Third, Virgin Atlantic should develop a two-way communication to enhance employee engagement. The aviation industry is dynamic and fluid considering the ongoing advances in technology and consumer demands (Bal mforth 2009). As such, Virgin Atlantic will have to implement change progressively and continuously to adapt to both internal and external pressures (McLeod Clarke 2009). Effectual change management requires the active involvement of the employees in making strategic decisions from planning to implementation (Armstrong Taylor 2014). The Virgin Atlantic top management should adopt a consistent and clear communication of the company’s strategic direction. This strategy should also include the role of the employees in bringing this goal to fruition. Both the HR managers and employees recognise the fact that effectual communication can have a revolutionary and dramatic effect on organizational performance and productivity (Bakker Schaufeli 2008). Markos and Srivedi (2010) have asserted that interactions within the organization influence the direction of all strategic decisions. Effective communication is especially crucial when planning and implementing changes (Boxall Purcel l 2012). Virgin Atlantic should develop systems that enhance internal communication between executives and the employees. These initiatives should pay more attention on the input of junior staff. The free flow of information and mutual trust will help the company to implement change. Fourth, Virgin Atlantic should establish a robust performance management system of providing feedback. Change is a continuous process that mandates constant monitoring and evaluation to identify gaps and opportunities (Frees 2008). The company should conduct regular surveys to determine the factors that drive engagement. Endres and Mancheno-Smoak (2008) have shown that this activity enables the HR and line managers to concentrate on the aspects of engagement that have a fundamental influence on the employees. The top management should use the evidence from the surveys to develop SMART (Specific-Measurable-Accountable-Realistic-Time bound) action-oriented plans. Further, it is essential for the top manag ement to demonstrate their commitment to employee engagement. Gonos and Gallo (2013) have opined that the followers are often sceptical when the top management does not believe in employee engagement. In fact, Frees (2008) has found out the actions taken by leaders influence the direction of their followers. For example, the Virgin Atlantic CEO should lead by example by owning the process before passing it down to the low-level managers and employees. According to Markos and Sridevi (2010), lip services that are not commensurate with commitment portray employee engagement as a corporate or HR fad. Thus, the top management of Virgin Atlantic should match their words with actions. Strategic Human Resource Management The HR function is increasingly becoming an integrated component of strategic thinking considering the role that employees play in the realization of organizational goals (Henderson 2011). The role of employees in supporting the achievement of strategic objectives has supp orted the introduction and development of the Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM). SHRM evolved in the 1990s to facilitate the promotion of a value-driven, integrative, and proactive approach to human resource management (Reyner 2009). The primary goal of SHRM is to assimilate HR practices into the organizational strategy. Thus, SHRM is crucial to facilitate the active participation of employees in making strategic decisions (Henderson 2011). Virgin Atlantic faces the challenge of making strategic decisions just like the other players in the industry. Most airliners are now outsourcing some of the previously held in-house functions to respond adequately to industry fluctuations (Wang Wang 2015). One of these approaches has been the adoption of the Shared Services approach. This strategic decision has helped Virgin Atlantic to expand its services to the international markets (Balmforth 2009). Conversely, Bakker and Schaufeli (2008) have found out that most companies do not in clude the HR functions in the development of their strategic plans. Consequently, the employees are often dissatisfied or resist change because they do not own the strategic processes (Ramphal 2011). The SHRM should assume a crucial role in employee engagement and participation processes. Mergers and acquisitions (MA) have become prevalent in the aviation and other industries. The essence of MA is to enhance productivity and efficiency by rationalising the use of scarce resources (Claydon Beardwell 2007). Virgin Atlantic merged with Delta Airlines in 2013 as a means of reducing costs and enhancing the delivery of transatlantic services. The transatlantic partnership was critical to counter the competition from its fiercest rival, the British Airways (Gregory 2014). Despite its benefits, this merger has brought to the limelight practical challenges. For instance, Delta may decide to realign the HR function since it will own 49% of Virgin Atlantic’s shares. Such an action migh t result into employee rationalisation to reduce costs. The scenario presented above highlights the significance of adopting the SHRM by Virgin Atlantic. The elemental concern is that the failure to adopt efficient HR practices during the development of Shared Services and MA contributes to failure (Creasy, Stull Peck 2009). The primary function of the HR managers is to facilitate employee engagement and participation during the change processes (Denison, Adkins Guidroz 2011). According to Rayner (2009), the achievement of this goal necessitates the development of HR systems that are both adaptable and compatible with the strategic choices. Virgin Atlantic continues to undergo significant transformations to remain productive and competitive. As such, it is essential for the company to increase the scope of SHRM practices. The adoption of the SHRM function will require the inclusion and involvement of HR managers in strategic decision-making processes. The HR managers should not be bystanders but rather equal partners alongside the other senior managers (Creasy et al. 2009). Denison et al. (2011) have found out that such opportunities ensure that the HR managers present the employees’ concerns from the outset. The misrepresentation of employees amounts to a violation of labour laws. Virgin Atlantic will avoid the consequences of litigation if it addresses the demands of workers before implementing strategic decisions. One of the areas that the company should optimise on is the delegation of some of the HR practices to the line managers. The line managers have a frequent and direct contact with employees. As such, these employees are more conversant with the needs of these employees than the senior HR managers do (Purcell Hutchinson 2007). Some of the functions of the line managers include interviewing prospective candidates and making recommendations for salary increments (Frees 2008). Nonetheless, the company should only assign the HR duties to the l ine managers who have appropriate skills and competencies. The senior HR managers should form strategic partnerships with the line managers. This collaboration will facilitate the provision of resources and training to ensure that the HR practices are in line with the established policies (McLeod Clarke 2009). Another crucial component of SHRM that Virgin Atlantic should consider is the development of an innovative selection and recruitment system. The competitive and dynamic nature of the airline industry mandates the identification of appropriate talents to realise organisational goals. A rigorous recruitment and selection system creates a sense of high expectations about performance (Marchington Wilkinson 2012). The mismatch between organisational demands and personal capabilities increases the risk of poor performance (McLeod Clarke 2009). The company should complement these efforts by developing comprehensive career development and training programmes. For instance, the pilo ts should undergo in-house training regularly to update their skills of using modern technologies. Finally, the trend of globalisation has diversified global communities. This diversity also manifests in HR practices (Markos Sridevi 2010). Virgin Atlantic must adopt and implement inclusion policies to provide equal employment opportunities by promoting a distinctive corporate culture. An organizational culture that emphasises mutual respect will enable the company to achieve its strategic goals (Frees 2008). Such customs will make the company attractive to both customers and prospective employees from diverse cultural backgrounds. Markos Sridevi (2010) have indicated that companies improve their performance and productivity when they harmonise organizational cultures. Bakker and Schaufeli (2008) have noted that the poor management of diverse cultures causes conflict. Personal Reflections on Effective Leadership Styles The preceding sections have highlighted the significance of emp loyee engagement and strategic human resource management (SHRM). The common theme between these two components is the employer-employee relationships, particularly the interaction between managers and the junior staff. These aspects then bring to the forefront the issue of leadership. The volatility and uncertainty in the aviation industry call for a new style of leadership to facilitate innovative thinking and change management. The human resource executives should assume a leading role in developing the required generation of leaders. The starting point will entail the alignment of strategic priorities with the future demands for skilled talent. Employee engagement is one of the primary functions of change management. It is imperative to reiterate the fact that the airline industry will continue to encounter massive transformations. Conversely, the successful implementation of change will require leaders who are both transformative and visionary (Marquez 2007). Transformational le adership is central in management discourses and is the most applied style in modern society. A transformational leader influences the actions of followers by transforming their attitudes, perceptions, and beliefs about change (Gonos Gallo 2013). One of the major challenges faced by many organizations is achieving constant productivity and profitability. A transformational leader identifies the need for change and rallies followers towards realizing change (Alkahtani, Abu-Jared Suleiman 2010). The critical pillars of transformational leadership are visionary and coaching leadership styles (Chen Chen 2008). Virgin Atlantic will continue to experience continuous change. Nonetheless, not all the employees will be receptive to the change initiatives. The company CEO and other senior managers should adopt the transformational leadership style to influence planning and implementation processes efficiently. These leaders should share their visions and goals with the employees through co nsultations and active engagement. According to Gonos and Gallo (2013), transformational and visionary leaders do not impose change on their followers. The rapid transformations and advances in technology necessitate the development of continuous education programmes for the employees. These initiatives will ensure that the employees have the requisite skills and competencies that are in tandem with modern practices (Bakker Schaufeli 2008). The changing landscape of the airline industry has created the urgency for transformation. The top management of Virgin Atlantic should coach and train the employees to enhance productivity and profitability. The company cannot compete favourably in the volatile market unless it has highly skilled personnel. Marquez (2007) has affirmed that a transformative and visionary leader does not give orders and wait for progress reports. By contrast, such leaders are part of the operations team and lead by example (Purcell Hutchinson 2007). Leadership a nd management are common terms in academic and business discourses that generate divergent viewpoints. These discussions often centre on the perceived differences and similarities between the two concepts (Gonos Gallo 2013). Several definitions exist regarding theories, styles and attributes of leadership and management. Both leadership and management emphasize the coordination of the HR functions (Chen Chen 2008). The only difference lies in the manner in the coordination processed. While managers control the realisation of organizational goals, leaders influence people to embrace change (Alkahtani, Abu-Jared Suleiman 2010). The Virgin Atlantic CEO and other line managers should strike a balance between the two to achieve optimal outcomes. Conclusion Employee engagement has moved to the forefront as one of the most viable HRM practices. Nonetheless, there is no consensus on a single definition of employee engagement. Despite these contentions, employee management is a critical c omponent of human resource management. The concept of employee engagement is particularly crucial in the airline industry considering the dynamic and competitive nature of this service sector. Virgin Atlantic is one of the prominent airliners in the UK and across the globe. Although the company has remained productive and competitive, the external threats will most likely challenge this hegemony. As such, the company should adopt a strategic plan to remain afloat in a highly competitive market place. Virgin Atlantic should encourage employee engagement practices by fostering effective communication and interactions. Conversely, employee engagement is a complex and long-term process. The company will achieve this goal if it adopts broad cultural and organizational strategies that involves employees at all the organizational levels. The company should align these initiatives with the human resource practices. Change is inevitable in the aviation industry but the employees should be pa rt of the transformations. The company CEO and managers should foster transformational leadership styles to influence the employees to adapt to the change successfully. In conclusion, collaboration, strong communication and mutual trust should form the basis for implementing employee engagement. Reference List Alkahtani, AH, Abu-Jared, I Suleiman, M 2010, ‘The impact of personality and leadership styles on leading change capability of Malaysian managers’, Australian Journal of Business and Management Research, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 70-99. Armstrong, M., Taylor, S 2014, Armstrong’s handbook of human resource management practice, 13th edn, Kogan Page, London. Bakker, AB Schaufeli, WB 2008, ‘Positive organizational behaviour: engaged employees in flourishing organizations’, Journal of Organizational Behaviour, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 147–154. Balmforth, J 2009, Virgin Atlantic, Hersham, Midland. Boxall, P Purcell, J 2012, Strategy and human resource management , 4th edn, Palgrave Macmillan, Hampshire. Bratton, J Good, J 2012, Human resource management theory and practice, 5th edn, Palgrave MacMillian, Hampshire Chen, KJ Chen, SI 2008, ‘Personal traits and leadership styles of Taiwan’s higher educational institution in innovative operations’, Journal of American Academy of Business, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 145-150. Claydon, T Beardwell, J 2007, Human resource management: a contemporary approach, 5th edn, Prentice Hall, New York. Creasy, T, Stull, M Peck, S 2009, ‘Understanding employee-level dynamics within the merger and acquisition process’, Journal of General Management, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 21–42. Daniels, K., Davis, A Shipton, H 2008, Strategic HRM: building research based practice, Aston Centre for Human Resources, London. Denison, DR, Adkins, B Guidroz, AM 2011, ‘Managing cultural integration in cross-border mergers and acquisitions’, Advances in Global Leadership, vo l. 6, no. 4, pp. 95-115. Endres, GM Mancheno-Smoak, L 2008, ‘The human resource craze: human performance improvement and employee engagement’, Organizational Development Journal, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 69-78. Frees, M 2008, ‘The word is out: we need an active performance concept for modern workplaces’, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, vol. 1, no 1, pp. 67–69. Getenby, M, Rees, C, Soane, EC Truss, K 2009, Employee engagement in context, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, London. Gonos, J Gallo, P 2013, ‘Model for leadership style evaluation’, Management, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 157-168. Gregory, M 2014, Dirty tricks: British Airways’ secret war against Virgin Atlantic, Hersham, Midland. Henderson, I 2011, Human resource management for MBA students, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, London. MacLeod, D Clarke, N 2009, Engaging for success: enhancing performance through employee engagement, Office of Public Sector Information, London. Marchington, M Wilkinson, A 2012, Human resource management at work: people management and development, 5th edn, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, London. Markos, S Sridevi, MS 2010, ‘Employment engagement: the key to improving performance’, International Journal of Business and Management, vol. 5, no. 12, pp. 89-96. Marquez, JF 2007, ‘On impassionate leadership: a comparison between leaders from divergent walks of life’, International Journal of Leadership Studies, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 98-125. Purcell, J Hutchinson, S 2007, ‘Front-line managers as agents in the HRM-performance causal chain: theory, analysis and evidence’, Human Resource Management Journal, vol. 17, pp. 3-20. Ramphal, RR 2011, ‘A quality framework for services in shared service environments’, Journals of Contemporary Management, vol. 8, no. 21, pp. 223-238. Rayner, C 2009, Managing and leading people, 2nd edn, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, London. Wang, S Wang H 2015, ‘Shared services management: critical factors’, International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 37-53. This report on Managing People: The Case of Virgin Atlantic was written and submitted by user Man-Thing to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Life and Works of Picasso essays

Life and Works of Picasso essays It takes a long time to become young -Pablo Picasso Picasso was not only an extremely influential artist but was also politically active. He lived to be 92 years old and his life grew to be incredibly famous. He stood apart from the crowd, standing by his own political views even if they were not the norm at the time. Picasso was also a free thinker with his artwork. He had a unique style and due to this, he became the first artist to have fame during his lifetime. Picasso was born in 1881, Malaga, Spain. His parents Don Jose Ruiz and Dona Maria Lopez named him Pablo Ruiz Picasso. Pablo Picasso was baptized at the Iglesia de Santiago. Picasso was declared a delicate child due to an illness that affected his kidneys in the time between 1881-1890. He was sent to a private school where he never gained a full grasp of the alphabet or arithmetic. During this time he began to draw and paint under his fathers tuition. He overcomes his delicate description and enters secondary school and social activities with enthusiasm. He also shows this enthusiasm with his artwork. During the blue period (1901-1903) Picassos paintings focused mainly on the color blue. This particular color is effective in conveying a somber tone. The reason for picking blue, a depressing tone, was the suicide of Picassos' friend Casagemas. The blue period work is quite sentimental, but we must keep in mind that Picasso was still a teen, away from home for the first time, living in very poor conditions in Barcelona. Why blue dominated Picassos paintings during this time period remains unexplained. Possible influences could be photographs with a blush tinge popular at the time, poetry that stressed the color of blue in its imagery, or the paintings of French artists such as Eugene Carriere or Claude Monlet who based many of their paintings on color. Another explanat...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Edna St. Vincent Millays My Candle Burns at Both Ends

Edna St. Vincent Millay's My Candle Burns at Both Ends When award-winning poet  Edna St. Vincent Millay  died of a heart attack on Oct. 19, 1950, the New York Times noted that she was well known for crafting a poem that ended my candle burns at both ends. The newspaper of record pointed out that critics viewed the line of verse as frivolous, but that hadnt stopped Millay from surfacing as an idol of the younger generation during the 1920s. Today, the poet,  born on Feb.  22, 1892, is no longer an idol to youth, but her poetry is widely taught in schools.  She remains an inspiration to both feminists and the LGBT community. With this brief overview of Millays frivolous work, First Fig, the poem in which the candle line appears, get a better understanding of the verses context and its reception after it was published. Text of First Fig First Fig appeared in Millays poetry collection  A Few Figs from Thistles: Poems and Four  Sonnets, which debuted in  1920. It was just the young poets second collection of poems. Her first, Renascence: and other poems, came out three years earlier.  The critics who dismissed First Fig had no idea that Millay would go on to win the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1923 for  The Ballad of the Harp Weaver. She was only the third woman to win the Pulitzer in the poetry category. Perhaps because First Fig was just a single stanza, it was easily memorized and came to be the work with which Millay is most associated. The poem is as follows: My candle burns at both endsIt will not last the night;But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends -It gives a lovely light. First Fig Analysis and Reception Because First Fig is such a short poem, its easy to think that theres not much to it, but that isnt the case. Think about what it means to have a candle that burns at both ends. Such a candle burns twice as fast as other candles.  Then, think about what a candle may represent. It could symbolize Millays erotic passions, giving the poem an entirely different context. Someone whose desires burn out twice as quickly as anothers may not make for a longtime love but is certainly more passionate than the average mate. According to the Poetry Foundation,  A Few Figs from Thistles cemented Millays reputation of  madcap youth and rebellion, provoking the disapproval of critics. The collection is known for its   flippancy, cynicism and frankness, the foundation notes. More Work by Millay While Millay made a name for herself with Figs, critics seem to think that her next poetry collection,  Second April  (1921), is a better reflection of her skills as a poet. The volume contains both free verse and sonnets, which Millay excelled at as a poet.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

He owners of land can suffer harm and Tort serves to rectify the Essay

He owners of land can suffer harm and Tort serves to rectify the situation. Is this true with regard to real property - Essay Example However, in mordern days, most of the tort cases related to land property are highly subject to a lot of other considerations such as the public interests and distance to the exact location of the land owner’s property among others. In response to the continuously changing reforms within the English legal system, commercial property lawyers should consider all other statutory guidelines which can directly affect the judges’ final decision when it comes to torts related to land property. For example, when dealing with cases related to â€Å"aggravated trespass in buildings†, commercial property lawyers should consider the guidelines stipulated under the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 20032. There are cases wherein the land owners can suffer from harm. In line with this, the main purpose of this study is to determine whether or not Tort law in UK can serve as a solution to situations wherein the land owners are suffering from harm. As a common knowledge, the scope of th e English tort law is too broad. Therefore, in relation to different kind of tort law, this study will make use of several past and current cases to examine the extend in which tort law can rectify situations related to real property. Examples of Tort Cases Related to Real Property Nuisance is legally defined as â€Å"a wrongful interference with the plaintiff’s use or enjoyment of property†3. Unlike in the case of trespassing, nuisance is pertaining to an indirect act of invading or entering the property of another person whether it be an object or not4. Under the English tort law, the land owners can sue another party that causes direct or indirect damages to the property, nuisances, or negligence. For instance, in the case of Miller v Jackson5, Mr. and Mrs. Miller (the plaintiffs) legally sued the chairman of a cricket club in County Durham (defendant) for nuisance and negligence6. Due to close geographical situation with the club (approax. 100 feet), there were ins tances wherein the cricket balls could hit the Miller’s property causing minor damages not only to the house paint but also to their brickworks and roof tiles7, 8, 9. Furthermore, the Millers were also at risk of physical injury each time there is a cricket game10. To address the problem, the club took some measures by putting up a fence and boundary walls. It even came to a point wherein the club offered the Millers ?400 for the minor property damages and promised them that the club would invest in putting up a net to protect the Millers’ garden. Since the Millers were not contented with the said arrangement, the couple filed a case against the club. After hearing the case, Reeve J. decded that the club should pay the Millers the amount of ?150 for the damages, inconvenience, and invasion of Millers’ property11. After the plaintiffs appealed the case, both Geoffrey Lane LJ and Cumming-Bruce LJ12 supported the Millers’ side explaining that the situation c an cause serious nuisance to the couple and each time the cricket ball would cross-over the Millers’ fence and cause damges to the Millers’ property makes the club guilty of negligence13, 14, 15. Because of the need to balance the public interests (i.e. the people who were accustomed in playing the crickets in that area for the past 70 years) with the interest of the property owner close within the said jurisdiction16, 17, 18, 19, Lord Denning decided that the club

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Argument Related to Family and Identity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Argument Related to Family and Identity - Essay Example of the immediate function which start with the family we are in, that is passed to the extended family as one has to borrow much from them as we interact. The school is another institution that plays a key role in defining the identity of a person. It is at the school that one makes important decisions in life that determine his life and therefore heads one to a given social class. The interaction with other students also plays a key role in unleashing ones potential and bringing out the new identity one has to adopt. This essay will therefore look at the building of my identity and why I am the person I am today. The person I am today is the product formed after interacting with many people. I have therefore inherited or gained many aspects from various people and I cannot attribute all my characters to a single person. Starting with the biological self, I must inherit some characteristics from my parents which is also inherited from my ancestors. This defines many of my characters and perceptions on top of various biological aspects such as height, complexion, race etc. Biological identity links me to my family. This places me in a family and so I get my first identity which includes a name that links me to my family. Every child is introduced in a family set up which is his or her first source of identity. That is the reason most kids adopt the habits that they see being practiced in the place where they are. This is also important introducing a child to a certain social class. If the parents are well financially, the child will live a good life and therefore he will not have an idea of ho w people live in financial constraints. Upon being born I was therefore linked to my nuclear family and later to the extended family. This simple society has the codes they follow and the norms the do. This are the ideologies I held to first and of which some I still retain. However, as one grows up, he starts to question some of the ideologies the ancestors or the elder

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Homage to My Hips Essay Example for Free

Homage to My Hips Essay The theme of Lucille Clifton’s â€Å"Homage to my hips† concentrates on a proud, strong, and powerful woman who is absolutely in love with her hips. Clifton’s tone throughout the poem focuses highly on her big hips. Not once does the she speak negatively about them. She feels absolutely wonderful about her big hips, making her feel so confident and full-bodied all at the same time. She gives off many reasons to why her hips make her modest, but full of pride. The beginning of ’Homage to my hips† illustrates the confidence that the speaker has about her hips. â€Å"These hips are big hips† (1) demonstrate how the speaker is proud of her big hips and does not mind what others may think about her hips. I feel like the speaker would be disappointed if she had little hips. The speaker knows that her hips are big and they need additional room when she explains â€Å"they need space to/move around in† (2/3). The speaker knows her hips do not fit into little places. The speaker of â€Å"Homage to my hips† is definitely not ashamed of her considerably large hips. After the speaker talks about her proud qualities as it pertains to her hips she moves on to speak about why her hips make her strong. In the lines â€Å"these hips/are free hips (5-6) the speaker demonstrates that her hips do what they want to do. Her wide hips have no limitations. â€Å"These hips have never been enslaved† (7) shows the speaker has never been controlled and she can uphold her freedom by herself. The speaker shows her strong side by stating â€Å"they go where they want to go/they do what they want to do† (8-9). The big hips do not make her feel weak. Finally Clifton speaks about how her hips make her powerful. I think that when the speaker states that â€Å"these hips are mighty hips/these hips are magic hips† (11-12) would give a sense that she can get certain things from a man or give a man a certain feeling. Also, the magic of the hips could attract a lover perhaps. I have known them/to put a spell on a man and/spin him like a top† (13-15) suggests that she knows her big hips are sexy and she can still have a sense of sexiness despite her big hips. She knows that her big hips can be a great turn on for a man. Her hips could make a man go wild if she so desired. In conclusion, the theme of Lucille Clifton’s poem gives a woman of bigger hip nature a sense of pride, strength, and prowess. Despite the need for additional room for movement, the woman in this poem is neither disappointed nor ashamed. She has the freedom to explore wherever she wants. She does not allow anyone to hold her back. Finally, the powerful natures of her big hips coincide with both sex appeal and an attraction. In the end she is satisfied with her big hips. Works Cited Clifton, Lucille. â€Å"Homage to my hips.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Drugs Essay -- essays papers

Drugs An issue of personal, local, and national concern that I would like to focus in this essay is drugs. There are many reasons why I find drugs to be an issue of great importance to me. First, drugs is a personal issue to me. For most of my life, I have been living in places where drugs have surrounded me. For the past ten years, I have been living in the Duncan Projects in Jersey City, where the temptation of selling, buying, or even using drugs seems to be growing every day. Every day I see older people and even young kids engaging in the act of buying, selling, and using drugs. I ask myself why do people get involved in drugs; is it because of a financial need? Sometimes people believe that having a lot of money makes them a success, but they are wrong. People also be...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Kate Chopin’s “Desiree’s Baby” Essay

Kate Chopin’s â€Å"Desiree’s Baby† is a short story set in Louisiana in the late 1800’s. Slavery was still prominent in society, and the color of a person’s skin chose what caste he or she would occupy. Desiree has married Armand Aubigny, a wealthy bachelor. The origin of Desiree’s family is shrouded in mystery; she was found by her adoptive parents, the Valmonde’s, when she was young. Years later, Armand and Desiree have a son, whom they both adore. But after three months, their son has gotten darker in skin tone. Armand instantly recoils from both him and Desiree. His coldness towards them eventually leads Desiree to the bayou, their son in hand. After weeks of no contact from his wife, Armand burns all of her things, where he stumbles upon a letter from his mother. It reveals that he is the son of a slave woman. The major theme Chopin was using throughout â€Å"Desiree’s Baby† is the impact society has on race. If a person was white, he or she was considered superior to other races. A white man could vote, own property, and run for council; though a white woman wouldn’t receive these rights until the 1960’s, she was still held in a higher position than a black woman or man. Blacks had little rights given to them, and it still took a hundred years before they were viewed as equals. Mixed children weren’t exactly rare; some white slave owners thought little of taking advantage of one of their black house-keepers or slaves. If the child had lighter skin, sometimes they were treated better. Such is the case with Armando. By the end of the story, Chopin drops a bomb that leaves her audience with a chill: Armand’s mother was African-American, meaning Armand was a slave’s son. It wasn’t Desiree who gave their son his dark skin, it was Armand. Armand was incredibly narrow-minded, as he no longer cares for either his wife or his child because he thought Desiree’s genes gave their son dark skin. Although intolerance towards blacks wasn’t exactly unpopular back in the 19th century, Armand takes it to a new level when he doesn’t attempt to stop Desiree from leaving. He was smitten with her from the moment he laid eyes on her, and yet at the thought of having a diluted bloodline, his adoration transformed into hatred. Chopin was making a point when she allowed the story to end the way it did. She is noted for writing about taboo topics that women normally didn’t breach, such as women’s role as subservient characters to the male-dominated society. Although she was just writing a short story, she also wanted to leave the reader with lasting emotions once the story ended. Desiree killed herself, as well as her son, because she couldn’t stand the repulsion Armand felt towards her. With ethnicity being the major theme of this short story, I have chosen that topic as my critical approach. It’s clear that Chopin was focusing more on the injustice served to blacks then any sort of injustice women were handed in 1800’s society.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Advantages Of City Life Essay

Sometime you may be think, the city life is better than village life. However there are so many advantages in city life. Actually the city life is more comfortable. As well as there are more opportunities for people to progress in their lives. There are a lot of facilities for people in the city and they have more opportunities for making money. Children living in the city can get a good education, because there are better schools in the town than in the village. When a person falls ill there are good government and private hospitals in the city to get treatment. There are large shop complexions, banks, offices, theaters, hostels, clubs, hospitals etc. in and around the city. People in the city have better transport facilities than the village. There is electricity, highway, communication, telecommunication, plumb facilities in the city. So people can lead a comfortable and enjoyable life in the city. Although living in the city has many advantages. Read more: Village life vs city life essay 1. People easily adapt themselves to city life; noise, traffic, etc. are hardly noticed. 2. There are many reasons why city life is preferable: there are more places for entertainment. 3. It is good to be near one’s friends and never cut off by weather conditions. 4. Life is never dull; there is always something to do. 5. There are better schools and services in big cities. 6. There are more chances for employment. There is a greater range of jobs and the pay is higher. 7. There is more opportunity to succeed in life. 8. There is more opportunity to meet a variety of interesting people. 9. Living standards are higher in cities 10. It is easier to earn more money. 11. The educational level is higher; it is a better place for children. 12. The teachers in the schools are better. 13. There is more choice of schools. 14. The shopping has a wider variety and prices are better. Although the life in the city is more comfortable than village life. village is not devolved area here we can’t get easily many facilities like transportation facilities, higher education facility, irrigation facility, electricity facility, health facility, communication facilities etc. Many peoples of village they most have done hard work in their field to produce many kind of grain production but the out come is little than their labor. They use to go long distant to take drinking water. There is no transportation facility that’s why they walk on foot to go one place to another place. Here are some disadvantages of village life no proper hospital nearby. no proper road, only dusty little paths. no shops close by. education is less available. villagers have to walk for miles to get fresh water. 1. City has many advantages over village, because city modern life facility are easily available, as telephone , gas , internet, schools, colleges, universities, hospitals,industries,factories, roads, airports, railway stations and many more, but most village are deprived of these many facilities like many villages no facility of gas, telephone , roads, etc. 2. City life is more advanced then village life, because in city you can get education facilities easily, you can find college or university of your own choice, more ever you can learn modern technologies easily in city from skilled person, but unfortunately these facilities are not easily available. 3. City people have more job opportunities have as compare to people living in villages, in city you can find job in factory or even you can start your own business, where is village is mostly agriculture based, so they mostly depend upon agriculture crops income. 4. In city you can find different health facilities like different government and private hospitals , but in village you can not find more health facilities. DISADVANTAGES OF CITY LIFE. there are some disadvantages too. The cost of living is very high in the city. Most goods are very expensive. There is no fresh air and pure water. The environment is polluted with dust, smoke, garbage and dioxide gases from factories. Most of the people who live in the city are corrupted. So there are lots of crimes in the city. Many thefts and murders often take place in the city. The city is always busy and noisy. There are a lot of vehicles and people in the road. The streets are dusty and unclean. So it is hard to lead a healthy life in the city. As well as there are so many advantages in the village life. Mainly the people of the village live in unity and peace. The villagers earn money very hard and earn money enough for live. So they live less competition with each other. So they can reach a good position. They have more friends in the community since it is small. The village people always try to protect their traditional habits and culture. The village has clean air and the environment is very beautiful. The village has less noise and rush. So the pollution is less. The village has not lot of vehicles. So roads are less dangerous for driving cycling. They can get fresh vegetables and fresh fruits. The environment of the village is pleasant and silent and it has scenic beauty. The village has not only good points, but also it has bad points. The village has intelligent people. But many people are not educated. Villager’s children go to the village’s school. They are not go to the city’s school. They have difficult to keep up with new developments in their field or profession. Same day villagers live same place. Village people have to face many difficulties for their lives , like traveling problems. They have to go to the city for supply their needs. Although the life in the city is more comfortable than village, I like village life than city. 5. But in city there are also some problems like pollution, traffic jam, tension and you have no free time to meet with relatives and friends, these problem are not found in villages, because of this village people are more healthier and energetic, because they have pure food available them no pollution problems.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Practicing International Management Case essay

Practicing International Management Case essay Practicing International Management Case essay Practicing International Management Case essayMTV is one of the largest networks operating internationally and has a considerable pact on the global culture. At the same time, the impact of the MTV culture on adolescents is so significant that adolescents may change their perception of their traditional culture. However, the MTV culture is based on western standards and these standards refer not only to the cultural domain but also to the material one. This is why teens from other countries, including under-developed countries may be willing to own items, which are unaffordable for their families because of the low level of income. As a result, the MTV culture has a negative impact on the interpersonal relations within families and cultural changes that occur in different countries of the world under the impact of MTV may be negative. These cultural changes widen the gap between the reality teens live in and MTV cultural values and standards, which are unattainable in many countries of the world. therefore, the lack of localization of MTV products and culture leads the gap between the MTV-based culture of teens and the surrounding reality.The overall success of MTV was not only the cultural success but also the technological one. For instance, the emergence of satellite television and progress of internet were the major contributors that made MTV the global network. These technologies facilitated the global expansion of MTV and MTV culture. Moreover, the current progress of technologies opens wider opportunities for MTV to enhance its position in the global market and increase its cultural impact globally. However, MTV may face the growing opposition from the part of local communities, unless the company changes its cultural policies.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Simple Crier (to Shout) Verb Conjugations in French

Simple Crier (to Shout) Verb Conjugations in French To shout or to scream in French uses the verb  crier. Its an easy one to remember if you remember that you cry out when you scream. Transforming it into the past, present, or future tense requires a verb conjugation and a quick lesson will show you how its done. Conjugating the French Verb  Crier The conjugations of French verbs  are a little complicated. You must, of course, change the ending to match the tense, but theres also a new ending used for each subject pronoun. That means you have more words to commit to memory. The good news is that  crier  is a  regular -ER verb  and it follows a very common verb conjugation pattern. The infinitive endings you see here are the same youll find in conjugations of  crà ©er  (to create),  fà ¢cher  (to make angry), and countless other verbs. To study these conjugations, pair the subject pronoun with the proper tense. For instance, I shout is je crie and we will scream is nous crierons Practicing these in various contexts will help with your memorization. Subject Present Future Imperfect je crie crierai criais tu cries crieras criais il crie criera criait nous crions crierons criions vous criez crierez criiez ils crient crieront criaient The Present Participle of Crier Adding -ant  to the verb stem  cri-  creates the  present participle  criant. This is a verb, of course, though you may also use it as an adjective, gerund, or noun in some circumstances. The Past Participle and Passà © Composà © The  passà © composà ©Ã‚  is another form of the past tense. It requires the  past participle  crià ©, which is attached to the subject pronoun and a conjugation of  avoir  (an  auxiliary, or helping, verb). Putting the passà © composà © together is rather simple: I screamed becomes jai crià © and we shouted is nous avons crià ©. More Simple Crier  Conjugations The subjunctive verb form is used when the action of shouting is questionable, subjective, or uncertain. Similarly, the conditional verb form implies that the action may not happen unless something else happens. Primarily found in literature, you may not use the passà © simple nor the imperfect subjunctive yourself. However, you should be able to recognize them as a form of  crier. Subject Subjunctive Conditional Pass Simple Imperfect Subjunctive je crie crierais criai criasse tu cries crierais crias criasses il crie crierait cria crit nous criions crierions crimes criassions vous criiez crieriez crites criassiez ils crient crieraient crirent criassent A very useful form of  crier  is the imperative verb form. This is used for exclamations and when using it, you can skip the subject pronoun: use crie rather than tu crie. Imperative (tu) crie (nous) crions (vous) criez

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Online Shopping Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Online Shopping - Term Paper Example With the increased exchange of products via the internet, the economy has been able to gain tremendously. Secondly, online shopping requires the services of middle-businessmen who will transport the products to the buyers. The middlemen serve an important purpose of ensuring the products and services are availed at the most appropriate time. This creates job opportunities to the many people that are unemployed (Miller 121). With such a development, the new economy develops since there are some people that have a disposable amount of income which is spent in the economy. Therefore, it is evident that online shopping has developed the proceeds of the economy by creating job opportunities and enhancing the economy through constant exchange of products from the sellers to the buyers. Similarly, it has enabled constant flow of money in the economy since the quality of products is improved. The buyers and sellers are the first hand benefiters from online shopping. Online shopping connects buyers to sellers in a more elaborate and easy manner. First, buyers get to know the location of sellers and how they can be contacted. This eases the process of acquiring products and services. As such, the buyers will have an easy time in locating the sellers. Secondly, the buyers will not waste time looking for an appropriate supplier of the products that need (Rich 167). This is convenient to people that have a busy schedule. As such, they will spend limited time in contacting an appropriate seller of the products they need. Thirdly, buyers do not have to physically access the sellers’ shop for the products. They can make communications via the internet and provide all the information that is needed. This eases the... Online shopping has had an effect on traditional shopping in a number of aspects. First, online shopping has reduced the number of people that rely on traditional shopping. For instance, this has reduced the number of people that physically access shopping centers and the market to buy products and services. Secondly, online shopping has increased the number of people that use electronic cash transfers in buying products. This has affected traditional shopping since very few people carry hard cash. This has had negative effects on traditional shopping since impulse buying has been reduced. As such, people that do not use online selling tactics are disadvantaged. Thirdly, online shopping has changed the world in that people expect to be supplied with the products they have bought. Many people expect the products to be delivered at their homesteads and door steps after making a purchase. This affects traditional shopping negatively since it does not have such services.Though online sho pping has its favored advantages, it has a number of drawbacks. First, there are some products that are not sold online. This makes it hard for a seller to attract some customers online.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Small Business Enterprise Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Small Business Enterprise - Assignment Example around 54 employees but has been voted by the Sunday times as the top ranked till managed to in its own respect. It is a small private firm that is based in London and has been established in the year 2009 (Best Companies, 2013). It is a great matter of pride for the company as the staff turnover is quite less. Moreover, the company is seen to employ young candidates who are of the age of 29 on an average. Considering all of these aspects, it can be said that small businesses if properly managed can lead to smooth flow of the business activities. In this respect, another small business i.e. TPP SystmOne which is specialized in delivering internet services to the consumers’ (Goundrey-Smith, 2012). TPP has been considered to be the best company for a fourth time pertaining to the review of the Sunday Times. Moreover, the company has also been bestowed with a special award as the best improver in the division of internet services. Moreover, it has been ascertained that the compan y has been heading towards the roadway of success. 1.1 Strengths/Weaknesses of the two companies In relation to Strengths/Weaknesses of Cloudreach, it can be said that the company operating with such a small number of employees and getting recognized at a larger scale is one of the major strengths of the company (Cloudreach, 2013). Another aspect that represents the strengths of the company is that it has been able to grab the top position for the cloud computing services that it renders to its customers’. Moreover, the company is responsible for providing a wide array of services namely: migration services, services relating to application development, managed services and consultancy services among others. The aforementioned services being rendered by the company reflects about its accelerated strengths irrespective of its size. In keeping up with the fact about the company’s strength, it assists in maintaining sustainability within the competitive market scenario. H owever, the small size and less employee turnover can be considered as the weakness of the Company i.e. Cloudreach. In relation to the aspects associated with this factor, it can be said that if the company plans for following expansion strategies in the near future then its small size may prove to be a hindrance in its growth (Cloudreach, 2013). On the other hand, the company i.e. TPP SystmOne endures certain major strengths that will enable the company to be in a much favourable position in near future. The company is mainly responsible for developing high end software that delivers fruitful sources of information to numerous health professionals around the world. This factor adds up to the strengths of the company to a greater extent (TPP SystmOne, 2013). The major weakness of the company can be considered as the small size. This factor can prove to be quite disadvantageous for the company if it goes for an expansion in diversified field worldwide. Furthermore, the company is spe cialized in the field of medicines and provides useful information pertaining to the best use of medicines. It does not reflect much diversity in its services which can prove to be a major weakness for the company (Beisse,

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Investment in an Uncertain World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Investment in an Uncertain World - Essay Example 10,000,000 = 6,000,000 + 1,000,000 + G G = 10,000,000 – 6,000,000 – 1,000,000 = G = 3,000,000 G as a percentage of GDP = (G divided by Y) and multiplied by 100. =(3,000,000/10,000,000) *100 = = 30 per cent. (ii) Calculate households’ savings as a percentage of GDP. Explain your calculations. (6 marks) In this situation, Y = C + I + G (Savings = Investment = Gross Capital Formation) Therefore, Y = C + S + G. And S as the percentage of Y = (S/Y)* 100 = (1,000,000/10,000,000) *100 = = 0.10 * 100 = 10 per cent Therefore, households’ savings are 10 per cent of GDP. 1b. Now imagine an unexpected shock to the economy (not predicted by the majority of economists and other experts), which hits households’ confidence so that they increase their savings until these amount to 25 per cent of GDP. (i) Under Say’s Law, what is the mechanism by which firms’ investment is expected to change and what will its new value be? J. B. Say, a French classical economist, says supply creates its own demand until the equilibrium between the two is reached. By extension, Say’s law also applies to money market. When there is a glut of savings, there will be more supply of money than demand. As a result, interest rate for borrowing will come down and investment will increase. In this given case, since the savings have increased to 25 percent of GDP, investment should also increase by the same ratio of GDP. Thus, market finds the equilibrium between demand and supply for money through variations in interest rate. (ii) According to the demand-side approach, explain why firms might not necessarily adjust their investment plans. The demand-side approach argues that investors do not automatically make their investment because demand has increased. To invest, they have to be confident about the future – for the demand to sustain. Investments are often long term about which we know very little. Keynes says, ‘If we speak frankly, w e have to admit that our basis of knowledge for estimating the yield 10 year hence of a railway, a copper mine, a textile factory, the goodwill of a patent medicine, an Atlantic liner, a building in the City of London amounts to little and sometimes nothing’ (Keynes, quoted in Walsh, 2008, p. 63). In such a situation of uncertainty, the animal spirit of investors drives investors to invest. Investors wait for that spirit, which gives them confidence, to develop before they invest. This explains the fluctuation in investments and departure from the supply-demand equilibrium. For instance, in the 1999 recession, ‘the reduction in output of 1.4 per cent coincided with an 8.1 percent fall in investment’ (Trigg, 2010, p. 230). In conclusion, investors do not make adjustments in their investment plan until they are confident about making money. (iii) If firms did not change their investment plans, explain what would be the consequences for national income and how fisca l policy might be used to address this situation. (11 marks) Investment has a direct impact on national income, and fiscal policy often encourages firms to invest in order to restore the gap between savings and investment. Government expenditure is one of the key components of national income. When government increases its expenditure, national income rises; when it decreases its spending, national income also declines. Government thus can influence national income. Classical economics believes that savings and

Monday, October 28, 2019

Media Violence Essay Example for Free

Media Violence Essay Television has been considered as part of entertainment of the society. Mass media has been recognized as the giver and provider of the information needed by the public. These two terms have too many influences and greatly affects the lives of the people in the society which make them important elements in this post modern world. From gaining knowledge to entertainment, media has been having the reputation of providing all the information needed by the public. However, the society also points out the mass media as the greatest influence of aggressive behavior of the viewers. Through the movies and television shows that are being released by the media, people learn to conform and adopt the attitudes that are portrayed by the characters. The constant changing society has challenge the culture and values of the people around the world. The popular culture has been very influential making the society conform to the new trends. However, there are some factors in the society that are not changing regardless of the transparency of its effects. In other words, these are the aspects that affect the lives of the people negatively but still considered as adequate because of the acceptance of the mainstream. Media violence is one of the negative elements of the society but still existing despite the evident effects to the people. The Viewers and the Media Violence The behavior of the person shows the kind of television program he or she watches (Science Daily). Apparently, media violence does not affect only those who already understand the language and actions of a certain movie or television show. In fact, even the toddlers are being affected by these aggressive behaviors on screen. The people learn based on what they could see in their environment. Undeniably, mass media is one of the most influential factors that is present in this post modern world. The values that people adapt from their surroundings help in developing their personalities as they grow older. Since media has been the easiest tool in gaining information, it has also become an instrument to learn and adapt the culture of the society. The children that are just starting to learn in the society is being trained and influenced by the behaviors that are being portrayed in movies and television programs. Everyday, a home is being penetrated not only by thousands of advertisers that persuade every member of the family to buy a certain product. In fact, the television serves as the bridge of the people to the fictional world that are perfectly created by the mass media. Thousands of scenes from television shows and advertisements are being portrayed and most of them are adopted influencing the mind and personality of an individual. Countless murders and other acts of violence are shown making the audience feel the danger present outside their homes. The martial arts battle, shootings, knifings, fistfights, and exploding cars are just few of the scenes that can be watched on movies or television shows. These acts of violence are usually done by the heroes and villains who often serve as the role models for the young adults in the society (Freedman 4). The aggressive behaviors that the children often see on screen are committed by the live actors or even animated figures that appear in the best movies as well as the worst. On the other hand, the existence of violence in the society has not created by the media themselves. In fact violence has been in the society even before television was invented, movie houses were constructed, and video games were released. Aggression is a nature of man and it has been present even before the technology enter the scene. The public has been blaming the media for the aggression that their shows cause to the people especially to children; however, the media has been firm on telling that their aggressive shows represent the violence of the society. This issue has been at the heart of debate in the society. The presence of media relies on the elements of the society while the society relies on the information that are being offered by the mass media. Effects of Media Violence As the child becomes older, he or she is being accustomed with the information available in his or her surroundings. The internet, television shows, video games, and advertising are the sources of information of children nowadays (Wintour). The presence of media has undeniably influenced the young adults as they grow up to be mature individuals. The aggressive behaviors that they can see on television, movies, or even video games are being adapted and accepted to their own construction of reality. The child learns to hit his playmate when he gets mad, throw things when he is irritated, and shout when somebody did not pay attention to him. These are all examples of aggressive behaviors which may appear to be simple and normal attitude of a child. Oftentimes, the society fails to notice these simple behaviors as a problem that needs to be solved before it gets worse. The video games that are sold in the market with a goal to teach children to stand diversity has undeniably created an impression that it would enhance the knowledge of the young adults in technology and eliminated the idea that this would trigger the aggressive behavior of the player. The children will play as the main character that is given a task to protect a territory and kill the animated figures that would hinder him to win the game. The concept of this game sets the mind of the young players to fight with the use of guns and knives (O’Hehir) Frequently, learning to behave aggressively is the tested effect of media violence. This effect is also referred to as instigation of aggressive impulses, disinhibition of socialization against aggressive behavior and imitation of violence (Potter, 25). The child may not show an aggressive behavior after watching series of violent shows but the child would definitely think that aggression is acceptable in the society. Moreover, the child may not imitate the actions that were portrayed by the media, but the scenes may create fear to the young minds of the viewers. Since the information on media sources are the most accessible source of knowledge, the viewers may accustomed them and accept them as part of reality. Media violence produces short-term increases by priming existing aggressive scripts and cognitions, increasing physiological arousal, and triggering an automatic tendency to imitate observed behaviors. Media violence produces long-term effects via several types of learning processes leading to the acquisition of lasting (and automatically accessible) aggressive scripts, interpretational schemas, and aggression-supporting beliefs about social behavior, and by reducing individuals normal negative emotional responses to violence (Anderson et al. 81). Apparently, mass media gives all the necessary information that the people need in order to function well in the society. The media may represent the events that often occur in the society but those should not also be the basis of the messages that are being conveyed to the audience. The real events are filmed and added with more spices to make the viewers buy what the media has prepared for them. Although aggression is long associated to human, there are still factors in the society that provoke people to behave aggressively. Mass media sells products to the public. These products do not consist only of the consumer goods that the society needs in order to survive. The television programs that are being shown to the public are products of mass media that the society willingly buys. Unquestionably, the media is an influential and powerful tool to make the society a better place; however, mass media sources have been very consistent in telling only the truth to their customers. The element of the society that should help the people to lessen the societal problems become an instrument to pass the negative aspects of the society from generation to generation. However, the people can still select the products carefully. Buying violent products is telling the media to produce more (Edgar 59). The society needs to be wiser in selecting the program that would portray less aggression and help the people to participate more on salient topic in the society rather than the fiction stories that affect negatively to the lives of the viewers. Works Cited Craig A. Anderson, Leonard Berkowitz, Edward Donnerstein, L. Rowell Huesmann, James D. Johnson, Daniel Linz, Neil M. Malamuth, Ellen Wartella. The influence of media violence on youth. Psychological Science in the Public Interest. USA: Association for Psychological Science. 2004. Volume 4 Issue 3 pp. 81-110 Edgar, Kathleen. Everything you need to know about media violence. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group, 2000 Freedman, Jonathan L. Media Violence and Its Effect on Aggression: Assessing the Scientific Evidence. Canada: University of Toronto Press, 2002 O’Hehir, Andrew. The Myth of Media Violence. March 17, 2005. Daily Newsletter. 11 March 2009. http://dir. salon. com/story/books/feature/2005/03/17/media/index. html Potter, James W. On Media Violence. USA: SAGE, 1999 Rutgers University. Media Violence Cited As Critical Risk Factor For Aggression. ScienceDaily 20 November 2008. 11 March 2009 http://www. sciencedaily. com ¬ /releases/2008/11/081119122632. htm. Wintour, Patrick. 5 September 2007. The Guardian. 11 March 2009 http://www. guardian. co. uk/politics/2007/sep/05/uk. media

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Othello :: essays research papers

Othello In Othello by William Shakespeare, the villain Iago has many motives for ruining the lives of Othello, Cassio, Desdemona, and Roderigo. They include jealousy, fears of infidelity, greed, and his anger at being passed on for a promotion. These passionate motives drives Iago, turning him into one of the most evil of villains Shakespeare has created.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Roderigo a solider in Othello’s army and once a courtier of Othello’s wife Desdemona is under Iago’s spell from the beginning. Iago’s manipulates him into aggravating Cassio, Iago’s rival and into giving him all his money to sway Desdemona. Iago tells Roderigo to,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å" But, sir, be you ruled by me: I have brought you up from Venice. Watch you tonight; for the command, I’ll lay’t upon you. Cassio knows you not. I’ll not be far from you: do you find some occasion to anger Cassio, either by speaking to loud, or tainting his discipline; or from what other course you please, which the time shall more favorably minister. â€Å" (Pg. 673) Roderigo does this for Iago promises it will make him look good in front of Desdemona. Iago needs to make Cassio suffer and manipulates Roderigo to do it by playing on Roderigo’s desire for Desdemona. Iago also uses Roderigo for his money as well as helping his evil plans,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å" Roderigo: I am changed: I’ll go sell all my land. Exit. Iago: Thus do I ever make my fool my purse; For I mine own gain’d knowledge should profane, If I would time expend with such a snipe, But for my sport and profit. â€Å" (Pg. 665) Simply put Iago explains that if it wasn’t for his plans and his desire for money he would have nothing to do with a fool like Roderigo.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Iago’s motives when it comes to Desdemona are quite the same. He uses the young girl as the object of Cassio’s desire to upset Othello. Iago also professes his love for the girl but not as a sexual object but as an object to be used to exact his revenge upon Othello. â€Å" Now, I do love her too; Not out of absolute lust, though peradventure I stand accountant for as a great sin, But partly led to diet my revenge,. â€Å" (Pg. 674) Desdemona is the major party in Iago’s plan for revenge against Othello. She is so important that Iago confesses his love for her, because of her importance.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cassio is a biting thorn in the side of Iago.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Logistics Summary

Logistics – a practical approach Part 1: The foundations of Logistics Chapter 1: Introduding Logistics – Logistics is more than just Transportation – Involves aspects like procurement (Beschaffung), sourcing, planning, storing, control and distribution (Verteilung/Austeilung) – Shift towards placing production in Central Europe b/c production is cheaper – Delivery: customer gets what he ordered, where he wants it and at the right time, not too early & not too late – Completeness: orders should arrive as one delivery – Accuracy: should deliver what you promised – Billing: only want to pay for what you ordered Customer service: enough stock to satisfy the customer + service – Flexibility: ability to produce anything on time and anything at any time – Production in developing countries makes it possible to offer goods for the lowest price – Good logistics will result in gaining customers, gaining trade and succ ess for the business itself – Automotive industry is one of the first industries to make good use of all new developments in the field of business studies – Henry Ford discovered the power of a conveyor belt where everyone makes just a small part of the car and becomes a specialist in his own little world. Mistakes are easily recognized ( Work becomes routine and effective ( Saving time and time is money – mass production became the norm – later just-in-time management was taken up by the whole automotive industry which was started by the Japanese Conflicting goals of logistics: – efficient use of machinery – low inventory – many different varieties of products – short delivery time e. g. within two hours – Logistics should help each and everyone in the organization to achieve the overall goal of the company Value chain of Porter shows that we do not have â€Å"very important† and â€Å"less important† depa rtments – â€Å"A chain is only as strong as its weakest link† – Final goal is getting a maximum profit and the survival in the long run [pic] – Planning the activities: instead of taking one aspect or link at a time and trying to obtain an optimal result for this part we now have to look at the whole chain and concentrate on obtaining a maximum result at an integral level. This requires planning for the whole chain (traditional planning vs. modern approach: integral planning ( p. 25) – Symbols: [pic] most logistic value chains will consist of many different forms and will resemble networks – these different aspects all make up the basic elements of logistics within the value chain – all elements within a Supply Chain should be connected – the main goal: to ensure that the customer gets the right product – cooperation is needed in order to ensure that all links have a common goal in mind: to increase the efficiency and e ffectiveness of the chain – results should be: higher profit margins; lower sales prices; improved competition; faster introduction of new products – Supply Chain: a network of connected and interdependent organizations mutually and cooperatively working together to control, manage and improve the flow of materials and information from suppliers to end users – The more links there are between you and the final customer, the more difficult it will be to understand that market Logistics is a combination of the activities: – Material Handling – Stock control – Order handling and processing – Customer service – Demand prediction – Sourcing, Vendoring and purchasing – Distribution: internal and external – Location of warehouses and production facilities – Handling reversed flows of goods, rejects and packaging material – Spare parts, repairs and customer service – Production planning Definition of logistics: Logistics is the process of planning, implementing and controlling the efficient, effective flow and storage of raw materials, in-process inventory, finished goods, services and related information from point of origin to point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to customer requirements – Logistics management consists of 2 blocks: Material Management (MM) and Physical Distribution (PD) (p. 36) – Logistics and the most important relationships: [pic] – it is difficult to determine the costs for logistics, as every company has a different concept for what to include and what not – during the last decades, the costs for logistics have seen a huge increase compared to other costs – to get a quick insight into the buildup of costs and the relationships with profits: Return on Investment (ROI) – ROI = Profit / total assets ROI = (Profit/Turnover) * ( Turnover/total assets) ( Not possible to increase the ROI by incr easing sales – Turnover: total sales – Total cost: all costs made in an organization – Costs of logistics: all costs related to logistics – Other costs: all costs except cost of logistics – Profit: what is left after all costs are paid – Profit margin: profit as a percentage of sales – Depts. : all outstanding debts, mainly with suppliers – Liquid assets: assets quickly transferred into cash – Fixed assets: assets which only can be transferred into cash with huge costs like machinery etc. – Total assets: everything invested in an organization – Turnover rate: total assets as a percentage of sales