Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Investment in an Uncertain World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Investment in an Uncertain World - Essay Example 10,000,000 = 6,000,000 + 1,000,000 + G G = 10,000,000 – 6,000,000 – 1,000,000 = G = 3,000,000 G as a percentage of GDP = (G divided by Y) and multiplied by 100. =(3,000,000/10,000,000) *100 = = 30 per cent. (ii) Calculate households’ savings as a percentage of GDP. Explain your calculations. (6 marks) In this situation, Y = C + I + G (Savings = Investment = Gross Capital Formation) Therefore, Y = C + S + G. And S as the percentage of Y = (S/Y)* 100 = (1,000,000/10,000,000) *100 = = 0.10 * 100 = 10 per cent Therefore, households’ savings are 10 per cent of GDP. 1b. Now imagine an unexpected shock to the economy (not predicted by the majority of economists and other experts), which hits households’ confidence so that they increase their savings until these amount to 25 per cent of GDP. (i) Under Say’s Law, what is the mechanism by which firms’ investment is expected to change and what will its new value be? J. B. Say, a French classical economist, says supply creates its own demand until the equilibrium between the two is reached. By extension, Say’s law also applies to money market. When there is a glut of savings, there will be more supply of money than demand. As a result, interest rate for borrowing will come down and investment will increase. In this given case, since the savings have increased to 25 percent of GDP, investment should also increase by the same ratio of GDP. Thus, market finds the equilibrium between demand and supply for money through variations in interest rate. (ii) According to the demand-side approach, explain why firms might not necessarily adjust their investment plans. The demand-side approach argues that investors do not automatically make their investment because demand has increased. To invest, they have to be confident about the future – for the demand to sustain. Investments are often long term about which we know very little. Keynes says, ‘If we speak frankly, w e have to admit that our basis of knowledge for estimating the yield 10 year hence of a railway, a copper mine, a textile factory, the goodwill of a patent medicine, an Atlantic liner, a building in the City of London amounts to little and sometimes nothing’ (Keynes, quoted in Walsh, 2008, p. 63). In such a situation of uncertainty, the animal spirit of investors drives investors to invest. Investors wait for that spirit, which gives them confidence, to develop before they invest. This explains the fluctuation in investments and departure from the supply-demand equilibrium. For instance, in the 1999 recession, ‘the reduction in output of 1.4 per cent coincided with an 8.1 percent fall in investment’ (Trigg, 2010, p. 230). In conclusion, investors do not make adjustments in their investment plan until they are confident about making money. (iii) If firms did not change their investment plans, explain what would be the consequences for national income and how fisca l policy might be used to address this situation. (11 marks) Investment has a direct impact on national income, and fiscal policy often encourages firms to invest in order to restore the gap between savings and investment. Government expenditure is one of the key components of national income. When government increases its expenditure, national income rises; when it decreases its spending, national income also declines. Government thus can influence national income. Classical economics believes that savings and

Monday, October 28, 2019

Media Violence Essay Example for Free

Media Violence Essay Television has been considered as part of entertainment of the society. Mass media has been recognized as the giver and provider of the information needed by the public. These two terms have too many influences and greatly affects the lives of the people in the society which make them important elements in this post modern world. From gaining knowledge to entertainment, media has been having the reputation of providing all the information needed by the public. However, the society also points out the mass media as the greatest influence of aggressive behavior of the viewers. Through the movies and television shows that are being released by the media, people learn to conform and adopt the attitudes that are portrayed by the characters. The constant changing society has challenge the culture and values of the people around the world. The popular culture has been very influential making the society conform to the new trends. However, there are some factors in the society that are not changing regardless of the transparency of its effects. In other words, these are the aspects that affect the lives of the people negatively but still considered as adequate because of the acceptance of the mainstream. Media violence is one of the negative elements of the society but still existing despite the evident effects to the people. The Viewers and the Media Violence The behavior of the person shows the kind of television program he or she watches (Science Daily). Apparently, media violence does not affect only those who already understand the language and actions of a certain movie or television show. In fact, even the toddlers are being affected by these aggressive behaviors on screen. The people learn based on what they could see in their environment. Undeniably, mass media is one of the most influential factors that is present in this post modern world. The values that people adapt from their surroundings help in developing their personalities as they grow older. Since media has been the easiest tool in gaining information, it has also become an instrument to learn and adapt the culture of the society. The children that are just starting to learn in the society is being trained and influenced by the behaviors that are being portrayed in movies and television programs. Everyday, a home is being penetrated not only by thousands of advertisers that persuade every member of the family to buy a certain product. In fact, the television serves as the bridge of the people to the fictional world that are perfectly created by the mass media. Thousands of scenes from television shows and advertisements are being portrayed and most of them are adopted influencing the mind and personality of an individual. Countless murders and other acts of violence are shown making the audience feel the danger present outside their homes. The martial arts battle, shootings, knifings, fistfights, and exploding cars are just few of the scenes that can be watched on movies or television shows. These acts of violence are usually done by the heroes and villains who often serve as the role models for the young adults in the society (Freedman 4). The aggressive behaviors that the children often see on screen are committed by the live actors or even animated figures that appear in the best movies as well as the worst. On the other hand, the existence of violence in the society has not created by the media themselves. In fact violence has been in the society even before television was invented, movie houses were constructed, and video games were released. Aggression is a nature of man and it has been present even before the technology enter the scene. The public has been blaming the media for the aggression that their shows cause to the people especially to children; however, the media has been firm on telling that their aggressive shows represent the violence of the society. This issue has been at the heart of debate in the society. The presence of media relies on the elements of the society while the society relies on the information that are being offered by the mass media. Effects of Media Violence As the child becomes older, he or she is being accustomed with the information available in his or her surroundings. The internet, television shows, video games, and advertising are the sources of information of children nowadays (Wintour). The presence of media has undeniably influenced the young adults as they grow up to be mature individuals. The aggressive behaviors that they can see on television, movies, or even video games are being adapted and accepted to their own construction of reality. The child learns to hit his playmate when he gets mad, throw things when he is irritated, and shout when somebody did not pay attention to him. These are all examples of aggressive behaviors which may appear to be simple and normal attitude of a child. Oftentimes, the society fails to notice these simple behaviors as a problem that needs to be solved before it gets worse. The video games that are sold in the market with a goal to teach children to stand diversity has undeniably created an impression that it would enhance the knowledge of the young adults in technology and eliminated the idea that this would trigger the aggressive behavior of the player. The children will play as the main character that is given a task to protect a territory and kill the animated figures that would hinder him to win the game. The concept of this game sets the mind of the young players to fight with the use of guns and knives (O’Hehir) Frequently, learning to behave aggressively is the tested effect of media violence. This effect is also referred to as instigation of aggressive impulses, disinhibition of socialization against aggressive behavior and imitation of violence (Potter, 25). The child may not show an aggressive behavior after watching series of violent shows but the child would definitely think that aggression is acceptable in the society. Moreover, the child may not imitate the actions that were portrayed by the media, but the scenes may create fear to the young minds of the viewers. Since the information on media sources are the most accessible source of knowledge, the viewers may accustomed them and accept them as part of reality. Media violence produces short-term increases by priming existing aggressive scripts and cognitions, increasing physiological arousal, and triggering an automatic tendency to imitate observed behaviors. Media violence produces long-term effects via several types of learning processes leading to the acquisition of lasting (and automatically accessible) aggressive scripts, interpretational schemas, and aggression-supporting beliefs about social behavior, and by reducing individuals normal negative emotional responses to violence (Anderson et al. 81). Apparently, mass media gives all the necessary information that the people need in order to function well in the society. The media may represent the events that often occur in the society but those should not also be the basis of the messages that are being conveyed to the audience. The real events are filmed and added with more spices to make the viewers buy what the media has prepared for them. Although aggression is long associated to human, there are still factors in the society that provoke people to behave aggressively. Mass media sells products to the public. These products do not consist only of the consumer goods that the society needs in order to survive. The television programs that are being shown to the public are products of mass media that the society willingly buys. Unquestionably, the media is an influential and powerful tool to make the society a better place; however, mass media sources have been very consistent in telling only the truth to their customers. The element of the society that should help the people to lessen the societal problems become an instrument to pass the negative aspects of the society from generation to generation. However, the people can still select the products carefully. Buying violent products is telling the media to produce more (Edgar 59). The society needs to be wiser in selecting the program that would portray less aggression and help the people to participate more on salient topic in the society rather than the fiction stories that affect negatively to the lives of the viewers. Works Cited Craig A. Anderson, Leonard Berkowitz, Edward Donnerstein, L. Rowell Huesmann, James D. Johnson, Daniel Linz, Neil M. Malamuth, Ellen Wartella. The influence of media violence on youth. Psychological Science in the Public Interest. USA: Association for Psychological Science. 2004. Volume 4 Issue 3 pp. 81-110 Edgar, Kathleen. Everything you need to know about media violence. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group, 2000 Freedman, Jonathan L. Media Violence and Its Effect on Aggression: Assessing the Scientific Evidence. Canada: University of Toronto Press, 2002 O’Hehir, Andrew. The Myth of Media Violence. March 17, 2005. Daily Newsletter. 11 March 2009. http://dir. salon. com/story/books/feature/2005/03/17/media/index. html Potter, James W. On Media Violence. USA: SAGE, 1999 Rutgers University. Media Violence Cited As Critical Risk Factor For Aggression. ScienceDaily 20 November 2008. 11 March 2009 http://www. sciencedaily. com ¬ /releases/2008/11/081119122632. htm. Wintour, Patrick. 5 September 2007. The Guardian. 11 March 2009 http://www. guardian. co. uk/politics/2007/sep/05/uk. media

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Othello :: essays research papers

Othello In Othello by William Shakespeare, the villain Iago has many motives for ruining the lives of Othello, Cassio, Desdemona, and Roderigo. They include jealousy, fears of infidelity, greed, and his anger at being passed on for a promotion. These passionate motives drives Iago, turning him into one of the most evil of villains Shakespeare has created.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Roderigo a solider in Othello’s army and once a courtier of Othello’s wife Desdemona is under Iago’s spell from the beginning. Iago’s manipulates him into aggravating Cassio, Iago’s rival and into giving him all his money to sway Desdemona. Iago tells Roderigo to,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å" But, sir, be you ruled by me: I have brought you up from Venice. Watch you tonight; for the command, I’ll lay’t upon you. Cassio knows you not. I’ll not be far from you: do you find some occasion to anger Cassio, either by speaking to loud, or tainting his discipline; or from what other course you please, which the time shall more favorably minister. â€Å" (Pg. 673) Roderigo does this for Iago promises it will make him look good in front of Desdemona. Iago needs to make Cassio suffer and manipulates Roderigo to do it by playing on Roderigo’s desire for Desdemona. Iago also uses Roderigo for his money as well as helping his evil plans,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å" Roderigo: I am changed: I’ll go sell all my land. Exit. Iago: Thus do I ever make my fool my purse; For I mine own gain’d knowledge should profane, If I would time expend with such a snipe, But for my sport and profit. â€Å" (Pg. 665) Simply put Iago explains that if it wasn’t for his plans and his desire for money he would have nothing to do with a fool like Roderigo.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Iago’s motives when it comes to Desdemona are quite the same. He uses the young girl as the object of Cassio’s desire to upset Othello. Iago also professes his love for the girl but not as a sexual object but as an object to be used to exact his revenge upon Othello. â€Å" Now, I do love her too; Not out of absolute lust, though peradventure I stand accountant for as a great sin, But partly led to diet my revenge,. â€Å" (Pg. 674) Desdemona is the major party in Iago’s plan for revenge against Othello. She is so important that Iago confesses his love for her, because of her importance.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cassio is a biting thorn in the side of Iago.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Logistics Summary

Logistics – a practical approach Part 1: The foundations of Logistics Chapter 1: Introduding Logistics – Logistics is more than just Transportation – Involves aspects like procurement (Beschaffung), sourcing, planning, storing, control and distribution (Verteilung/Austeilung) – Shift towards placing production in Central Europe b/c production is cheaper – Delivery: customer gets what he ordered, where he wants it and at the right time, not too early & not too late – Completeness: orders should arrive as one delivery – Accuracy: should deliver what you promised – Billing: only want to pay for what you ordered Customer service: enough stock to satisfy the customer + service – Flexibility: ability to produce anything on time and anything at any time – Production in developing countries makes it possible to offer goods for the lowest price – Good logistics will result in gaining customers, gaining trade and succ ess for the business itself – Automotive industry is one of the first industries to make good use of all new developments in the field of business studies – Henry Ford discovered the power of a conveyor belt where everyone makes just a small part of the car and becomes a specialist in his own little world. Mistakes are easily recognized ( Work becomes routine and effective ( Saving time and time is money – mass production became the norm – later just-in-time management was taken up by the whole automotive industry which was started by the Japanese Conflicting goals of logistics: – efficient use of machinery – low inventory – many different varieties of products – short delivery time e. g. within two hours – Logistics should help each and everyone in the organization to achieve the overall goal of the company Value chain of Porter shows that we do not have â€Å"very important† and â€Å"less important† depa rtments – â€Å"A chain is only as strong as its weakest link† – Final goal is getting a maximum profit and the survival in the long run [pic] – Planning the activities: instead of taking one aspect or link at a time and trying to obtain an optimal result for this part we now have to look at the whole chain and concentrate on obtaining a maximum result at an integral level. This requires planning for the whole chain (traditional planning vs. modern approach: integral planning ( p. 25) – Symbols: [pic] most logistic value chains will consist of many different forms and will resemble networks – these different aspects all make up the basic elements of logistics within the value chain – all elements within a Supply Chain should be connected – the main goal: to ensure that the customer gets the right product – cooperation is needed in order to ensure that all links have a common goal in mind: to increase the efficiency and e ffectiveness of the chain – results should be: higher profit margins; lower sales prices; improved competition; faster introduction of new products – Supply Chain: a network of connected and interdependent organizations mutually and cooperatively working together to control, manage and improve the flow of materials and information from suppliers to end users – The more links there are between you and the final customer, the more difficult it will be to understand that market Logistics is a combination of the activities: – Material Handling – Stock control – Order handling and processing – Customer service – Demand prediction – Sourcing, Vendoring and purchasing – Distribution: internal and external – Location of warehouses and production facilities – Handling reversed flows of goods, rejects and packaging material – Spare parts, repairs and customer service – Production planning Definition of logistics: Logistics is the process of planning, implementing and controlling the efficient, effective flow and storage of raw materials, in-process inventory, finished goods, services and related information from point of origin to point of consumption for the purpose of conforming to customer requirements – Logistics management consists of 2 blocks: Material Management (MM) and Physical Distribution (PD) (p. 36) – Logistics and the most important relationships: [pic] – it is difficult to determine the costs for logistics, as every company has a different concept for what to include and what not – during the last decades, the costs for logistics have seen a huge increase compared to other costs – to get a quick insight into the buildup of costs and the relationships with profits: Return on Investment (ROI) – ROI = Profit / total assets ROI = (Profit/Turnover) * ( Turnover/total assets) ( Not possible to increase the ROI by incr easing sales – Turnover: total sales – Total cost: all costs made in an organization – Costs of logistics: all costs related to logistics – Other costs: all costs except cost of logistics – Profit: what is left after all costs are paid – Profit margin: profit as a percentage of sales – Depts. : all outstanding debts, mainly with suppliers – Liquid assets: assets quickly transferred into cash – Fixed assets: assets which only can be transferred into cash with huge costs like machinery etc. – Total assets: everything invested in an organization – Turnover rate: total assets as a percentage of sales

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Family planning Essay

Studies show that the youth are more vulnerable and at a greater risk without proper reproductive health services. Young pregnancies account for 30% of all daily births in the Philippines. According to the Commission on Population, 3 out of 4 young women die everyday because of maternal complications. Furthermore, A study by the National Epidemiology Center in 2005 shows young pregnancies have the highest rate of fetal deaths, especially by women under age 15. In December 2010, the Department of Health reports that there are 489 cases of young men and women infected with HIV. There are 6 new and unique detections of HIV everyday, 59% of which is in 20-29 years old bracket and 28% belong to the 15-24 years age range. In line with these problems, there is a need to make solutions. One of great solutions would be the implementation of the Reproductive Health bill, or the RH bill. One of the aims of the RH bill is to solve these problems by providing access medically safe, legal, afforda ble and quality natural and modern family planning methods. The RH bill also aims to guarantee universal access to information about birth control and maternal care. Thus, the RH Bill should be passed because it helps the Philippines to lean towards progress by offering women healthcare, providing sexual education to students, and helping the Filipinos to have responsible family planning. There are reasons why the reproductive health bill is not yet passed; however, majority of the people believe that the advantages brought by the implementation of the reproductive health bill will outweigh the cons that go with it. According to the survey hosted by Pulse Asia, 69% of the respondents from different regions are pro RH bill and they believe that the implementation of the bill would do more good than harm. The first plausible disadvantage is that the money that will be used in funding the bill would be subject to corruption from officials. An estimate of 14 billion pesos would be allotted to the bill if the bill would be implemented (Department of Health, 2012). The money involved can blind those corruptofficials; however, health and development should be prioritized. The bill provides healthcare services to women and the marginalized. The Women and marginalized are prioritized by providing for their needs such as legal, affordable and quality reproductive health care services. After the implementation of the bill, the State guarantees universal access to medically-safe, legal, affordable and quality reproductive health care services, methods, devices, supplies and relevant information thereon even as it prioritizes the needs of women and children, among other underprivileged sectors (SECTION 2, RH Bill, 2008). Furthermore, women seeking care for post-abortion complications shall be treated and counseled in a humane, non-judgmental and compassionate manner. The government shall ensure that women seeking care for post-abortion complications shall be treated and counseled in a humane, non-judgmental and compassionate manner. (SECTION 3, RH Bill, 2008). The health and development of the marginalized sector and the women should be clearly prioritized over the risk of the money being stolen by corrupted officials. S

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Juvenile Justice System in Sleepers Film by Barry Levinson

Juvenile Justice System in Sleepers Film by Barry Levinson Sleepers directed by Barry Levinson is a dramatic film addressing juvenile justice system at length. It also gives insight of how New York City was in 1960s. Levinson bases Sleepers on a 1995 novel by Lorenzo Carcaterra going by the same title.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Juvenile Justice System in Sleepers Film by Barry Levinson specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More According to this film, the juvenile justice system is inconsequential in the realms of justice. Justice systems are meant to correct individuals to make them better citizens who can abide to the law, not to harden them making them hardcore criminals. However, Sleepers paint the juvenile justice system as a faulty system. This is evidenced by the bestial events that occur to Lorenzo, Thomas, Michael, and John. After these juveniles kill King Benny, they are taken to Wilkinson Home, a correctional center for reformation. However, once these four boys check in Wilkinson Home, they meet unheard brutality in the hands of Nokes, Addison, Styler, and Ferguson, guards at this centre. They are raped, abused, and beaten, an experience that dents these juveniles’ personalities to become hardcore criminals. It is at this point, where Sleepers paints a faulty picture of the juvenile justice system. If the juvenile justice system were efficient, it would have reformed these juveniles. According to what happens in this movie, one experience can change a child so much that he or she becomes a delinquent or an adult criminal. After Thomas and John go through the beastly treatment in the hands of Nokes and the rest, they harden to become adult criminals. Ten years after they have been released from Wilkinson, they spot Sean Nokes taking some beer in a pub down street in Hell’s Kitchen. They confront him and tell him of what he had done to them ten years ago before shooting him six times. Nokes dies in front of everyone in the pub. Ther efore, it is possible that one incidence, could change a child into an adult criminal just the way Thomas and Mike changed after the torture they went through in the hands of Nokes and his co-workers. These juveniles lived in Hell’s Kitchen in New York. The community that these juveniles are living in is very unfounded and criminal-minded. The community is unfounded because the only person who seems concerned about these boys is Father Bobby, who makes some efforts to look after the boys. The moment Father Bobby loses touch with these boys; they join a gang in the town. The community is also criminal-minded because the only thing that these four juveniles find to do is joining a gang. If this community were founded on morals and principles, a responsible person correct these juveniles before they join a gang. This gang was at the disposal of these boys and they would join anytime they wanted hence the community pushed these juveniles to join the gang.Advertising Looki ng for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The friendship of these four boys contributed largely in their behavior. Before they join the gang, Mike, John, Thomas, and Lorenzo spend a lot of time together. Consequently, they find it easy to join a gang as a group. If these boys were to join the gang individually, chances are that, they would not join it. This is because when alone, a person lacks the moral support to do something. This resonates well with the old adage that, ‘together we stand, divided we fall.’ Therefore, friends can lead or prevent delinquent behavior. If three of these boys were not involved in delinquency, chances are that the fourth one would never become delinquent. The film Sleepers is a masterpiece that marries juvenile justice system with subsequent adult criminals. It also sheds light on how bad company can lead to delinquency and touches on the impact of community on the lives of juveniles. Levinson, Barry. â€Å"Sleepers.† Baltimore Pictures, 1996.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free The Canar Book Review Essay

Free The Canar Book Review Essay The Canar The cultural anthropology book illustrates that exogamy can be divided into sections The sections include natural as well as cultural. In her book, Judy Blankenship gives examples of people who were involved in either naturally or culturally binding marriages. Judy states that various people in Ecuador do not allow their children to marry their relatives. Moreover, several families exercised natural exogamy where children were allowed to marry provided there was no direct blood relationship. The cultural anthropology presents affinity by law as the kinship established through marriage Kinship in Canar society comprised of people from diverse backgrounds and relationships and thereafter increasing intermarriages. Judys photographs showed couples in the eastern highlands whose marriage was based on affinity by law and children acquired by adoption. The other example from the cultural anthropology book is consanguine relationship. People defined as consanguine were found to have specific familial relations. Several families in the village had a common ancestor where all the sons derived their identity. Children from the same lineage are rarely allowed to marry each other since they have a direct relationship. Conclusion Contextually, it can conclusively be observed that most of the families have clear outlines of blood connections. This aspect helps lead in the formation and development of hierarchy where descendants trace their origin from a single grandfather trickling down in a unique way. Patrilineal descent defines the relationship that descends down from the ancient grandfathers to the male descendants. On the other hand, Judy illustrates diverse experiences she had with the various families in Canar that could identify their Patrilineal lineage structure.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Just Uses for English Speakers

Just Uses for English Speakers The word just is an important word in English used in many different ways. Just can be used as a time expression, to say that something is important, to emphasize words, as a synonym for only, and in a number of fixed expressions. Use this guide to just to help you use this keyword in English correctly. Just - As a Time Expression Just = Recently Just is most often used to express that something has recently happened. Use just with the present perfect tense to indicate that an action has recently occurred and influences the present moment of speaking. Ive just been to the bank.Toms just arrived. You can speak to him now.Marys just finished the report. Exception: American English vs. British English In everyday conversation American English uses just with the past simple, as well as the present perfect, to express that something recently happened. In British English, the present perfect is used. American English He just finished lunch.ORHes just finished lunch. British English Janes just been to the bank.NOTJane just went to the bank. Just = Immediately Just can also be used as a time expression to mean that something important will happen immediately. In this case, use the present continuous tense or going to to express that something is about to happen. Hes just getting ready to go now.Im just going to finish this and then we can go. Just = Close to the Time Just is also used to express that something happened at approximately to the time mentioned in phrases such as: just after, just before, just when, just as. I saw Tom just as he was leaving yesterday.Jennifer finished the report just as the boss asked her for it.Just when you think youve seen everything, something like this happens! Just - as an Adverb Meaning Only Just is also used as an adverb meaning only, merely, simply, and so on. Dont worry about that cup, its just an old thing.She said she just needed some vacation time to relax.Richard is just the spokesman. Just - as an Adverb Meaning Exactly Just can also be used as an adverb meaning exactly or precisely. Thats just the information I need to understand the situation.Alexander is just the person for the job. Just - as an Adjective Meaning Honest Just is also used as an adjective to mean that someone is honest, or fair in his judgement. Hes a just man so you can expect to be treated well.You need to be just with all your students, not just the ones you like. Fixed Expressions With Just Just is also used in a number of idiomatic and fixed expressions. Here are some of the most common: Just in Time = Ready at the Exact Moment Necessary In the business world many products are made just in time. In other words, they are ready when a customer needs them and not before. Our supplier uses just in time manufacturing to fill our orders.Using a just in time approach reduces our warehousing costs by 60%. Just off the Boat = Naive, Not Experienced Someone who is just off the boat is new to a situation and doesnt understand certain unwritten rules, or ways of behavior. Give him some time to adjust to the new position. Remember hes just off the boat and will need some time to get up to speed.They seemed as if they were just off the boat because they couldnt understand what was being asked of them. Just the Ticket = Exactly What Is Needed Just is used like exactly when expressing something that is precisely what is needed in a situation. The two weeks off work was just the ticket. I feel like a new man.I think your ideas are just the ticket for our marketing campaign. Just What the Doctor Ordered = Exactly What Is Needed Just what the doctor ordered is another idiomatic expression that expresses the idea that something precisely what is needed in a situation. I think his solution was just what the doctor ordered.The grammar review was just what the doctor ordered for getting students ready.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Technology should be influenced by religious and social values Essay - 1

Technology should be influenced by religious and social values - Essay Example Ortega y Gasser found that man and technology began together (Gasser, 1941), and technology has always facilitated man’s functioning beyond the limitations of his natural self. Thus, technology, religious and social values are mutually interdependent, and contribute to each others’ growth (Newman, 1997). â€Å"Religion is universally acknowledged as one of the primary forms of human experience and culture† (Newman, 1997, p.1), and from ancient times till the present day, religion continues to have social significance. Moreover, contemporary humanistic social scientific scholars have reinforced the approach that religion is vital to achieve a clear understanding of social values and culture. Thus, even Sigmund Freud, the severe critic of religious illusion, stated that â€Å"religion has ruled human society for many thousands of years† (Freud,1964, p.60). Significantly, technology and culture have a historical, and even pre-historical relationship, and several cultural theorists have found technology to have a greater social importance than religion. For example, according to Thorstein Veblen, â€Å"in the growth of culture, as in its current maintenance, the facts of technological use and wont are fundamental and definitive† (Veblen, 1964, p.v). These assertions made by scholars do not refer to technology in the sense of the latest electronic gadget purchased at the local store, but to innovations and technical skills that have helped man to employ the basic principles of agriculture, to build houses, to weave cloth, to make tools, create weapons, manufacture simple domestic utensils such as cooking pots, cooking ovens, cutlery, and in making basic furniture (Cardwell, 1972). Even a simple human community needs a fundamental level of such technology if it has to rise above the level of primitive existence experienced by wande ring food-gatherers. The purpose of technology is to transform nature into

How similar are the experiences of minority ethnic groups in the UK Essay

How similar are the experiences of minority ethnic groups in the UK labour market Give evidence for your answer - Essay Example Whites always had good percentage of people having better jobs as compared to non-whites. To be more specific, the major professional and managerial based jobs were mainly held by the whites. Non-whites found to have been struggling in the labour markets of UK and thus majority of non-whites either remained unemployed or self-employed. However, in the last decade, the dynamics of UK labour market has experienced significant improvements. These improvements have emerged as a result of increasing employment rates of minority ethnic groups especially Black Africans, Bangladeshis and Pakistanis over a period of around 30 years (Cohen and Kennedy, 2007, p.16). The major reason behind this is the improvement in educational credentials and professional skills of these minority ethnic groups. Despite having such improvements, still the majority of jobs, attainments and occupational trainings are mainly provided to white British population and the other minority ethnic groups are found to hav e been obtaining jobs quite narrowly especially at managerial and professional level. With the increasing racial and discriminating practices prevailing in UK labour market, the gap between the whites and non-whites in labour market still exists effectively. Undoubtedly, tremendous amount of growth can be experienced in terms of non-white men getting closer to their white counterparts in getting jobs. However, this situation is quite disappointing in case of non-white women getting employed as compared to white women. For Pakistani and Bangladeshi women, the scenario of getting employment among women is worse than expected such that their employment rate is even blow 30%. Even though there are more bright prospects available for the minority ethnic groups in terms of achieving better jobs than before due to their higher educational professional background, yet their living conditions are unable to portray these bright prospects. As a result, the minority ethnic groups preferred to g et self employed rather than going after the managerial positions as the future prospects for the whites are readily available for them as compared to minority ethnic groups, most of them are Chinese and Indians. The other minority group comprising Pakistanis and Bangladeshis remained stick to their original preference of self employment such that they are mainly working under specific sectors which include small retail business, fast food restaurants and taxi driving occupations. The way these minority ethnic groups are viewed and perceived among UK social classes, is the major reason behind such discrimination that occurs with the minority ethnic groups in the labour market. Having non-British origin has created immense difficulties for those minority ethnic groups, due to which they are unable to reach at the higher executive level positions even though they are well equipped in terms of their educational background (Macionos and Plummer, 2008, p.22). Ethnicity itself has become a greater hurdle for the graduates belonging to minority ethnic groups to avail employment opportunities and getting higher positions in their jobs. Their efforts are declined even though they have tried to mitigate the impact of their ethnic background by acquire high quality education and training. Similarly, in terms of receiving salaries and earnings, minority ethnic g

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Cold Equations, Eureka. Reflection Journal from Stories Essay

The Cold Equations, Eureka. Reflection Journal from Stories - Essay Example If she could learn enough very quickly to land the ship and he went out the airlock it would not be believable and rather stupidly maudlin. I think the story only works, because it has no solution. In order to change the ending of this story you have to change the entire story. Maybe you could add the parents suing the company and the court proceedings against the pilot and the company, especially for the unlocked door. Even then it would be really difficult, because the story is really over when Marilyn goes out the airlock. Even if we begin with the lawsuit and flash back it just would not be a good story. However, after days of thought I decided that science of the future to the story might be able to do something. So, I have tried a changed ending. I still think the first ending is far superior and I would never publish a story with this ending, but I tried. Marylyn Said, â€Å"I’m ready,† but before Barton could press the button to open the airlock the radio crackled to life. â€Å"EDS, urgent, take not action. There is a solution.† Barton jumped to the console. â€Å"This is Barton, say again.† â€Å"This is Group One. We just got a message fr om Earth. There is a solution built into every EDS. It is horribly expensive, so it has never been revealed or used that we know. I mean nobody

Cultural Diverse Backgrounds Assignment 3 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Cultural Diverse Backgrounds 3 - Assignment Example As a result of working together in our home, my mother had taught my siblings and me the value of family. Until now, we have a close relationship to each other and to our mother. As I remember, my mother treated my older brother, sister and I similarly and yet differently as well. It was dependent on our varied temperament and behavior. Being the only girl, my sister was shy so my mother was more soft-spoken and more gentle when scolding her. She was harder on my brother and I because we were more stubborn and naughtier than my sister. My grandparents were from Ireland and had to learn English. This difficulty in culture was one my mother did not want us to deal with. At an early age, she taught us English and yet never failed to remind us of our Irish heritage. Influence from religious beliefs was strong. My mother is Catholic and so are we. I remember mother teaching us to pray before meals and before we went to sleep. She would take us to church and remind us that God is good and we could ask Him for help but should also thank Him for our graces. Finally, my mother believed that children learn from their mistakes. So, she let us be hurt growing up. She was there to console us though and explain why we were hurting and how to deal with our problems. She let us solve our own problems but was ready to help if we asked

Thursday, October 17, 2019

How to accomplish a daily task Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

How to accomplish a daily task - Essay Example The instructions will tell the students what to do and inform them of the assignment’s basic mechanics. It also provides the criteria for scoring the assignment. For instance, to get a score of A+, the assignment should have a clear thesis, strong arguments, good grammar and spelling, and follow all mechanics. Students should make sure they understand the instructions before doing the actual assignment. If something is unclear, they should not hesitate to ask their teachers, so that they can avoid making wrong assignments. The next part is to follow the instructions, and then revising, editing, and proofreading their work. Students should focus on the instructions, especially when a specific topic and word count are included. They should do research, when required, and support their ideas or opinions with credible evidence. Furthermore, students should also revise their work, which means that they will check if the whole paper followed the assignment requirements. Then, they should also edit it, which refers to the process of reading the paper out loud and ensuring that the flow of ideas is clear. Afterwards, they should proofread their papers by checking spelling, punctuation, word choice, and grammar. A school assignment is part of the learning process because it checks if the students learned the concepts and skills taught in class. This paper offers a way of helping students organize their process of completing their assignments. The next time that they hear their teacher tell them that they have homework, they no longer need to be stressed, because they know now how to do it the right

Tissue paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Tissue - Research Paper Example Tree made tissue papers are a threat to the environment. â€Å"Worldwide, the equivalent of almost 270,000 trees is either flushed or dumped in landfills every day and roughly 10 percent of that total is attributable to toilet paper† (Braun). With the increasing pressure upon companies to adopt environment friendly ways to generate their services, there is a growing trend among the vendors to produce tree-free tissue papers. One such company is Emerald Brand that intends making tissue papers from Bagasse, which is the residue obtained from the sugar cane after its juice has been extracted. â€Å"Its made of 100% recycled sugar cane bagasse which produces paper and tableware products† (â€Å"Tree-Free Toilet Paper†). Use of Bagasse in the making of tissue papers is beneficial in several ways. Firstly, it is a replacement of trees. This means that trees do not have to be wiped of to make tissue papers as there is an alternative solution which is environment friendl ier. Use of Bagasse in manufacturing tissue papers not only puts an agricultural waste material to use, but also prevents the hazardous gases that are conventionally released in the atmosphere in the usual procedure to dispose off Bagasse. Making tissue paper from Bagasse also consumes fewer chemicals and lesser energy as compared to making tissue papers from trees. â€Å"Our goal is to make going green an easy choice for businesses The Emerald Brand allows companies to make the responsible decision without sacrificing room in their budget. It’s a win-win for businesses and the environment† (Bianculli cited in Petru). On individual level, people assume the responsibility to minimize the use of tissue papers to reduce pollution. We normally consume more tissue paper than what we really need in the household activities. Another benefit of using tissue papers made from sugarcane is that they are more durable than the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

How to accomplish a daily task Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

How to accomplish a daily task - Essay Example The instructions will tell the students what to do and inform them of the assignment’s basic mechanics. It also provides the criteria for scoring the assignment. For instance, to get a score of A+, the assignment should have a clear thesis, strong arguments, good grammar and spelling, and follow all mechanics. Students should make sure they understand the instructions before doing the actual assignment. If something is unclear, they should not hesitate to ask their teachers, so that they can avoid making wrong assignments. The next part is to follow the instructions, and then revising, editing, and proofreading their work. Students should focus on the instructions, especially when a specific topic and word count are included. They should do research, when required, and support their ideas or opinions with credible evidence. Furthermore, students should also revise their work, which means that they will check if the whole paper followed the assignment requirements. Then, they should also edit it, which refers to the process of reading the paper out loud and ensuring that the flow of ideas is clear. Afterwards, they should proofread their papers by checking spelling, punctuation, word choice, and grammar. A school assignment is part of the learning process because it checks if the students learned the concepts and skills taught in class. This paper offers a way of helping students organize their process of completing their assignments. The next time that they hear their teacher tell them that they have homework, they no longer need to be stressed, because they know now how to do it the right

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Tata case - pricing Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Tata - pricing - Case Study Example This is in addition to the research and development situated in those same parts of countries. Its first commercial vehicle was manufactured in 1954 with a company called Daimler- Benz (Bhaktavatsala, 1993). After acquiring stakes in a Hispano Carrocera which specializes in manufacturing buses and coaches and from then, decided to also venture in bus and coach manufacturing. The company has been involved a spree of acquiring stakes in companies or forming joint ventures with other car manufacturing and then doing the same production. Examples of the companies it has partnered with through acquiring their stakes or through joint ventures or even buying include, jaguar Land rover, Hispano Carrocera, Marcopolo, Daewoo, Trilix and many others. This is in a bid to cut on the cost of having to start a new product altogether. Tata is an Indian company that with a vision to manufacture cheap and affordable vehicles targeting Indian population whose middle class has been rising with time. Its first fully indigenous passenger car was launched in the year 1998 and nick named it the Indica. In an attempt to manufacture even more cheap and affordable cars for the Indian population who prefer travelling together with their family members, Tata launched in 2008 a small but spacious car called Tata Nano. This car was the cheapest world-wide by the time it was launched. The company in trying to set affordable but right prices for its Nano cars seem to have had some considerations in mind including profitability to the company, economic status of Indians, the prices of Nano Parts, and the installations that are put in it. The company’s design of the car makes the car cheap by not having expensive stereos that normally accompany expensive cars. The company worked from top downwards to arrive at this affordable car to many. They first set the highest price then worked downwards to design and develop a car with materials that would add up to this amount. The

Monday, October 14, 2019

Chem Lab Word Determination of the Gas Constant R Essay Example for Free

Chem Lab Word Determination of the Gas Constant R Essay Applying the Combined Gas Law Values of Standard Temperature and Pressure 15 of 19 Determining the value of V2 This value is then converted into moles in order to be applied to determine the gas constant, R. Determining the Gas Constant,R using the Ideal Gas Law 16 of 19 Calculating the Percenta 17 of 19 ge Error Conclusion and Evaluation Conclusion Based on the collected raw data and calculations, the Gas Constant (R) was determined. Calculations were done for all of the three trials and averaged for the most precise value for the Gas Constant. Random errors and uncertainties were to be educed through this process as well. Although all three trials were processed using the same materials and method, the experimental values of the Gas Constant were slightly different. The difference is most likely due to the altered vales such as the temperature, volume, and mass of the variables as these are all determinants of the reaction. According to the collected raw data, the average of the Gas Constant values for three trials is 8. 43L kPa K-1 mol-l, along with the Percentage Error of 1. 44% in comparison to the actual value. In this specific lab work, the Percentage Errors for ach trials are significant as they are relatively low values. This depicts that the Gas Constant values derived from the raw datas are somewhat close to the actual value of Gas Constant. Nevertheless, the Percentage Difference of the averaged value and the actual value is significantly larger than the Percentage uncertainty. This suggests random errors occurred and possible systematic error, causing the deviation of the calculated values from the actual value of Gas Constant. Evaluation Significance of the error Suggested improvements Assumption made for certain values For the calculation, the temperature

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Malaria Parasite Plasmodium and the Epidemiology of the Disease Essay

The Malaria Parasite Plasmodium and the Epidemiology of the Disease Abstract For ages malaria has affected mankind in almost all parts of the world. It has left a deep imprint on people who have been affected with the disease, and even today in countries where epidemics are common, malaria is a constant threat to people's daily lives. Malaria is caused by protozoan parasites of the genus Plasmodium (phylum Apicomplexa), and there are four species in the genus that cause the disease in humans. Their primary hosts and transmission vectors are female mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles; humans act as intermediate hosts. Places near the equator with a warm, subtropical climate are most susceptible to malaria endemics. More than half of the cases of malaria occur in sub-Saharan Africa. It was only recently that developments have been made to research the eradication of the disease on a global scale. Malaria, Italian for ?bad air?, is an infectious disease which for nearly 4,000 years has terrorized mankind in many parts of the world. It has greatly influenced human populations and human history, and even today, malaria is a leading cause of disease and death in the world with over one million deaths every year (Sherman 91). This means that every 30 seconds, a person dies from malaria. Unfortunately, the general public knows only little about the disease, which is one of the key reasons as to why so many people suffer from malaria. However, since the turn of the 20th century, a great deal of knowledge has been uncovered by microbiologists about this merciless killer. The biology behind malaria is extremely complex. As opposed to popular belief, malaria is actually a family of four different diseases caused by four different parasi... ...y 1. Day, Nancy. Malaria, West Nile, and other Mosquito-Borne Diseases. London: Enslow Publishers, 2001. 2. Desowitz, Robert S. The Malaria Capers: More Tales of People, Research, and Reality. Greenwich: W.W. Norton & Company, 1993. 3. Doolan, Denise L. Malaria Methods and Protocols. Denver: Humana Press, 2002. 4. ?Malaria.? 19 June 2006. Wikipedia. 18 Jul. 2006 . 5. ?Malaria Information.? 30 May 2005. Centers for Disease Control. DDT. 18 Jul 2006 . 6. Roberts, Roger. The Green Killing Fields; the Need for DDT to Defeat Malaria and Reemerging Diseases. AEI Press, 2006. 7. Sherman, Irwin W. Molecular Approaches to Malaria. New York: ASM Press, 2005. 8. The Malaria Eradication Project. Ed. Maya Winifred. May 2000. Indiana University. 22 Jul 2006 . 8 Malaria Parasite Plasmodium and the Epidemiology of the Disease Essay The Malaria Parasite Plasmodium and the Epidemiology of the Disease Abstract For ages malaria has affected mankind in almost all parts of the world. It has left a deep imprint on people who have been affected with the disease, and even today in countries where epidemics are common, malaria is a constant threat to people's daily lives. Malaria is caused by protozoan parasites of the genus Plasmodium (phylum Apicomplexa), and there are four species in the genus that cause the disease in humans. Their primary hosts and transmission vectors are female mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles; humans act as intermediate hosts. Places near the equator with a warm, subtropical climate are most susceptible to malaria endemics. More than half of the cases of malaria occur in sub-Saharan Africa. It was only recently that developments have been made to research the eradication of the disease on a global scale. Malaria, Italian for ?bad air?, is an infectious disease which for nearly 4,000 years has terrorized mankind in many parts of the world. It has greatly influenced human populations and human history, and even today, malaria is a leading cause of disease and death in the world with over one million deaths every year (Sherman 91). This means that every 30 seconds, a person dies from malaria. Unfortunately, the general public knows only little about the disease, which is one of the key reasons as to why so many people suffer from malaria. However, since the turn of the 20th century, a great deal of knowledge has been uncovered by microbiologists about this merciless killer. The biology behind malaria is extremely complex. As opposed to popular belief, malaria is actually a family of four different diseases caused by four different parasi... ...y 1. Day, Nancy. Malaria, West Nile, and other Mosquito-Borne Diseases. London: Enslow Publishers, 2001. 2. Desowitz, Robert S. The Malaria Capers: More Tales of People, Research, and Reality. Greenwich: W.W. Norton & Company, 1993. 3. Doolan, Denise L. Malaria Methods and Protocols. Denver: Humana Press, 2002. 4. ?Malaria.? 19 June 2006. Wikipedia. 18 Jul. 2006 . 5. ?Malaria Information.? 30 May 2005. Centers for Disease Control. DDT. 18 Jul 2006 . 6. Roberts, Roger. The Green Killing Fields; the Need for DDT to Defeat Malaria and Reemerging Diseases. AEI Press, 2006. 7. Sherman, Irwin W. Molecular Approaches to Malaria. New York: ASM Press, 2005. 8. The Malaria Eradication Project. Ed. Maya Winifred. May 2000. Indiana University. 22 Jul 2006 . 8

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Legalization Of Drugs Essay -- essays research papers

Legalization of Drugs The drug connection is one that continues to resist analysis, both because cause and effect are so difficult to distinguish and because the role of the drug- prohibition laws in causing and labeling "drug-related crime" is so often ignored. There are four possible connections between drugs and crime, at least three of which would be much diminished if the drug-prohibition laws were repealed. "First, producing, selling, buying, and consuming strictly controlled and banned substances is itself a crime that occurs billions of times each year in the United States alone" (Lindsmith Center). In the absence of drug- prohibition laws, these activities would obviously stop being crimes. "Selling drugs to children would continue to be criminal, and other evasions of government regulation of a legal market would continue to be prosecuted; but by and large the drug connection that now accounts for all of the criminal-justice costs noted above would be severed" (Lindsmith Center). Second, many illicit-drug users commit crimes such as robbery and burglary, as well as drug dealing, prostitution, and many others, to earn enough money to purchase the relatively high-priced illicit drugs. "Unlike the millions of alcoholics who can support their habits for relatively modest amounts, many cocaine and heroin addicts spend hundreds and even thousands of dollars a week" (Lindsmith Center). If the drugs to which they are addicted were much cheaper- which would be the case if they were legalized-the number of crimes committed by drug addicts to pay for their habits would, in all likelihood, decline. Even if a legal-drug policy included the a demand of relatively high taxes in order to discourage consumption, drug prices would probably still be lower than they are today. The third drug connection is the commission of crimes- violent crimes in particular-by people under the influence of illicit drugs. "This connection seems to have the greatest impact upon the popular imagination" (Lindsmith Center). Clearly, some drugs do "cause" some people to commit crimes by reducing normal control, unleashing aggressive and other antisocial tendencies, and lessening the sense of responsibility. "Cocaine, particularly in the form of crack, has gained such a reputation in recent years, just as heroin did in t... ... of the drug dealing business because they can't control things on the street anymore with the drugs. He would have to go the legal way and try to make himself a respectable business person or lose all of his business. The bottom line is, if drugs are legalized it would stop a lot of crime and stimulate the economy. Drugs are bad, but wouldn't it be better to stop the criminal activity than let all of the crime go unchecked. The drug trafficking these days is getting to be ridiculous and something must be done to stop the rage of drug use and crime in our societies today. Children can get their hands on these illegal and dangerous drugs so easy now it is crazy. If drug use was legalized it would become almost impossible for a child under age to get these drugs. It would stop many young people from becoming junkies, while making them into better people that would contribute to their community. If a person wants to mess their bodies up I believe that they should do what they want with themselves, but when things start to affect other people then the authorities should step in. WORK CITED The Lindsmith Center, "Drugs and Crime."

Friday, October 11, 2019

Entrepreneur Biography – Walt Disney

Kenneth Uy 500438690 Entrepreneur’s Biography – Walt Disney Childhood Walter Elias Disney, commonly referred to as Walt Disney, was born on December 5th, 1901 in Chicago, Illinois (Walt Disney Family Museum, 2012). His father Elias Disney was an Irish-Canadian and his mother, Flora Disney, was of German and English descent. His family settled in a village known as Norton Disney in the country of Lincolnshire at the time of birth (Disney, 2000). At the age of four, Disney and his family moved to a farm in Marceline, Missouri, which is where he developed his love for drawing.At the time he paid a retired Doctor by the name of â€Å"Doc† Sherwood to produce images of his horse, Rupert. Later on his interest grew to train development in Marceline, specifically the Topeka and Santa Fe Railway where his uncle Michael Martin was the engineer (Disney, 2000). Four years later, the Disney’s moved to Kansas City where Walt Disney attended the Benton Grammar School. I n school Walt Disney met Walter Pfeiffer who introduced him to the world of vaudeville and motion pictures (Disney, 2000). He continued to emerge himself in art and filmography as he attended courses at the Kansas City Art Institute and went to Electric Park.Adulthood At age 22 Walt Disney left Kansas City and made his way into Hollywood regardless of his insufficient money and materials. With the help of his brother Roy Disney they were able to use their resources and construct a camera to film in their uncles garage. Shortly they received an order from New York to produce the film â€Å"Alice Comedy† and began production (IMDb, 2010). In 1925, Walt married Lillian Bounds, one of his employees, in Lewiston, Idaho and had two daughters named Diane and Sharon Disney (Disney, 2000).Three years had passed and the infamous Mickey Mouse was first portrayed in the silent cartoon â€Å"Plane Crazy† but made his debut in â€Å"Steamboat Willie† which is known as the wor ld’s first fully synchronized sound cartoon. The production Mickey Mouse was the first milestone that began Walt Disney’s progression (Disney, 2000). Soon after, he began the production of full-length animated cartoon that contributed his launch to succession. By the time 1955 had arrive the entire globe had been entertained by Walt Disney’s creations especially with his television programming like â€Å"The Mickey Mouse Club† â€Å"Zorro† and Wonderful World of Color†.On December 15, 1966 Walt Disney had died from Lung Cancer (WDFM, 2012). Education Walt Disney began his early education when he attended Benton Grammar School where he recognizes his ability to draw. Once the family moved to Chicago in 1917, Disney attended McKinley High School in his freshman year and took night courses at the Chicago Art Institute. He returned to Kansas City after a year to begin working as a graphic artist, therefore, Disney had a total of 9 years of formal education (Disney, 2000). Family Walt Disney had a father named Elias Disney and a mother named Flora Disney.He has three brothers Herbert, Raymond, Roy, and Walter. And a sister named Ruth Disney. When he married Lillian Bounds in 1925 they conceived a girl by the name of Diane Disney and adopted a girl named Sharon Disney (IMDb, 2010). Diane married Ron Miller who was former president and chief executive of Walt Disney Productions; and Sharon served as a member of Disney Board of Directors (Disney, 2000) Work Experience As a high school dropout in 1917, Walt Disney tried to join the army but was rejected at the age of 16 for being too young (IMDb, 2010).He then joined the Red Cross for a year as an ambulance driver. Upon his arrival back, he had difficulty finding work as an artist or even as an ambulance driver. He then found temporary work at an Art Studio creating advertisements for newspapers, magazines and movie theatres. He also met his first start-up partner Ubbe Iwerks. F inally, he worked for Kansas City Film Ad Company where he learned all about animation and decided to become an animator (Gabler, 2006). Past Startup Background Iwerks-Disney Commercial Artists† was founded in January 1920 after Walt and Ubbe decided to start their own company (Gabler, 20006). Their company however was a failure and both started to work in animation at the Kansas City Film Ad Company. After learning all about animation, he pursued another start-up with another co-worker Fred Harman. This time he created an animation business and started screening cartoon’s titled â€Å"Laugh-O-Grams† in a local theatre. Following their success, Disney acquired Laugh-O-Gram studios, which soon went bankrupt due to Walt’s poor financial management.Later that year, Walt and his Brother Roy opened Disney Brothers’ Studio in Hollywood, California (WDFM, 2012). He then started selling his produced cartoons to a New York distributor that was a huge success . Everything was going well until Disney found out that his client had hired Walt’s animators under contract and took the rights to his most popular animated characters (Gabler, 2006). Motivation of Startup After losing everything, Walt and Ubbe decided to create another cartoon character now known as Mickey.After creating a series of short cartoons Mickey became the world’s most popular cartoon character in the 1930s. Walt created his first full-length animated musical feature in the production of â€Å"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs† which exceeded over $1,400,000 in profit (IMDb, 2010). Throughout 1937-1947 he continued to create full-length movies such as â€Å"Pinocchio†, â€Å"Fantasia†, â€Å"Dumbo†, and â€Å"Bambi†. Following his cartoon success, Walt thought it was possible to pursue his dream in creating a theme park and which is now Disneyland.After being rejected approximately 302 times (Cool Pup, 2012) for financing the park, he finally got approved and his venture would allow him to acquire ABC and open his second successful theme park, Disneyworld (JustDisney, 2003). The Walt Disney Company now has approximately 156,000 employees and had almost $41 billion in revenue the previous year (WDFM, 2012). Section 2 Stevenson’s Entrepreneurial Perspective on Walt Disney Note: This section pertains to Walt Disney while he had an influence on the Walt Disney Company until his death in 1966 and not the company at its current state.Strategic Orientation Strategic orientation is defined by Stevenson to be how one formulates strategy (2006). He mentions two styles: Promoter and Trustee and contrasts the two by describing the first as opportunity-driven and the latter as resource-driven. Walt Disney demonstrated many entrepreneurial traits throughout his animation business ventures. Even while working for other ad companies, he always ended up making his own company. I believe Walt Disney’s strat egic orientation strongly reflects that of a promoter.Walt always pursued opportunities in entertainment because while Walt was producing still-cartoons at a previous job, he saw a bigger opportunity in animation and continued to pursue such opportunities as shown in his many transitions in the industry. He then started making short-film cartoons leading him to open his own animation business and acquire a studio (Gabler, 2006). He then saw opportunities by creating full-length feature films and even in creating his own theme park. Stevenson also states that a promoter’s fundamental task is to require the resources to pursue the opportunity.Walt Disney never gave up on Disneyland and was rumored to have been rejected financing for the theme park over 300 times (Cool Pup, 2012) until he struck a deal with ABC who agreed to help finance the park (JustDisney, 2003). He achieved his task and was driven to succeed in his financing. Walt can also be justified as a promoter because he operates in an industry with diminishing opportunity streams. Before his cartoon Mickey Mouse became a famous icon, Walt Disney constantly produced new characters and films to build his company’s reputation. Commitment to OpportunityStevenson’s next concept is described as a person’s willingness to act (2006). Promoters are action-oriented and willing to act in short-time periods to chase their opportunities. He describes promoters to be action-oriented and have heavy involvement in risk management. Conversely, commitment for trustees is often time-consuming and usually takes a longer period of time. Through Walt’s journey we saw him deviate his concentration to many different forms of entertainment. He seemed to be involved with many cartoon characters until the creation of Mickey Mouse that lead to his huge success (IMDb, 2010).Walt’s ventures with his cartoons lead him to movies, television and the creation of the world’s most popular theme park. This revolutionary array of ventures reveals Disney’s commitment to opportunity as a promoter. He remained very action oriented in ensuring that he would follow through until his cartoons succeeded. As well, he was heavily involved in the risk management of his company because nobody was willing to invest in his Disneyland (JustDisney, 2003). He financed a lot of the park through the company and the other half through ABC and was determined to make the park succeed.With the park’s success, Disney had already made plans to commit construction for another one in Florida. His commitment to opportunity attributed largely to his company’s success. Commitment of Resources When it comes to the attainment of resources, Stevenson says that promoters go through many stages of resource commitment with the goal of minimizing resources (2006). On the other hand, trustees will commit upon a larger-scale after careful analysis and single stage commitment. In relati on to Walt, a lot of his projects underwent a series of funding.In his early career as an artist and animator, he had to find a distributor for all his productions (Gabler, 2006) since he could never totally finance his business unless he was selling cartoons. Even after the company’s success and Walter won his first academy award for his creation of Mickey Mouse, when the company transitioned to make its first feature-length film â€Å"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs† the studio ran out of money (Gabler, 2006). Since there were no formal venture capitalist groups at the time, the only way Walt could raise money was through loans.Eventually the movie would become the largest grossing film of the year (IMDb, 2010). The company went through many stages of funding to finance its various other projects. Similar to Snow White, Disneyland was funded in a similar manner where Walter would seek another loan to cover the costs of creating Disneyland (JustDisney, 2003). His jour ney through the resource commitment process mirrors promoter behaviour because he only sought funding when he needed it at multiple stages. Due to unpredictable resource needs and varied studio costs from film development, from a financial perspective Disney’s company was very chaotic.Control of Resources The use of resources in an organization plays a pivotal role in determining a company’s success. Stevenson describes promoters to only be concerned with their ability to use a resource while trustees seek to control their resources by attaining full ownership (2006). When it comes to the animation business, ownership plays a key role in everyday operations. When Disney lost the rights to one of his most successful characters â€Å"Felix the Cat† (Gabler, 2006), Walt found himself at a standstill.From that moment onward, Walt made sure to maintain full ownership on all his company’s future productions in order to preserve his business and avoid future leg al conflicts. Due to the nature of the business, Walt relied heavily on his staff and had to employ full-time animators who could consistently produce the high quality entertainment the company was known for. As well, in order to make Disneyland and Disneyworld, the company needed to purchase large amounts of land (Gabler, 2006).A promoter style of management does not suit the Walt Disney Company for this section because Walt himself influenced so much of the company and could only have done so through ownership of all his resources. Therefore, Mr. Disney favored the administrative domain because of factors such as power and coordination. Having complete ownership and influence was essential to Disney in order to make sure his vision became a reality. His coordination was also important because it ensured he could take action without further approval from other partners.Management Structures Stevenson’s views on management place relationships at the core of every structure. P romoters rely on receiving valuable information for key actors while trustees rely on formal relationships within the company based on detailed rights and responsibilities. Trustee management is the only applicable management structure for the Walt Disney Company (2006). He states, â€Å"Only in systems where the relationship with resources is based on ownership or employment can resources be organized in a hierarchy† (Stevenson, 2006).With the company’s heavy emphasis on ownership on its productions and land as previously addressed, it is only appropriate that structure is required to delegate roles and responsibilities within the company. Walt’s company demonstrated many things that favour trustee management, the first being the need for clearly defined authority and responsibility and the next to be organizational culture. As the company increased in size, in order to ensure Walt could influence every level of management, there needed to be a formalized hiera rchy common in many large corporations.Walt worked closely with his animators to ensure the company’s productions were under his direct approval (Gabler, 2006). Operating a large company also requires organizational culture because work needs to be formulated into a routine for employees to work within. Reward Philosophy When it comes to rewarding an organization’s employees, Stevenson finds that promoters reward employees based on their contribution and harvesting of value (2006). Investors and owners of the business want to generate returns to ensure they get their money back.Since performance is crucial in determining the success or failure of a start-up, key employees who help generate this value are usually rewarded on their performance. Trustee style management differs because compensation is usually pre-determined because of assigned responsibilities with the exception of small bonuses and promotions (Stevenson, 2006). Walt Disney maintained promoter behaviour b ecause a lot of his employees such as the staff at his studio were hired on salary with bonuses of 20% of profits for the short cartoons (Hill, 2004).At the time, Disney was considered to have the highest paid workers with the best working conditions. Disney embodied the promoter style of management because of factors such as individual expectations and competition. After the success of â€Å"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs†, Walt was known to have made â€Å"salary adjustments† to animators who he felt did exceptional work (Hill, 2004). As well, Disney strategically offered the best wages and working conditions in order to maintain its talent and attract more talent in a highly competitive industry. Section 3Recommendations for Walt Disney and The Walt Disney Company It is hard make comments and recommendations for one of the greatest and most ambitious entrepreneurs of all time but there a few things I would like to address in areas where I feel could have been handl ed differently. Although Disney operated in a completely different time period of more than 50 years ago, I will do my best to acknowledge the time period and his situation. 1. During the release of his first feature film â€Å"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs† and his change to the reward policy, the strike of his whole nimation staff could have put his business into financial hardship. In order to avoid situations like these, Disney should have reported or at the very least consulted with HR professionals on a better payment plan to reward employees during successful productions, and also support employees adequately through financial hardship as experienced in World War 2. Because his employees are crucial to the operation of the business, risky financial moves can have extreme and immediate effects on the company’s future. 2. The company found itself out of funds several times due to poor financial management.As previously mentioned, the company went bankrupt during the production of â€Å"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs† and it also did not have enough funds to complete Disneyland on its own. Although the company succeeded in both ventures, I believe that Walt Disney was poor at managing the company’s funds. In his earliest of animation days, his Laugh-O-Gram studios also went bankrupt as a result of overpaying his employees. He also tried to negotiate a price increase on his contract that actually resulted in termination of the contract, the loss of his production â€Å"Alice Comedies† and even most of his animation staff.He again was close to bankrupt and might have stayed that way had it not been for the creation his iconic â€Å"Mickey Mouse†. I believe that if there were a person with more financial experience and knowledge similar to the modern day equivalent to a Chief Financial Officer, he would have not reached such plateaus. As well if he had stronger legal advisors, he could have probably earned the righ ts back to his character and staff or at least won a settlement.While CFOs and law firms aren’t as readily available back then as they were today, I believe one thing that Disney lacked was his ability to have a reliable and knowledgeable management team that could have saved him a lot of hardship. Walt Disney is a remarkable man whose life work influenced the way people viewed imagination. His life dedication to providing entertainment was what helped him reach an entrepreneurial pinnacle. Arising from all failures and demonstrating a life committed to fulfilling his life goals lead him to be one of the most influential entrepreneurs of all time.References Cool Pup. (2012). Disneyland. In  Daily Celebrations. Retrieved November 5, 2012, from http://www. dailycelebrations. com/071799. htm Gabler, N. (2006). Walt Disney: The Triumph of the American Imagination. IMDb. (2010). Walt Disney Biography. In  IMDb. Retrieved November 6, 2012, from http://www. imdb. com/name/nm0000 370/bio Hill, J. (2004, June). Another look backat the 1941 Disney Studio Strike. In  Jim Hill Media. Retrieved November 6, 2012, from http://jimhillmedia. com/alumni1/b/wade_sampson/archive/2004/06/07/1204. aspx#. UJqz-Gl25YQ JustDisney. 2003). Disneyland's History. In  Disneyland History. Retrieved November 7, 2012, from http://www. justdisney. com/disneyland/history. html Stevenson, H. H. (2006, April 13). A Perspective on Entrepreneurship. Harvard Business School,  9(131), 1-12. The Walt Disney Family Museum. (2012). About Walt Disney. In  Timeline. Retrieved November 6, 2012, from http://www. waltdisney. com/timeline#41 Walt Disney. (2000). In  Walt Disney Biography. Retrieved November 5, 2012, from http://www. norsknettskole. no/fag/ressurser/itstud/fuv/gunnargrodal/bio. htm

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Impacts of Video Game

A video game is an electronic game that involves human interaction with a user interface to generate visual feedback on a video device (Wikipedia, 2011). With many types of games, there are many different effects that affect our life and most of them are bad. The first and also the most dangerous problem is violence. According to Dr. Craig Anderson (2003), violent video games may have even stronger effects on children's aggression for many reasons. He says that video games are highly interactive and engaging.In the other hand, many games reward for violent behaviors and because children repeat these behaviors again and again, they become more violent (Craig Anderson, 2003). Share the same idea with Anderson, Barlett (2009) describes five negative effects of video games and violence is the most dangerous effect. Violent video games is causally related to aggressive thoughts, physiological arousal, aggressive behavior, and antisocial behavior, as a result, children become more violent and they can’t control their action.Besides, there is a strong connection between violent video games and narcissism. Highly narcissistic individuals may act more violent after playing violent video games (Barlett, 2009). It seems like almost attacks are directed to the violent video game but there are some different opinions. One study by University of Rochester (N. Y. ) researchers Daphne Bavelier and C. Shawn Green(2010) on the first-person shooter game â€Å"Unreal Tournament† found that players improved perceptual and attention skills by playing that game.It gives player some highly mental skills like problem solving, logic, quick thinking, making fast analysis and decisions. They found that playing pro-social games led to more subsequent â€Å"helping† behavior in users (Daphne Bavelier, 2010). These researchers’ opinions may right but this problem doesn’t stop there. The author of the research â€Å"The good and the bad effects of video gam es† (raisesmartkid. com, 2010) points out that the effects of video games on children is worsened by the games interactive nature. Children are rewarded for being more violent.In some other ways, violent video games affect our social life. We may spend less time in other activities such as doing homework, sports and interacting with the family and friends (raisesmartkid. com, 2010). â€Å"GTA series† is the best example for this problem. In this game, we can do everything we want like stole a car or kill people. Although many people agree with this opinion, we cannot deny the beneficial side of it. â€Å"For the U. S military, video games get serious† (Albert Rizzo, 2011). 2. 1. 2 Affect our health. The second problem is our health.Video games affect not only our behavior, feeling but also our body. According to Dr. Mohamed K. Khan (2006), in Great Britain, those between the ages of 7 and 19 were associated with a 1. 1 per 100,000 risks for experiencing a light-i nduced seizure. However, those in the same age range who played video games experienced a 1. 5 per 100,000 risk. Dr. Khan also finds out that video games affect our movement. Our muscles become smaller because when we play video game, our body doesn’t need to work, as a result, our body become weaker than the normal person (Mohamed K.Khan, 2006). 2. 1. 3 Become addicted. The last problem is video game addiction. With many bad effects, why game still becomes an addiction and make us spend all day for it? Dr. Charles Ungerleider (2007) explains that â€Å"they're very compelling with increasing complexity, so a child becomes more facile, yet wants to know more and apply new skills. † While wanting to improve their game isn't a problem in itself, it becomes one if video games are â€Å"taking a youngster away too much from other activities,† says Ungerleider. (Dr. Charles Ungerleider, 2007).According to the author of the research â€Å"The good and the bad effects of video games† (raisesmartkid. com, 2010), video games addiction will affect our social life. We spend all day to play video games and it will destroy our social skill (raisesmartkid. com, 2010). 2. 2 Solutions. 2. 2. 1 Buyers check the game carefully. According to the author of the research â€Å"The good and bad effects of video games†, Buyers should check the game carefully. Every video game has the Rating and buyers should check it before buying that game.The government divides video games into 6 levels, and each level suitable for each group of age. We also need to note the title and the cover picture. The reviews of the game are important and because of that reason, we should search for the game in the internet before decide to buy it. Some websites will give score of the game so choose prestigious websites. The information from these websites is very useful. It will give the buyer the day that the game is released or the type of that game.Buyer can watch the ga me review or play the demo of the game and it will give the buyer some experiences before decide to buy that game (raisesmartkid. com, 2010). 2. 2. 2 Players do more exercise to improve your help. Because of the bad effect of video games on our health, we should do more exercises to train our body. 1 hour per day for morning exercise will make our muscles stronger. In addition, some leisure activities like swimming, walking, fishing also well for your health (Pietro Galassetti and the other researchers, 2001). 2. 2. Players need family power. According to Los Angeles-based psychotherapist Robert Butterworth (2010) ,dysfunctional parenting, children with little guilt, and accessibility to firearms with little parental supervision can create violent children. â€Å"Most children who commit violent crime show an early combination of personality and family factors that include having trouble getting along with playmates in preschool,† ( Robert Butterworth , 2010). Therefore, pare nt should limit the amount of time their children play video games or set a password for their computer.According to the author of the research â€Å"Create a strong password†, the password should have eight characters or more and try to put more uncommon characters. However, some children can break the password easily because they have some hacking skill. Because of that reason, parent should learn some way to power up your password. There are four steps that will make your password stronger. Step one is use a full sentence. After that, parent should remove all the spaces between the words. Next step is turning words into shorthand.And finally, you should put some numbers that meaningful to you (Microsoft. om, 2011). If you think the password can’t stop your children from playing video game, you should use some software to lock the computer. In the other hand, parent should give their children a variety entertaining things to learn from, so they will be addicted to vi deo games. Children should join the other leisure activities like soccer, fishing, and swimming. If you think your children addict to play video games, you should send them to some Game Quitting Programs. Tran Nguyen (2009), reporter of Viet Nam news, says that these programs will focus on maintaining and enhancing feelings.Most of the students of these programs had quit video games while the others had moderated the time they spent playing (Tran Nguyen, 2009). 3. Conclusion The findings reveal that Video games have many bad effects. These effects affect not only our behavior but also our health. Video games become an addiction, a national issue. However, we still can avoid these bad effects with some solutions like game checking system, morning exercises and parent s’ responsibility. With these solutions, we can control the problem and make it become a powerful tool for everybody around the world.

Assignment Database

Else, you could wind up with a failure to rapidly record, sort and discover patients who have relating scenes of forethought, arrangements, authentic cases, and so forth. Similarly, you may need to guarantee that patients with open scenes of consideration, for example, those that are inpatients or are on a holding up rundown can't be erased or changed, on the grounds that such differentiations could have a risky impact on your database's honesty. Whether the issue causes lost or degenerate patient records, whichever way such audacious possibly be left unattached, gliding round your framework with no placeholder or legitimate way.In this manner, without referential trustworthiness you will be left with a database that can't run at an ideal execution level and is at danger from administrators. Referential Integrity empowers you to administer a predictable and approved database. Case in point, in a patient database you may need to guarantee that no patients could be entered into the fra mework without an extraordinary patient ID. Else, you could wind up with a failure to rapidly record, sort and discover patients who have comparing scenes of rethought, errands, authentic cases, and so on.Just as, you may need to guarantee that patients with open scenes of forethought, for example, those that are inpatients or are on a holding up rundown can't be erased or altered, on the grounds that such differentiations could have an unsafe impact on your database's honesty. Whether the issue causes lost or degenerate patient records, whichever way such audacious possibly be left unattached, drifting around your framework with no placeholder or coherent way. Consequently, without referential honesty you will be left with a database administrators. SIZE 4: QUEUE 5: QUEUE 6:Dater currently woven into each segment and capacity in the worldwide economy, and, in the same way as other key components of creation, for example, hard possessions and human capital, much of up to date invest ment movement basically couldn't happen without them. The utilization of Big Data -? extensive pools of death might be united and examined to perceive examples and settle on better choices -? will turn into the foundation of rivalry and development for unique firms, upgrading benefit and making huge worth for the world economy by decreasing waste and expanding the nature of items and administrations.As of recently, the torrent of defoliating our reality has been a marvel that likely just energize a couple of attends. At the same time we are presently at an intonation point. As stated by examination from the McKinney Global Institute (MGM) and McKinney & Company's Business Tech oenology Office, the sheer volume Of desecrated, put away, and dug for experiences has ended up financially pertinent to organizations, government, and buyers.The historical backdrop of past patterns in IT financing and improvement and its effect on intensity and benefit firmly propose that Big Data can have a comparable force, in reticular the capability to change our lives. The same preconditions that permitted past waves of IT-empowered advancement to power gainfulness, I. E. , innovation improvements emulated by the selection of reciprocal administration developments, are set up for Big Data, and we need suppliers of Big Data engineering and propelled logical proficiencies to have in any event to the extent that effect on benefit as suppliers of different sorts of innovation.All organizations need to take Big Data and its possibility to make esteem genuinely on the off chance that they need to contend. For instance, a few retailers grasping huge dataset the possibility to build their working edges by 60 for every penny. Enormous Data: another advantage The utilization of Big Data is turning into a vital path for heading organizations to beat their companions. In most businesses, built contenders and new contestants apparently equivalent will power derivative techniques to enhance, co ntend, and catch esteem.For sure, we discovered early samples Of such utilization of attain every area we inspected. In human services, dapperness are investigating the wellbeing results of pharmaceuticals when hey were generally recommended, and uncovering profits and dangers that were not obvious throughout fundamentally more constrained clinical trials. Other early adopters of Big Data are utilizing taproom sensors installed within items from youngsters' toys to modern merchandise to figure out how these items are really utilized as a part of this present reality.Such knowledge then advises the formation of new administration offerings and the outline of future items Enormous Data will help to make new development open doors and altogether new classes of organizations, for example, those that total and iciest industry information. A significant number of these will be organizations that sit amidst extensive data streams where outboard items and administrations, purchasers and sup pliers, purchaser inclination and plan might be caught and dissected.Forward-speculation pioneers crosswise over segments ought to start forcefully to fabricate their associations' Big Data competencies. Notwithstanding the sheer scale of Big Data, the continuous and high-recurrence nature of the dater likewise vital. Case in point, â€Å"miscasting,† the capacity to gauge measurements, for example, hopper certainty, quickly, something which formerly could just be carried out reflectively, is getting to be all the more broadly utilized, adding impressive force to expectation.Likewise, the high recurrence of tapestries clients to test speculations in close constant and to a level at no other time conceivable. We examined five spaces in profundity human services and retail in the United States, the general population segment in Europe, and assembling and individual area data(the area desecrated by the keen cell phones large portions of us now convey) universally and some compre hensively appropriate methods for leveraging enormous damagers. References (Insights & Publications, ND).

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Two articles that are influential in the field of Organizational Article

Two articles that are influential in the field of Organizational Development - Article Example Furthermore, the authors indicate that those organizations that can develop a sense of learning within their respective units are the most likely to maintain a degree of success over the long term. The article itself was salient to the subject matter it discussed. However, the authors did not spend a great deal of time discussing how organizational policies that can affect the cultural exchange mechanisms can and should be instituted in order to achieve the highest levels of results. As such, the article lost a bit of its legitimacy with attempting to define and categorize such a process. Courvisanos, J., Tuck, J., McEachern, S., & National Centre for Vocational Education, R. (2012). Building the Capacity to Innovate: The Role of Human Capital. Research Report. National Centre For Vocational Education Research (NCVER), Similarly, the second article that has been chosen seeks to understand the ways in which an organization can actively support/foster and grow its innovative powers. The authors note that due to the fact that the marketplace is changing at such a rapid rate, it is necessary for organizations to react to this by seeking to differentiate the means by which they encourage innovation within their respective units. The authors do not commit to laying out a framework by which innovation itself can be encouraged; rather, they seek to lay out a series of conditions that firms should first consider with reference to how they intend on growing, expanding, and differentiating themselves. The article’s main drawback is concentric upon the fact that it does not lay out a specific framework for how innovation can be ultimately encouraged. Although it is clear why this has not been done from the analysis they performed as well as the explanations they gave, the reader is left to wonder if it would not be slightly more simple to merely lay out a basic framework for ways in which

Monday, October 7, 2019

Philosophy of the Person and Self Concept Essay - 1

Philosophy of the Person and Self Concept - Essay Example Locke in his  An Essay Concerning Human Understanding  and Jacques Rohault in his  Ultimate Questions: Thinking About Philosophy  use primarily ‘reason’ as their major tool for scientific research and methodological strength. He initially expresses doubt for ‘being’ and goes further to prove the reality of ‘being’. For him, when we doubt a thing or being, we then  ipso facto, by virtue of the existence of ‘doubt’, must know that what we doubt exist as a reality. Doubt we must for Descartes. Otherwise, all apparent reality is a dream or an illusion. This is not an instance of contradiction in Descartes. Here, it is the order and tool of argument is important than any other thing.  Descartes’ critics such as Johannes Caterus, Friar Marin Mersenne, Thomas Hobbes, Antoine Arnauld, Pierre Gassendi and Jesuit Pierre Bourdin point out quite a few criticisms.     

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Abortion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 5

Abortion - Essay Example Canada has totally different policies regarding abortion. It has been legal since 1969 and women have a right to decide whether they want to keep a child or not. Restrictions are imposed by Canadian health regulations and they vary in different provinces of Canada. Abortions were illegal before 1969; however, in 1969 new regulations allowed women to resort to abortion if their pregnancy threatened them by mental or physical harm. In 1989 Canadian Supreme court rules that existing criminal laws restricting abortion were unfair; as a result Canada is one of the nations were there are no criminal restrictions to abortion (Norman, 2012). Even though there are still difficulties in access of therapeutic abortion, it is quite common in Canada. According to Norman (2012), almost one third of Canadian women experience abortion in their reproductive years. Around 50-52% of these women are in their 20-s. There is a tendency that young people tends not to risk their health and do abortion being pregnant for the first time. Overall, women in Canada can do abortion if child birth threatens their health. It is very liberal as women can access quality medical services and care if they happen to be in this situation. The situation in South Korea is totally different because abortions are illegal there. According to Sung (2012), there are 440,000 childbirths registered in South Korea every year. At the same time, there are 340,000 abortions performed each year. There is a controversy between legal background in South Korea and reality because many women search for illegal opportunities to do abortion. Moreover, Korean women want to legalize abortion since they are becoming more important for social and political life in the country but social expectations and role of females in Korean society. Despite great progress of Korean women they are still oppressed by these expectations. The truth is that being technically