Monday, September 30, 2019

Effects of conflict on productivity Essay

List of Figures and Tables Page Study population – Table 3.1 8 Response rate -Table 4.1 9 Causes of Conflict – Table 4.2 9 Causes of Conflict – Pie Chart 4.1 10 Effects of Conflict – Table 4.3 10 Effects of Conflict – Pie Chart – 4.2 11 (vi) Chapter One INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction Lucgeor Enterprises was registered in 1998 as a general merchant business but specialized in supplyof printed and general stationery amongst others. Since its registration , Lucgeor has never looked back and have dominated the supply of stationery to most of the businesses in Mombasa and surrounding towns. The company has 43 members of staff who have the necessary skills and commitment to the ideals of the organization in all respect. The management of Lucgeor Enterprises are people of long standing experience in the Printing and stationery business. They have instilled good team work and participatory management of the organization which has seen the organization take a lead in the stationery supply business. The company aims to gain a huge market share through various approaches including cost leadership , service differentiation and focused attention aimed at persuading their customers and potential clents i of their quality service provision and pocket friendly prices. The company makes good use of ICT to reach its clients thus saving on time and costs. Lucgeor Enterprises which is based at Bondeni area along Abdel Nasser Street, has for the last twoand half years been going through some conflicts between and amongst its staff. The conflicts have in away slowed or derailed the smooth operations of the company and more importantly affected its service delivery to key clients who have had to wait for hours or days for goods to be delivered. This tr end is unlike in the past when service provision took precedence over all else. 1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT The company has had strained relations amongst its workforce lately which hampers its service deliv ery activities. The complaints registered with management regarding poor service delivery to customer s  are becoming the norm rather than the exception. If the trend is not arrested in good time, the impact of the conflicts within the organization may end up destroying the company and with it the livelihood of a good number of employees and even the owners. 1.3 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY (i) To establish the causes of conflict at Lucgeor Enterprises (ii) Effects of conflicts at Lucgeor Enterprises and (iii) To seek for appropriate solutions to the conflicts. 1.4 Research Questions (I) What are the causes of conflict at Lucgeor Enterprises? (ii) What are the effects of conflict at Lucgeor Enterprises and? (iii) Which are the most appropriate solutions to the conflicts? 1.5 JUSTIFICATION OF THE STUDY (i) To the Researcher The study would give the researcher a first hand experience on what causes conflicts, conflict situ ations, effects of conflicts on organizational productivity, teams and team work and hopefully enable the researcher to find best conflict management approaches which could help organizations in conflict t o overcome such conflict situations in their organizations in the best way possible . 1 recommendations given as anecdotes to the conflict situations in the organization thus unlocking the potentials of the business to serve its customers effectively by managing the conflicts sensitively . (iii) To other Researchers The study would give future researchers ready information for reference  purposes and to enable them fill the gaps that may be noted and hopefully improve the conflict prevention , containment , avoid ance and management activities in organizations thus enhancing positive industrial relations in organizations, besides increasing the body of knowledge available for consultation and experimentation. (iv) To Mount Kenya University Future researchers would utilize the findings of this study for reference purposes and the foundation upon which they may further their research on conflicts, based on available findings , conclusions and recommendations thus filling the gaps that may be noted and hopefully improve the conflict prevent , containment , avoidance and management activities in organizations thus enhancing positive indus relations in organizations. 1.6 SCOPE OF THE STUDY Effects of Conflict on Organizational productivity study, was an attempt to understand the effects of conflict amongst employees of an organization on their productivity and the overall productivity of the organization in achieving its objectives.. The study was conducted amongst the employees of Lucgeor Enterprises at their place of work at Bondeni area and it took approximately 6 months. 1.7 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY (a) Lack of Time The researcher due to time constraints was faced with serious juggling between the research work ti me  and the daily work related responsibilities, all of which required a piece of his time. Fortunatelythe researcher was able to work through and ensured that none was given a raw deal and the project completed in time. (b) Limited Information The researcher due to the nature of organizational policies and communication strategy, received l mited i information on the basis that the providers i.e the staff, never fully trusted the intentions of the researcher. But to authenticate the information provided, the researcher went the extra mile to independently v erify the same with the top management who were more than willing to clarify provided information and eve tied the loose ends thus affording the researcher a clear picture of the inf rmation required for the o research work. (c) Reluctance by employees to respond The researcher faced the prospects of failure by the staff to respond to interviews, answer questio nnaires. The employees reluctance to respond, our investigations found were due to fear of victimization by management for divulging company information to outsiders whose intentions were not clear to them. To circumvent this, the researcher consulted the management who gave unequivocal assurance to the staff that they will not be victimized since the researcher was a student whose details they had authenticated and was simply doing research as part of their course work. the assurance saved theday and enabled them to respond positively given the requirements of the project. 2 Chapter Two LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 INTRODUCTION Conflict is a common denominator to all social life. It is an inevitable part of our lives becauseit is related to situations of scarce resources, division of functions, power relations and role differeniation. t Because of its pervasive and ambagious nature, conflicts have led scholars and administrators to qu estion whether they understand its meaning and relevance and how best to cope with conflict should one arise. The normative conception of conflict, strongly influenced by a preoccupation with stability and equilibrium in organizational design, links conflict to violence, destruction, inefficiency and irrationality This form of intellectual myopia was especially invidious in suggesting that administrators have th e responsibility of avoiding, controlling or eliminating conflicts. Descriptive approaches challenge the whole basis and rationale of these assumptions. They permit usto depart from an outmoded paradigm by suggesting that any social interaction in which the parties (however they may be structured or defined) compete for scarce resources or values have the potenti l for a conflict. Using the term in broad sense , we suggest that conflict refers to all kinds of antagonis tic  interactions. More specifically, it can be defined as a situation in which two or more partie have s  incompatible objectives and in which their perceptions and behaviour are commensurate with the incompatibility. This definition is purposely broad. It suggests that conflict is a social phenomenon that is found in personal, group or organizational interactions. Conflict therefore has several dimensions. Fink 5 distinguishes between (I) Antagonistic- psychological relations and (ii) Antagonistic behaviour Likewise Pondy 6 observes that conflict is made up of (I)Antecedent conditions (ii) Affective conditions (iii) Cognitive conditions and (iv) Behavioural conditions We therefore advance a conception which emphasizes its three, interrelated dimensions, namely (1)Conflict situation (the basic incompatibility) (2) Conflict attitudes (Range of psychological factors) and (3) Conflict behaviour (set of related behaviour) Conflict refers to more than just overt behaviour. Concentrating only upon its behavioural manifestation is an extremely limiting exercise. The three dimensional conceptions of conflict emphasizes the ne d to e consider the situation in which parties (Individuals, groups or organizations ) come to possess incompatible goals, their structure of interaction and the nature of their goals. We have to consid er  emotional (e.g distrust) and Cognitive ( e.g Stereotyping) orientations that accompany a conflict situation as well as a range of action undertaken by any party in a situation of conflict. 2.2 Theoritical Review / Conceptual Framework Stephen Robbins makes a strong case for the need for a more realistic approach to conflict with his â€Å"Interactionist Approach†. He states that there are three basic managerial attitudes toward conflicwhich t  he identifies as traditional behavioural and interactionist. The traditionalist, following our so cial  teaching believes that all conflicts are destructive and management’s role is to get them out of th e  organization. The traditionalist, therefore, believes conflict should be eliminated. Thebehaviouralist seeks to rationalize the existence of conflict and accurately perceives conflict as inevitable inomplex c  organizations or relationships. Thus the behaviouralist â€Å"accepts† it . The Interactionist views conlict as f  absolutely necessary, encourages opposition, defines management of conflict to include stimulationas well as resolution and considers the management of conflict as a major responsibility of all administrators. 3 The interactionist view is accepted and encourages conflict. Avoiding a disagreement doesn’t make t go i away. We need to be aware of conflict and make decisions about what we are going to do about it. Conflicts only become negative when it is not approached and resolved. Lack of communication amongst group members can lead to avoidance of conflict. When that happens, the group can lose its effectiveness. group members and leaders need to to be able to resolve conflict successfully. Likeany other leadership skills, conflict management can be learnt. Conflict Management Conflict is inevitable in any interpersonal relationship or among members of any group. Whereas we meet various types of conflicts in our lives, we are at a lose as to what to do when one arises. Ma ny  people tend to leave conflict situations e.g if one breaks out in a group. Why do we shy away from dealing with conflict? . It is because we were raised to believe t hat conflict is something to beavoided, an experience of failure. However conflict does not have to lead to failure, or even to the termin ation of  relationship. we all come to see and experience the world in a different way, and we all have different ideas about what is best for â€Å"my group† or â€Å"our group†. Recognizing this fact can help free us from the negative conclusion that conflict is a signal of failure. Styles of Conflict Management (a) Competing – An individual pursues his or her own concerns at the expense of the other person. This is a power oriented mode. Competing may even mean standing up for your rights, defending a positio n which you believe correct, or simply trying to win. (b) Accommodating – The opposite of competing When accommodating, an individual neglects his or her own concerns to satisfy the concerns of the other person. there is an element of self sacrifice this in mode. Accommodating might take the form of selfless generosity or charity, obeying another person’s order when one would prefer not to, or yielding to another person’s point of view. (c) Avoiding- The individual does not immediately pursue his or her own concerns or those of the other person. He or she does not address the conflict Avoiding may take form of diplomatic sidestepping of the issue, postponing an issue until a better time or simply withdrawing from a threatening situation. (d) Compromising – The objective is to find some expedient, mutually acceptable solution which partially  satisfies b parties. . Falls in the middle of Competing and accommodating. oth (e) Collaborating- The opposite of avoiding . Collaborating involves attempt to work with the other person to find some solution which fully satisfies the concerns of both persons. Initiation The most effective way to confront conflict situation is to state the tangible effect a conflict ha on you. s (f) Active Listening – Negotiators must be capable of hearing the other person’spoint of view . . while listening, do not think about how to reply in order to persuade . . argument – provoking replies should be avoided. . Active listening involves paraphrasing or restating what the other says. Idea or . Content should be considered as well as feelings. (g) Problem solving . Clarify the problem – After the above steps, each party should have a clear idea about what is the tangible issue. . Talk about what is needed or wanted ( be clear on facts and information). . Generate a list of possible solutions. CONFLICT CAUSES Nations, organizations and groups are made up of individual human beings. Each person has through experience developed a set of values and evolved a set of behavioural rules. These values and rulesare sufficiently alike in a given society to allow justice, morals and ethics to exist and create gener l a agreement about what is right and what is wrong. But the value-rule set for each individual is a unique set not fully shared by other humans..These differences in value-rule sets are most likely the basi c causes of conflict. 4 Another major cause of conflict is the motivation of the separate individuals. Each person is motiv ated  by a unique degree of satisfaction in a set of needs. It is quite likely that in a given situation the individual concerned will be aiming their personal efforts at slightly different objectives. Such objectives may be similar enough to permit cooperative effort but sufficiently different to createsome conflict. A common example is the â€Å"hot line â€Å" employed by many commanders as a means of staying in touch with the troops. This opportunity to short circuit supervisory channels often antagonizes intermediate managers, who may learn of a problem only when the commander confronts them with it.. Then, too, it may be possible for all to be motivated to behave toward the same goal accomplishment but to feel that the goal, when attained, will not be great enough for all to share adequately in the reward. Conflict may then occur as each person strives to attain their place in the sun. EFFECTS OF CONFLICTS Conflicts have both positive and negative effects. It can be positive when it encourages creativity, new looks at old conditions, the clarification of points of view, and the development of human capabilities to handle interpersonal differences. All of us have experienced a surge of creativity when we perm the it ideas of others to trigger our imagination, as for example in a brainstorming session. Conflicts can be negative when it creates resistance to change, establishes turmoil in organization or  interpersonal relations fosters distrust, builds a feeling of defeat or widens the chasm of misunderstanding. . Unfortunately the term â€Å"conflict† has only the connotation of â€Å"bad† for many people, so much that they think principally in terms of suppression, giving little or no attention to its more positive side. THE PERSON AND THE ORGANIZATION Conflicts occur when the needs and goals of the individual are not in harmony with the objectives a nd goals of the organization. Chris Argyris, in his discussion of man versus the organization, indic ates the high likelihood of the traditional goals and structures of organizations may be in conflict with the needs and goals of the personalities in the organization. This may be reflected in the efficient and omni potent bureaucracy that places emphasis on hierarchy, specialization of work, established norms of conduct ,  and explicit rules, often forgetting or overlooking the individual and his unique qualities. Traditionally, personal values tend to be hostile toward organizations, big government, big business, bureaucracy, and the military. Again, conflict can arise when interdependency exists. Employees become dependent on the organization to give their lives direction and meaning. Such dependency allows them to escape the burdens of personal responsibility. whereas we praise individualism in workers, the organization often require that s the individual be treated impersonally. Efficiency requirements in organizations also acts as a sou of rce conflict because they regularly demand that the goals and needs of the organization be given higher priority than the rights of individual. We therefore yield to the proposition that conflict between organizations and personal values is normal and a fact of life. Managing the inherent conflict between individual needs and organizational need demands a high degree of self awareness on the part of the manager. What am I willing to do in balancing of these needs? How much can I accommodate of the needs of other human beings in the organization and still serve the greater good of the company? One major influence on the manager’s actions or decisions will be his basic concept or philosophy about the nature of man. Douglas McGregor presents a famous dissertation on this subject in the considera tion  of Theory â€Å"X† and â€Å"Y†. Argyris offers a number of managerial consideration as well us Abraham Maslow propositions of various assumptions for managers to adopt for an enlightened approach to the individual-organization conflict situation. Research has led to conclusions that potential indivi dualorganization conflicts are heightened as management acts to reduce or  constrain the individual opportunity to decide. Organizations tend to make final decisions without input of the employees wi th the expectation that no mistakes would be made, no errors. This fosters conflict as the expectation may s be overwhelming. Unless the organization is supportive to the individual’s problem -solving efforts, such conflict continues and worsens 5 his ideas. Another source of individual versus organizational conflict is generated by the â€Å"new man† versus the â€Å"old man†. The innovator is always in a less supportive environment than the entrenched old hand. 1. Chris Argyris, Personality and Organization (New York: Harper Torchbooks,1957), Chapters III andVII. 2. Douglas McGregor, The Human Side of Enterprise (New York: McGraw- Hill, 1960) 3. Argyris, pp.232-37 4. Abraham Maslow, Eupsychian Management (Homewood, Illinois: Richard D. Irwin, 1965), pp. 17-33 5. Harry Levinson, The Exceptional Executive: A psychological Conception (Cambridge, Massachussets: Harvard University Press, 1968), pp. 204-7. 6Argyris, p. 234 7. Fredrick W. Hertzberg, â€Å"The Wise Old Turk† Harvard Business Review, September- October 1974, pp. 70-80. Sources of conflict For managers to effectively manage conflicts, they need to understand their source. Basic sourcesof conflict are, semantic , role , values. Semantic sources are those stemming from some failure in communication. Traditionally, semantic has to do with the meaning of words, but here that is just one phase of its role. We use semantics to point out major source of conflict as the failure of two individuals to share fully the meaning of a communicative attempt. The cause of the failure may be technical problems in the communication process (static, filters, barriers etc)., or they may be ac tual  differences in perception and understanding. The result being an absence of agreement thus conflict . Role sources are those that rise out of the varying perceptions of people about the expected behaviours of themselves and others. Many of these come from the status and position levels in organizations. Others come from the structures and processes devised by management to organize work, channel effort ,and coordinate activity. Value sources have their foundations in the individuals value sets of people. These value sets readily contribute to differences between people because they are different. Theycause each of us at times to respond or behave in an unexpected manner because we are behaving as dictated by a value set not fully shared by our associates, hence a sense on their part of a difference between us. What is effective in one value conflict situation may not be in the next. The separation as statedabove is for the knowledgeable researcher and other resource persons. But our daily conflict is a combinatio of n elements from more than one source. We can not therefore say that the three sources are distinct. E ach affects the others to some degree. Individual reaction to conflict Since conflict may be positive or negative, there may be a range of reactions to conflict. Such rea ctions may range from high expectations and pleasure to absolute rejection. Broadly, an individual in conflict situation has only two options i.e sign up or ship out. Massie and Douglas identify certain situation of dilemma in the conflict situation which they call â€Å"Zone of indifference† 8. Joseph L. Massie and John Douglas, Managing: A Contemporary Introduction (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice- Hall, 1973), p.219. MEANS TO RESOLVE OR REDUCE CONFLICT Basic to other considerations in resolving conflicts is that the parties to the conflict need to tr st each u  other and must be capable and willing to locate the source of the conflict. Conflict situations pre sent  different options to the concerned parties. We can decide to do nothing about the conflict. But what will be the result of non action?. If one remains in conflict situation then sooner rather than later the tension will increase and one of the parties will strive to win over the other o to drive him or her out. Or even r worse, the losing party may become more aggressive or hostile and counter attack the element frustr ting a The result of non action may be dysfunctional as the decision to do nothing may not be the best in certain situations while it may be good in some. One method often applied in conflict situations is the use of super ordinate goals. For example, the entire work force, taken as a whole, is something of a super ordinate goal uniting conflicting groups bene ath that umbrella. |The manager gets the group to see how conflict affects productivity, thus reducing, the smaller groups stake in the overall organizations success. The approach is similar to the common enemy approach, wherein the groups in competition find unity viewing an outside group as a common enemy. . This unity can hide or lessen conflict in groups. A unique method to resolve conflict is to increase interaction between conflicting groups by physically exchanging persons between conflicting groups. For example, if the gizmo unit is having difficulty dealing with the gadget unit, a temporary shifting of people between these groups could help the conflicting elements learn the other’s problems and frame of reference. the result could be better communications, greater understanding and less future conflict. The quickest resolution is a confrontation meeting. The manager should however, be warned that confrontation requires complete preparedness on his part. He must have the facts of the conflict siuation t  and confidence in his self-control and his ability to use diplomacy, tact and problem solving. But then, he must appreciate the fact that confrontation may worsen not better the situation. Basic to this efforts to resolve or reduce the conflict is the idea of avoiding win-lose situations. Sports and other recreational activities often acquire their flavor by win-lose  situations, but the same may not be good for an organizational conflict situation. There are situations where the manager may seek to repress confl ict. This is true where the differences between the two conflicting elements are not relevant to the organizational task. Such conflict is bad to the organization. These differences are petty and self serving, thereby causing activity in which the participants try to win to preserve the sanctity of the original stand. A significant aid to the manager in such conflicts is an understanding of the human process of perception, process of handling stimuli in accordance with our values, rules, wishes, an d fears. With this understanding , the manager may explain to the conflicting parties how they are misreading the situational data. thus may find ways to suppress the conflict. 9. Dubin Robert. Human Relations in Administration Fourth Edition. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice- Hall, 1974. 10. Hersey, Paul, and Kenneth H. Blanchard, Management of Organizational behaviour, Second Edition. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice- Hall, 1974. 2.3 Critique of Existing Literature relevant to the study Based on past studies and review of major issues, it has been established that conflict has a grea t  impact on organizational effectiveness. Many studies have captured the basic foundations of the co nflict  and therefore have provided the organizations with the data and information on best approaches to apply in conflict situations. However, the many alternative approaches may not fit every organization and thus some may require unique combinations that may be difficult and hence require high levels of understanding by the management to handle and probably prescribe best solutions to. 7 Chapter Three METHODOLOGY 3.1 Research Design The research design in the case of Lucgeor Enterprises was the collection of data through intervie ws, questionnaires , observations and surveys. Then the relevant data was sieved and refined to conform with the requirements of the study. 3.2 Population Lucgeor Enterprises has an employee population of 43 persons both permanent and casual. Because the population was small , the researcher took the whole population for the purpose of data collection. Table 3.1 Study population Department No of Respondents Administration 5 Finance 4 Marketing 6 Procurement & Stores 11 Production 17 Total 43 3.3 Sampling Frame Due to the small no of employees , the whole population was considered and thus given equal treatme nt. 3.4 Sample and Sampling Technique No. samples were taken as the whole population was taken for consideration. No technique was thus utilized as the whole population was considered. 3.5 Instruments The instruments that the researcher applied in the process were, questionnaires and interviews to corroborate some of the information provided. Use of questionnaires were relevant and convenient because the respondents were all literate and thus were able to fill the forms independently. 3.6 Data Collection Procedure The researcher prepared 43 pieces of questionnaires which he diligently distributed to all employee of s Lucgeor Enterprises. the respondents were requested to fill the questionnaires within two weeks an d return the same to the researcher. 3.7 Data Processing and Analysis Data gathered from the respondents through the questionnaires were cleaned, then selected into vari us o categories by coding . They were then analysed by use of quantitative and qualitative techniques . the information generated from the analysis were thus presented in the form of tables, pie charts, andbar graphs. 8 Chapter Four RESEARCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.1 Introduction Data was presented in the form of tables, pie charts and graphs, which made the interpretation 4.2 Presentation The researcher presented the data in various forms which captured all the areas of interest to the study as follows. 4.3 Response rate. The researcher administered 43 questionnaires of which the return rate was 41 thus constituting an average of 95%. The response was such that the researcher was able to gather fully the necessary daa t for the study. Table 4.1 Response rate. No of questionnaires adminstered No. of questionnaires returned 43 41 Percentage 95% 4.4 Causes of Conflict at Lucgeor Enterprises The researcher administered 43 questionnaires of which the return rate was 41 thus constituting an average of 95%. The response was such that the researcher was able to gather fully the necessary daa t for the study. Table 4.2 Causes of Conflict Causes of conflict No. of respondents Percentage Poor Management 12 29% Poor Remuneration 16 39% 5 12% 8 20% Lack of training and skills Incompetence amongst staff 9 Pie Chart 4.1 Causes of Conflict No. of Respondents Poor Management Poor Remuneration Lack of Training Incompetency among employees Analysis From table 4.2 and chart 4.1 , the causes of conflicts at Lucgeor Enterprises were as follows. Poor Management Poor Remuneration 29% 39% 12% 20% Lack of training and skills Incompetence amongst staff The above information shows that the one issue which the employees feel as the main cause of conflict with management is poor remuneration. The second item that they prioritize as a major conflict are is a the management of the organization. While the other conflict prone issue is lack of training and skills. The employees feel that the people put in charge of departments are not properly trained and thus lack the requisite skills to manage the departments. This thus results in incompetency of the employees to perform their tasks effectively. Effects of Conflict Table 4.3 Effects of Conflict Effects of conflict No. of respondents Percentage Poor Performance 23 56% Lack of Motivation 11 27% 3 7% 4 10% Negative Stereotyping Distorted Perceptions 10 Pie Chart 4.2 Effects of Conflict No. of Respondents Poor Performance Lack of Motivation Negative Stereotyping Distorted Perceptions Analysis From the above information, the main effect of conflict in organizations  according to the responses are, Poor performance, Lack of motivation, Distorted perceptions and Negative stereotyping in that order. Discussion From the above responses, there is a clear pattern regarding the cause and effect relationships amogst n the various factors at play. It is worth noting that the cardinal goal of any organization is the achievement of efficient operational performance and productivity within the standard working hours. When an organization can not achieve the projected production levels within the set time lines, it is a cause to worry. An analysis of the causes and effects gave us results as stated below. The main causes of conflict as stated above is the research were Poor remuneration, Poor management, Lack of training and skills and Incompetence amongst staff in that order. While the effects of conflicts in organizations are, Poor performance, Lack of motivation, Distorted perceptions and Negative stereotyping. 11 Chapter Five Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations 5.1 Introduction Workplace conflict is a major concern for most companies. It is inevitable in any situation where human beings operate. People have different values , beliefs and ways of life which they probably hold dear or believe to be the best as opposed to what other people have or believe in. Away has to be found to balance the various interests and align the same with the organizational goals. Proper systems of managing conflicts enables organizations to achieve the best out of such conflicts as well as meet the objectives and goals of the organization. 5.2 Summary If managed poorly or avoided altogether, conflict can be extremely costly to an organization. If managed well, conflict presents an opportunity to uncover value and promote a healthy workplace. Many organizations are  finding that their conflict management systems have been good financial investments, producing a healthy return. In addition, they are recognizing the value of many less tangible benefits (e.g. improved morale, lower turnover, increased efficiencies, and improved public relations). A rigorous four-phased process of (i) Assessment (ii) Design (iii) Implementation and, (iv) Operation and evaluation helps organization design effective conflict management systems to reap the maximum benefits of conflict management. The above four phased approach to conflict management, encourages the Conflict Management System (CMS) team to genuinely seek to understand and incorporate the needs and interests of all affected constituencies and create an environment in which benefits of the CMS system can be effectively communicated, implemented and adminstered. 5.3 Conclusions Productivity losses add up quickly when workplace conflict is not pro-actively and successfully managed. Over a number of days, months and years, multiplied by the number of employees affected, the real money value lost can be staggering. It is evident that there are tremendous advantages to pre-emptively deal with conflict in the workplace before it escalates beyond an organization’s ability to resolve, or , worse , even contain it. A well designed CMS can have a significant positive impact on the quality of life if its employees, as well as its bottom line. Specifically, addressing the cost of conflict in the workplace can have a transformative impact on the overall health and well-being of an organization. 5.4 Recommendations The management of an organization needs to focus on the best methods of handling conflicts and their resolution. This may involve (I)Management Training The training may have several components which may include (a) The introductory part The training should highlight the various causes , effects and outcomes of conflict situations. This will help to lower the frequency of destructive conflicts and reduce the impacts on the organizational operations. Such training would afford the trainees the necessary greater sense of self-awareness in dealing effectively with all types of conflict situations. Implementing a well -thought out training program to address the harmful effects of conflict is like performing preventive medicine. 12 the other components of the training would include (b) Conflict Awareness training  © Communication Training (d) Negotiation Training (e) Manager Awareness (f) Neutral third -party Interventions B) Increasing Staff Salaries In order to motivate employees, the management should consider raising the salaries of employees as away of motivating them to perform effectively. C) Improving the Management of the Company A deliberate effort and resources should be employed towards management development . The Management development should be tailored towards enhancing the managerial skills and interpersonal skills of management staff thus ensuring proper management of the organization. Again the management should be encouraged to adhere to the rules and regulations, procedures and laws governing industri al relations thus having good working relations with staff. D) Staff Participation and Team working To avoid negative stereotyping and disjointed communication, the management needs to focus on improving the participation of staff in decision making in the company besides ensuring that proper communication between employees themselves and between employees and management is cordial thus eliminating negative feeling and other forms of unwanted practices amongst staff, which may strain their working relationships. 13 Reference Dubin Robert. Human Relations in Administration Fourth Edition. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice- Hall, 1974. Hersey, Paul, and Kenneth H. Blanchard, Management of Organizational behaviour, Second Edition. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice- Hall, 1974. Douglas McGregor, The Human Side of Enterprise (New York: McGraw- Hill, 1960) Abraham Maslow, Eupsychian Management (Homewood, Illinois: Richard D. Irwin, 1965), pp. 17-33 Harry Levinson, The Exceptional Executive: A psychological Conception (Cambridge, Massachussets: Harvard University Press, 1968), pp. 204-7. Chris Argyris, Personality and Organization (New York: Harper Torchbooks,1957), Chapters III andVII. Argyris, pp.232-37 Argyris, p. 234 Fredrick W. Hertzberg, â€Å"The Wise Old Turk† Harvard Business Review, September- October 1974, pp. 70-80. Joseph L. Massie and John Douglas, Managing: A Contemporary Introduction (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice- Hall, 1973), p.219. 14 Appendices Questionnaire Foreward I am a student of Mount Kenya University, taking an undergraduate degree programme in the field of Human Resources Management. As part of the requirement for the fulfilment of the course work, I am required to carry out a research study on the effects of Conflict in the workplace. I have chosen y our organization, as the most potential one because of its size, convenience and reputation for the purpose of the study. I have prepared comprehensive questions regarding the subject matter to enable me gather information and  gain the much needed insight. The information given will be treated with utmost confidentiality and purely for the academic purpose. Kindly give the most appropriate responses by ticking one of the options provided Name Department Position / Rank 1. What are the main causes of conflict within the organization? Poor Management Poor Remuneration Lack of training and skills Incompetence amongst staff 2 . What effect does conflict have on employees’ productivity? Poor Performance Lack of Motivation Distorted Perceptions Negative Stereotyping 3 . What is the most effective Conflict Management method? Avoidance Collaboration Open confrontation Hiding feelings 15 4 . What kind of conflict management strategies does your organization use in resolving conflict in the organization? Avoidance Collaboration Open confrontation Hiding feelings 5. What are some of the costs associated with conflict in your organization? Lost Man-hours due to conflict Absentieesm Lost business due to delays in executing jobs Labour inefficiency 6 . Does the organization have conflict awareness training programme for its management? Yes. No. If the answer to the above question is yes, please give the dates and how many times in the recent past 7 . What kind of conflict awareness training does the organization offer to its management? Communication Negotiation Neutral Third party Coaching 16

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Nuclear threat

The proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) has become a metaphor for 21st-century security concerns. Although nuclear weapons have not been used since the end of World War II, their influence on international security affairs is pervasive, and possession of WMD remains an important divide in international politics today (Norris 61).The nuclear postures of the former Cold War rivals have evolved more slowly than the fast-breaking political developments of the decade or so that has elapsed since the former Soviet Union collapsed. Nevertheless, some important changes have already taken place. By mutual consent, the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty of 1972 was terminated by the United States and Russia, which have agreed to modify their nuclear offensive force posture significantly through a large reduction in the number of deployed delivery systems.Nuclear weapons are no longer at the center of this bilateral relationship. Although the two nations are pursuing divergent d octrines for their residual nuclear weapons posture, neither approach poses a threat to the other. The structure, but not the detailed content, of the future U.S. nuclear posture was expressed in the 2002 Nuclear Posture Review (NPR), which established a significant doctrinal shift from deterrence to a more complex approach to addressing the problem of proliferated WMD.The Russian doctrinal adaptation to the post-Cold War security environment is somewhat more opaque. The government appears to be focused on developing and fielding low-yield weapons that are more suitable for tactical use, though the current building of new missiles and warheads may be associated with new strategic nuclear payloads as well. Despite the diminished post ­Cold War role of nuclear weapons in the United States, the cumulative deterioration of Russia's conventional military force since 1991 has actually made nuclear weapons more central to that government's defense policy.The end of the adversarial relati onship with the Soviet Union (and later, the Russian Federation) had to be taken into account in the NPR. The current nuclear posture is evolving in a manner parallel to the modernization of the U.S. non-nuclear military establishment. In stark contrast to Cold War ­era military planning, the 21st century is likely to be characterized by circumstances in which the adversary is not well known far in advance of a potential confrontation.The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) is adjusting to these new circumstances by developing highly capable and flexible military forces that can adapt to the characteristics of adversaries as they appear. This makes the traditional path to modernization through investment in weapons systems as the threat emerges economically infeasible. Modern information technology lets the military change the characteristics of its flexible weapons and forces in much less time than it would take to develop whole new weapons systems. Thus, DOD is attempting to create a military information system: the integrated effect of command-control-communications-computation-intelligence-surveillance and reconnaissance (C4ISR). This system is inherently more flexible for adapting to changes in the threat environment.WMD and the means to deliver them are mature technologies, and knowledge of how to create such capabilities is widely distributed. Moreover, the relative cost of these capabilities declined sharply toward the end of the 20th century. Today, the poorest nations on earth (such as North Korea and Pakistan) have found WMD to be the most attractive course available to meet their security needs (Lieggi 2). Proliferation of WMD was stimulated as an unintended consequence of a U.S. failure to invest in technologies such as ballistic missile defense that could have dissuaded nations from investing in such weapons.The United States' preoccupation with deterring the Soviet Union incorporated the erroneous assumption that success in that arena would deter proliferation elsewhere (Barnaby 7). This mistake was compounded by the perverse interaction between defense policy and arms control in the 1990s. Misplaced confidence was lodged in a network of multilateral agreements and practices to prevent proliferation that contributed to obscuring rather than illuminating what was happening. Confidence placed in the inspection provisions of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), for example, obscured efforts to obtain knowledge of clandestine WMD programs. NPT signatories were among those nations with clandestine WMD programs.Without a modernization of defense policy, the ready availability of WMD-related technology will converge with their declining relative cost and a fatally flawed arms control structure to stimulate further proliferation in the 21st century. The process whereby WMD and ballistic missile technology has proliferated among a group of nations that otherwise share no common interests are likely to become the template for 21st-century proliferation.The scope of this problem was recognized in part as a result of a comprehensive review of intelligence data in 1997 ­1998 by the Commission to Assess the Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States (the Rumsfeld Commission). This recognition swiftly evolved into a set of significant policy initiatives that responded to changes in the international security environment. The arms control arrangements most closely identified with the adversarial relationship with the former Soviet Union were passà ©. In 1999 the Senate refused to ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty; the United States and Russia ended the 1972 ABM Treaty and agreed to jettison the START process, which kept nuclear deployments at Cold War levels in favor of much deeper reductions in offensive forces in 2002.U.S. policy began to evolve in response to these developments. The incompatibility between the Cold War legacy nuclear posture and the 21st-century security environment stimulated a search for approaches to modernize policies pertinent to nuclear weapons. In response to statutory direction, the Bush administration published the Quadrennial Defense Review, the Nuclear Posture Review, the National Defense Strategy of the United States, and the National Strategy to Combat Weapons of Mass Destruction. Taken together, these documents constitute the most profound change in U.S. policy related to nuclear weapons since the Eisenhower administration (Krepon1).  The unique capabilities of nuclear weapons may still be required in some circumstances, but the range of alternatives to them is much greater today. The evolution of technology has created an opportunity to move from a policy that deters through the threat of massive retaliation to one that can reasonably aspire to the more demanding aim–to dissuade. If adversary WMD systems can be held at risk through a combination of precision non-nuclear strike and active defense, nuclear weapons are less necessary (Albright 2). By developing a military capability that holds a proliferators’ entire WMD posture at risk rather than relying solely on the ability to deter the threat or use of WMD after they have been developed, produced, and deployed, the prospects for reducing the role of WMD in international politics are much improved.The 21st-century proliferation problem creates a set of targets significantly different from those that existed during the Cold War. Few targets can be held at risk only by nuclear weapons, but the ones that are appropriate may require different characteristics and, in many circumstances, different designs than those currently in the nuclear stockpile. The nature of the targets and the scope of the potential threat also alter the character of the underlying scientific, engineering, and industrial infrastructure that supports the nuclear weapons posture.   This research paper will therefore seek to discuss the problem of nuclear devices or WMDs (as they are presently termed) and try to address to current policy issues surrounding the matter.RESEARCH OUTLINE:INTRODUCTION:a.)    what is the problem surrounding nuclear threats in the 21st centuryb.)    what are the recent developments surrounding this issuec.)    what solutions have been successful in addressing these problemBODY:a.)    who are nuclear threatsb.)    what has been done to stopc.)    What can be done?d.)   What can the US do? What can the UN do?CONCLUSION:References:Robert Norris and Hans Kristensen, â€Å"Chinese Nuclear Forces, 2006,† Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 62. no. 3 (2006): 61.Stephanie Lieggi, Center for Nonproliferation Studies, â€Å"Going Beyond the Stir: the strategic realities of China's No First Use policy,† Nuclear Threat Initiative, (accessed June 30, 2006).Frank Barnaby and Shaun Barnie, Thinking the Unthinkable: Japanese nuclear power and prolife ration in East Asia (Oxford, UK: Oxford Research Group and Citizens' Nuclear Information Center, 2005): 7†³8.George Perkovich, India’s Nuclear Bomb: The Impact on Global Proliferation, (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1999.)Michael Krepon, Rodney W. Jones & Ziad Haider eds., â€Å"Escalation Control & the Nuclear Option in South Asia,† The Henry L. Stimson Center, September 2004,, (May 2005).Text of â€Å"Export Controls on Goods, Technologies, Material, and Equipment Related to Nuclear and Biological Weapons and their Delivery Systems Act, 2004,† Published in Gazette of Pakistan, 27 September 2004, Cited at, Infcircs/2004/infcirc636.pdf, (May 2005).Michael Krepon and Chris Gagne eds., â€Å"The Stability-Instability Paradox: Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear Brinksmanship in South Asia,† The Henry L. Stimson Center, June 2001,, (May 2005).Feroz Hassan Khan, â€Å"The Independence-Dependence Paradox: Stability Dilemmas in South Asia,† Arms Control Association, October 2003,, (May 2005).Ashley J. Tellis, India’s Emerging Nuclear Posture: Between Recessed Deterrent and Ready Arsenal, (Santa Monica: Rand, 2001.)

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Black Panther Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Black Panther - Essay Example However, time and events have impacted the American Dream as well as the nature of people that have believed in it. During the last several decades, the transforming nature of the American Dream has demonstrated the development of the American character, which has left many analysts and observes quite mystified, worried and at times utterly annoyed (Blanc, 2003). However, principally the American Dream is said to be deeply ingrained in a utopian conviction relative to the world’s perfectibility, which for all practical purposes could just be present in the eye of the beholder. But in the context of the American psyche, worldly imperfection ought to be removed and rectified by adopting measures through individual and collective actions. American citizens have developed a reputation for reacting quickly, spotting deficiencies and are known to make efforts in finding the right options in order to endeavor to endlessly strive towards achieving perfection. However, critics argue th at the American Dream has remained a myth for working class Blacks in America, at much higher levels as compared to working class whites. A major proportion of the Black population is characterized with suffering from poverty and low pay, which is evident from the fact that a large percentage of Blacks are still classified as poor. Unemployment amongst Blacks is double as compared to whites and they stand twice the number of chances of dying early from diseases and crime at every stage in life. It was in view of these circumstances that the Black Panther Party for Self Defense became very powerful and popular during the 1950s and 1960s and embodied the highest level in terms of the large scale rebellions that swept across the US during this period, against the prevalence of poverty and racism. It can be said that the extent and severity of poverty and racism presently experienced by Blacks in America is not much different from what it was during the 1950s and 1960s. It is also true that the numbers of affluent people amongst Blacks have increased significantly and there is now a Black minority that has also entered the elite class in US society. The ruling parties during the 1950s and 1960s had acted in response to the revolts during the 1950s and 1960s by taking conscious decisions of developing the Black middle classes in order to prevent the revolutionary movement from escalating further. More essentially, the move was to develop a realistic adaptation of the American Dream for Blacks in America. In fact, the Second World War had impacted the civil rights movement in America during this period. The large numbers of Black soldiers who had fought in favor of American imperialist policies were surprised at the hypocrisy surrounding the war propaganda. On the one side American capitalists fought to remove racism practiced by the Nazis and on the other hand there was cruel racism being practiced in their own country. Moreover, the economic prosperity in America implied that larger numbers of Blacks were relocating to cities and becoming part of the working class. By the year 1970, almost 75 percent of the Black population in America was living in cities, and in view of their large majority their confidence

Friday, September 27, 2019

Inclusive Education and SEN Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Inclusive Education and SEN - Essay Example In this essay, l will demonstrate an understanding, of implications of including, children with additional needs in the mainstream school setting. I will consider the different models of disability. I will also demonstrate my ability to collect evidence about a child’s needs from a variety of sources and use the evidence to inform practice. Show my understanding of individual educational Plan (I.E.P), and how it can be developed to support inclusion. I will then evaluate the use of appropriate resources and strategies to support the child. Implications of including children with additional needs in a mainstream setting: The concept of inclusive education is as a result of parents and disabled people putting pressure on successive governments to change the education system, so as to allow all children to have a fair and equal access to education (Tassoni 2003, p.11). Including children with, special needs within the mainstream school has got its own implications. One of these implications will be ensuring, whether the layout and resources are appropriate, and inclusive. The environment plays a key role in supporting and extending children’s development and learning (Early year’s foundation Stage (E.Y.F.S, 2008). For example, having a child, who uses a wheelchair, will not be able to move in and out of the building independently without ramps. Although the issue of inclusive education is a highly debated issue, it has garnered unanimous support internationally, which is apparent from the fact that governments worldwide, have introduced policy initiatives whereby the cause of including st udents with special needs in regular schools has been supported, and treated as a human rights issue (OECD Publishing, 19992). This entails that schools today, are required to have trained staff who is specialized in supporting students with SEN (Special Education Needs) for instance, those diagnosed with autism. This is because, the educational needs of an autistic child is starkly different than those of a regular child, and hence special courses are required to be designed, developed and implemented to meet the special needs of such children. The SEN code of practice makes it the responsibilities of schools and early years setting to be able to identify children’s difficulties in terms of ‘graduate approach’, to the identification, assessment and recording of any difficulties these children may face (Linda, Carrie and Jane, 2005.p.132). The teachers, needs to adapt a positive attitude towards children with special needs, and ensure that there is no barrier of access. They need to ensure that, they are taking into account, views of the child, parents, colleagues and other professionals into consideration to meet the child’s needs, and adapt change to the environment accordingly. The attitudes of all adults who work in the schools, need to be such that, they are working to encourage the participation of all children in both academic and social life of the school (Halliwell 2003, p.20). Within my setting layout of equipment, is at every child’s level, this means, they can choose toys independently to play with, without any hindrance. And will playa vital role towards achieving independence. The school will need to make sure that; there are appropriate policies and procedures in place in conjunction with the ‘code of practice’. These policies will be ensuring that, children with special needs are given, full access to education, as any ordinary child. The

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Nursing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Nursing - Assignment Example The nurse failed to follow the 6 rights prior to the administration of a medication. This went against the required nursing practice. The consequence of this act put the patient’s life at risk because the patient had a negative effect from the dosage administered. The nurse went ahead and ignored filling out the incident report. The physician and the supervisor get information from filled incident reports. Failing to fill implied that the nurse was concealing certain crucial information. The nurse’s act to ignore the incident report violated rules of practice in caregiving. It further put the patient’s life at risk which is opposite to what nurses should do. Patents are entitles to a healthy life, and the caregivers should do their best to see this done. However, the nurse’s actions did not match this requirement. Failing to fill out the incident report did not depict an aspect of duty to care, since it encompasses all that is required of the nurse. The nurse who failed to verify the correct dosage as a witness is also implicated in the failure to fulfill duty to care. This is a procedure carried out in order to ensure that the patient’s life is not endangered, given the practices undertaken by the nurses. This nurse ignores her duty and the result is a negative effect on the patient. This does not only raise concerns in the care giving institutions, but also externally, since patients have a right to proper treatment and administration of medication. Concealing what had unfolded during shift change would complicate the matter even further. During shift report, the nurse had already presented what had happened, evidenced by the fact that the patient was in ICU. Contradiction of information between that presented during shift report and the one the nurse is to present by filling out the incident report would require that investigation into the matter be undertaken. Nursing ethics require transparency and accountability (Ginny, 2009).

Canadian & US Immigration and Discriminition Essay

Canadian & US Immigration and Discriminition - Essay Example Therefore, around the globe many people eyes on the developed countries as a staircase towards their dreams. They believe that being in a developed state will provide them with proper job opportunities and a reward that is equivalent to their efforts. This partly may be true, but the first step of immigration is a big hindrance and may itself be a discouraging factor. Developed countries like United States and Canada have their own policies of immigration. Some may be beneficial for the immigrants while some poses a challenge to their existence. These negative aspects of these two countries immigration policies can be attributed to the fact that most developed nations are not very receptive to immigrants. A lot of discrimination exists on the bases of original nationality of the immigrants and various other factors. The paper will highlight and compare the difference in these policies and how they might discriminate on various bases. History of immigration in Canada and America: Both Canada and America are major recipients of immigrants from all over the world. As the statistics show that both of them accepted over 12 million immigrants between the period of 1960 to 1980 (Borjas 1991). This was a result of various changes in the policies implemented by the governments in the early 1960s. Before this period both the countries had a policy to issue only very few visas based on the nationality of the applicant. For example in the United States national origin quota system influenced the immigration policy prior to 1965 amendments. There was a definitive discrimination as Asian were only allocated a very low percentages of the total available quota. Most of these accepted immigrants were from European countries, Germany and Russia. Now we know that the source of immigration is an important factor that can determine the skills of the workers. This is partially due to the fact that cultural and social aspects of any country mould an individual’s talent. A sing le cultural immigration, therefore, caused a decline in the diversities of skills present in both countries. After 1960 both United States and Canada started to accept immigrants from diverse nations. US evolved a policy that allocated visa permits to those immigrants with relational ties to the residents of US. Whereas Canada initiated issuing visas on the basis of applicants observable socioeconomic characteristics (Borjas 1991). So overall these transmutation in the policies of both countries attracted workers with diversity of technical skills that aid in the economic development of these countries. US and Canadian immigration policy 1960 to 1980: The amendments made in 1965 in United States immigration policies abolished the national origin quota system and introduced a more versatile approach in allocation of the visas to the immigrants. These amendments influenced immigration system for the next two decades. Total number of visa allocation was increased to 270,000 and no more than 20,000 can be issued to the origin of a specific country. This is was totally in contrast to the earlier policies where most percentage of the visas was allocated to only few specific countries. Moreover, about 80 percent of those total visas were given to those with close relational ties with the US resident. This in particular was an important amendment because it

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Final Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Final Project - Research Paper Example Investment that was made in Brazil could have been overinvestment that made the business spend much on fixed assets. The production capacity that is not used in this situation does not generate any cash hence becomes a waste of cash. Negative flow of cash in Brazil could also be caused by too much stock in the country. The stock will tie up cash and through this; there is increase in risk that the stock become obsolete. Allowing too much credit during sales is a factor that is able to lead to negative cash flows (Chorafas, 98). Credit to customers is a way to build revenues but late payments are a problem that always arises but a strain on cash flows. Overtrading is a factor that could make Brazil has negative cash flows. Overtrading occurs when the business expands quickly putting on pressure on short-term finance. Seasonal demand in the products also is a factor that has led to negative cash flows in the country as the goods are mainly demanded during war times (Chorafas, 209). There are feelings by investors that the statement of cash flow is the most transparent and this makes it difficult to fudge. This makes it to be the most reliant in the business to discern the true performance of a business. The division of cash flow statements is divided into three major areas making to be the most effective for use in the business (Dominguez and Tesar, 204). The division includes operating activities that constitutes the revenue generating activities to the business. Investing activities are also a composition of a cash flow statement that constitute payments that are made to acquire long term assets as well as cash that are received from sales. Financial activities constitute activities that will change equity or borrowings of a business. Currencies that are to be hedged by Raptor International are those that are on sales and investments. The currencies when hedged will enable holding onto foreign currencies as an investment such that a

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Evolution of Work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Evolution of Work - Essay Example The significant changes in work ethic will be covered as well with relation to history and economy. The definition of work is the physical and/or mental efforts and other activities associated with the accomplishment of a specific duty. The applications of work in everyday life provide a more complicated meaning in part due to the constantly changing actions of humans themselves. This has caused historical context to become more important in the definition of the word. One noteworthy piece of history, which provided work, a new definition, was in the 15th and 16th centuries. The age of navigation was at its peak, and the colonial age became an integral part of history. In this time, work could be defined in two different ways. The first was through thte eyes of the colonizers themselves, and the other was through the eyes of those that were colonized. There was a plethora of work readily available about the western power, as well as in context of the un-colonized world at the time. I n respect to the western power, work was generally defined as parenthood. For these people, conquest was bringing civilization to what they perceived as an uncivilized world. Thus, the processes of conquests were important in the achievement of creating civilization among uncivilized people. The colonizers took the memories they had of their schoolmasters and used them, as they were the learned ones who were charged with the education of the uneducated and to show them a better life (Geddes). However, that definition of work that was exclusive in the eyes of the western power was masked. The plans of the colonizers sounded promising, as they promised a better life and way for the un-colonized people. They introduced the concept of civilization and education through their conquests as a primary source of bringing the life that they had experienced in the lands from which they came. The definition of work was not the same for those who were colonized. For the natives, the definition o f work as acculturation and conformity to their masters demands (Geddes). Although the promises of a better life through the development of the economy was seen as a compromise of the colonies, the benefits of this process being one-sided. This compromise was only beneficial to the colonizers. They began exploiting natural resources and introduced the idea and development of slavery. They took it upon themselves as a burden of their powers to civilize the native people and take the economic advantages they gained for themselves as part of a new development for their homeland (Geddes). Work for the natives ultimately meant the physical aspects of its definition. The natives were placed in forced labor, similar to the curve of the British Empire in India. Work for the colonized people was very hard, as they had to suffer the dictation of the colonizers along with the abuse of their masters (Geddes). As happens with historical progression, economic development and the definition of wor k became more diluted. Mercantilism became moot and capitalism began through the Industrial Revolution. It was in this time that the complications of work became evident through the new technology developing at the time. New machines were invented and introduced, allowing for mass production for the first time. This allowed them to produce products in greater volumes at lower costs. Capital investing and saving were being more strongly considered, and the introduction of wages for workers and profits for

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Toyota Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Toyota - Case Study Example The instability serves to make fuel efficiency a more significant decision factor for vehicle consumers, increasing the desirability of the plug in hybrid. Certain consumers may see purchasing a plug in hybrid as a move that reduces dependence on foreign oil and one that serves to bolster US independence while reducing the bargaining power in adversarial governments. The entry level and middle level market segments are very sensitive to price and vehicle durability. Toyota has been able to translate its cost advantage into vehicles with higher, more attractive content and longer life than GM. He further adds that Toyota's Camry and Corolla, and derivatives of those cars have been able to dominate their market spaces they set the standard others must follow and they establish the price thresholds. Professor Peter Morici, School of Business at the University of Maryland and former Chief Economist at the US International Trade Commission remarks that Toyota enjoys much lower labor costs in the US and benefits from an undervalued yen for cars made in Japan. In the US, this comes to about $2500 per vehicle (Rossiter, 1998). In 2008 and 2009, a series of shocking economic events hit the world and Toyota. Toyota had been sprinting toward Vision 2010 of 15% market share, adding new products, building plants, deploying trainers from Japan, and focusing o n how to feed growth. To add insult to injury, the Japanese yen strengthened by 15% from July to December of 2008, and so every car shipped from Japan to the US cost 15% more. Ultimately, this led to the first loss in over 50 years of over $5 bn (Toyota Motor Corporation, 1997) Social Factors Also, Toyota has to overcome a string of problems. They include: ensuring quality and managing a sprawling network of manufacturing and sales. In spite of them Toyota plans to set-up its plants in the US, where it has to deal with labor-related issues, which its rivals are facing (Yadin, 1994). The American patriotic feeling may put the Japanese company into troubles. The US native slogan 'Wake Up America and Buy American'. Challenges the company sales in US market. Toyota, however, has taken great pains to identify itself as an American company by building plants in the south. Toyota had already earned the trust of their existing American customers (Rosen, 2000). Technological Factors Toyota is producing dominant cars from its highly efficient production system led by an efficient assembly line. It has built a reputation for technological leadership as well, most notably with the hybrid and fuel-efficient cars, such as the Corolla and Yaris and gas-electric hybrid Prius, which became big hits because of surging gas prices (The Telegraph, n. d.). Armed with cost and quality, Toyota is proud to say that its Toyota Production System (TPS)' is the key for its success. Prof. Jim Matheson of Stanford University says "The process needs low-cost and quality, and Toyota is a role model example of how to use cost and quality to get on the playing field" (Fitzgerald, 2000). Its success has been helped by

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Harvard case Ducati Essay Example for Free

Harvard case Ducati Essay Take a look at the websites for Harley-Davidson (www. harley-davidson. com), Yamaha (www. yamaha-motor. com), and Indian (www. indianmotorcycle. com). Who are their potential customers? How is each of these companies appealing to their potential customers? Are they using emotion, facts, comparisons, etc? How effective do you believe each of them to be? Harley Davidson (www. harley-davidson. com) Who doesn’t know Harley Davidson? It is a popular American motorcycle manufacturer. Also known as H-D or Harley founded in 1903 by William Harley and Walter, William, and Arthur Davidson, who built their first three motorcycles in a shed in Milwaukee. Harley sells heavyweight which is over 750 cc motorcycles designed for traveling on highways. It was one of two major American motorcycle manufacturers to survive the Great Depression during the first decade of 20th century. Harley-Davidson has come a long way since filing for bankruptcy in 1986 once the company realized how to connect with potential customers. According to Ken Schmidt, Harley-Davidsons former director of communication said that they don’t compete with hardware which only creates pricing pressure. Instead, they use the hardware as protection and the process behind it as their weapon. Their weapon of choice is getting potential customers to like them more than their competitors. From a hardware and utility perspective, everything does the same thing, so Harley do business with people, brands and organizations they like. Schmidt also said â€Å"When all things are the same and we feel no inclination to do business with one particular company over another, we buy from whoever is willing to sell us a cool piece of hardware at the lowest price. We are all consumers; the things we buy, the reasons we buy them, regardless of how much we spend, do not make sense. † Notice our customer is one of the key points in doing business. Harley-Davidson sale person continuously ask potential customers what that they really wanted and produce that product and sell it to them at a profit. Harley-Davidson brings motorcyclists together to create social network. Today there are 1,300 Harley dealers worldwide, 650 of which are in United States. The group are getting larger. The sales person refers the customers as a friend. The customer feels good once you treat them like a friend. By this they will go out and spread the word which create a bigger chain of ‘friends’ around the world. Current customers have told Harley-Davidson’s management to keep the identity, look and sound of the motorcycles because they are unique. When customers view are heard and accepted it develop greater brand loyalty, creating customer experience that is unique and valuable. Harley-Davidson ranging from CEO and sales person maintained personalised relationships with customers through face to face and social media contact. They use advertising nationally about four to five television commercials a year. These commercials are recognised because they are advertising the company not the product. They also advertised in national magazines such as Road Track, Popular Science, and Fortune as well as specific motorcycle magazines as Easy Rider. Locally, individual Harley-Davidson dealers advertise on the radio and through direct mail. Internet is a great and fast way to promote as it reaches the entire world. Harley owners can find new product where new customers are able to see what products Harley-Davidson has to offer and can compare the price with similar products. The more information the public can get the more chances of a potential customer. The purpose of Harley-Davidsons mass media advertising is to inform and remind which move customers from ignorance to awareness. The plants maintenance organization is a strong proponent of: * Technology * A focus on detail and root causes * Team concepts * Communication and sharing By effectively using these tools, says lead maintenance reliability engineer Dana Fluet, We are moving toward being 100 precent proactive and having zero fire-fighting. Its the way that were doing business at Harley-Davidson. As a result for the full year 2012, Harley-Davidson continues to forecast a five – seven percent increase in motorcycle shipment compared to last year, 2011. Companies can build customer relationships at many levels, depending on the nature of the target market. Harley-Davidson established the Harley Owners Group (HOG) in 1983 which gives Harley riders a way to share their common passion of â€Å"making the Harley-Davidson dream a way of life† HOG also build on the strong loyalty and community of Harley-Davidson enthusiasts as a means to promote not just a consumer product, but a lifestyle. HOG members typically spend 30% more than other. Harley owners, on such items as clothing and Harley-Davidson-sponsored events. HOG went international in 1991, with the first official European HOG Rally in Cheltenham, England. Today, more than one million members and more than 1400 chapters worldwide make HOG the largest factory-sponsored motorcycle organization in the world. HOG benefits include two magazines (Hog Tales and Enthusiast), a HOG Touring Handbook, a roadside assistance program, a specially designed insurance program, theft reward service, a travel center, and a â€Å"Fly Ride† program enabling members to rent Harleys while on vacation. 1. http://www. sema. org/sema-enews/2010/13/sema-show-seminar-how-harley-davidson-reinvented-itself 2. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Harley-Davidson 3. http://www. scribd. com/doc/2670384/Harley-Davidson-Analysis 4. http://www. scribd. com/doc/19943405/Harley-Davidson-Case-Study 5. http://catalogue. pearsoned. co. uk/assets/hip/gb/hip_gb_pearsonhighered/samplechapter/0273755021. pdf 6. Text Book Principle of Marketing Thirteenth edition Yamaha (www. yamaha-motor. com). Genichi Kawakami was the first son of Kaichi Kawakami, the third-generation president of Nippon Gakki (musical instruments and electronics; presently Yamaha Corporation). He was the second Kawakami to join the Nippon Gakki Company. He explored producing many products, including sewing machines, auto parts, scooters, three-wheeled utility vehicles including motorcycles. Market and competitive factors led him to focus on the motorcycle market. Genichi actually visited the United States many times during this period. If you are going to make it, make it the very best there is. With these words as their motto, the development team poured all their energy into building the first prototype, and ten months later in August of 1954 the first model was complete. It was the Yamaha YA-1. The bike was powered by an air-cooled, 2-stroke, single cylinder 125cc engine. Yamaha continued to grow. They have diversity products including snowmobiles, race kart engines, generators, scooters, ATVs, personal watercraft and more. Genichi Kawakami step up for Yamaha Motor Companys success with his vision and philosophies. His total honesty towards the customer and making products that hold their own enables the company that serves people in thirty-three countries, to provide an improved lifestyle through exceptional quality, high performance products. Yamaha motor has expended to Star motorcycles, Sport, Outdoors, Watercraft and Marine. Now Yamaha motor has more than 400 dealers across the country and now they are planning to spread out to more cities increasing its dealer network to 2000 by 2018. To be on top you have to know your customer. Genichi once said, I believe that the most important thing when building a product is to always keep in mind the standpoint of the people who will use it. An example of the commitment to walking in the customers shoes was the move in 1966 by Yamaha to continue its expansion. John Bayliss who is the Motorcycle Product Manager of Yamaha Motor Canada Ltd said â€Å"The new FJR1300 is attracting lots of very positive feedback. A number of customers have already stepped up and left deposits with our dealers, without even seeing the bike in person! It tells us that the designers and engineers have done a great job and satisfied customers need. Yamaha motor website makes the customer easy to find what they want. Yamaha motor also created a link ‘My YAMAHA’ is for you. By becoming a member of ‘My Yamaha’ customer will have access to many exclusive member benefits such as build a customised web page and set as your browser’s home page, Create Save accessorised ATVs in any of the Build-Your-Own sections, Build Save a Wish List for Genuine Yamaha Parts and Accessories and also customer can view and print vehicle Maintenance Schedules Services Specifications back from year 2002. Yamaha motor also offer Pro Yamaha Motorsports dealer. A Pro Yamaha Motorsport dealer is a customer satisfaction focused dealership that has consistently excelled in providing customer with the best sales experience, the best service experience and the best ownership experience. By ‘Walking in customers shoes’ slogan it will make Yamaha motor understand the needs of customer by this they will deliver faster and better. By having more products in the market, it will be easier for people to know your brand. 1. www.yamaha-motor. com 2. http://www. presidion. com/industry_solutions/commercial/materials/case_studies/Yamaha%20Motor%20Europe. pdf 3. http://cars. sulekha. com/yamaha-motors-expand-their-dealership-network-in-maharashtra_car_news_2935 4. http://www. yamaha-motor. com/sport/myyamaha/login/L3Nwb3J0L215eWFtYWhhL2hvbWUuYXNweA==/starthere. aspx Indian Motorcycle (www. indianmotorcycle. com) The Indian motorcycle was originally founded as the Hendee Manufacturing Company by George M. Hendee in 1897 who manufacture bicycles. They renamed the Indian Motocycle Manufacturing Company in 1928. Carl Oscar Hedstrom joined in 1900. Both of them are former bicycle racers and manufacturers. They teamed up to produce a motorcycle in Hendee’s home town of Springfield. It was successful and the sales increased drastically during the next decade. In April 2011, Polaris Industries purchased Indian Motorcycle Company. Backed by $2 billion Company, the customer can expect the confidence of the Polaris engineering team, vision, quality and performance to be delivered in the classic Indian Motorcycle. Now, Polaris is redesigning Indian bikes from a clean sheet of paper to capture the spirit of the Chief and other Indians from a half-century ago, but to use a modern engine and other components to make the bikes rider-friendly. With the slow economy, Indian had a tough road due to a restricted and high end line of motorcycles. Polaris, on the other hand is far more expanded and able to weather the current market conditions. This could be a good combination for both companies This store also carries many ranges of back seats, decorative trim, leather jackets, hats, shirts and more. Customers and fans can join a rewards membership program for added benefits, events and discounts. We use mobile toolboxes equipment to set up a fabrication shop under canopy for customers to get a unique personal experience in the techniques. There are hundreds of events held all over the country each year. Indian motorcycle show potential customers that the modifications builds can be done without huge machines million dollar facilities, they can get their local dealer to do the modifications or even do some themselves. They even do small workshops for potential existing customers. This can help to change customer thinking. In Indian Motorcycle website it stated RIDE PROUD. RIDE INDIAN. Indian Motorcycle is determined to deliver a premium experience to riders around the world. Indian Motorcycle is looking for a select dealer business operator that will proudly represent their brand while assuring a premium buying and ownership experience for consumers. Understanding what customers need in a purchase experience is critical in meeting the needs of the market. We spent a substantial amount of time talking with motorcycle riders to understand what they want from their dealer. This understanding was the basis for the store design and dealership operational expectations. The customer experience is paramount in the success of the Indian Motorcycle brand and a profitable dealership. Indian Motorcycle store branding was established directly from what consumers told us and what they expected when shopping for a premium motorcycle. These riders want an open environment that allows enough room to walk between the motorcycles. They do not want to have to walk through or around other products to get to the bikes. Having an adequate selection of apparel and accessories is also very important to their potential consumers. The store layout and design will give customers a premium shopping experience that is constant with their expectations. This look and feel will be consistent in the dealerships, at major motorcycling events, and all other consumer and public interactions with Indian Motorcycle. In addition to the dealership location and shopping environment, customers also have expectations about how they should be treated. They want to be able to sit on the motorcycles, start the motorcycles, and take a test ride. It is important to them to be able to feel firsthand how the motorcycle performs and fits their riding style. These riders want to be able to have conversations with a knowledgeable staff that listens and responds properly. They want the staff to be motorcycle buffs that understand motorcycle riders. Indian motorcycle training, support, and operational standards will help ensure a positive â€Å"frictionless† interaction with our consumers. With the development of this strategy, they also understand the need to align with the right partners in the market. Indian Motorcycle dealers will need to understand and embrace the â€Å"Ride Proud, Ride Indian† culture. They should understand that that they are making an investment in their future with Indian Motorcycle. They will be expected to maintain the highest level of respect for the Indian Motorcycle brand and the Indian Motorcycle rider. Indian Motorcycle gathers and uses your personal information to run the Indian Motorcycle Web site and carry out the services you have requested. They also use your personally identifiable information to inform you of other products or services available from Indian Motorcycle and its associates. Indian Motorcycle may also contact you via surveys to conduct research about your opinion of current services or of potential new services that may be offered. Indian Motorcycle keeps track of the websites and pages that customers visited within Indian Motorcycle in order to decide what Indian Motorcycle services are the most popular. This data is used to deliver modified content and advertising within Indian Motorcycle to customers that are interested in a particular subject area. Indian Motorcycle is an iconic brand with a proud legacy and a bright future. We will offer Indian Motorcycle Brand training to ensure that all dealership appreciate the legendary heritage of Indian Motorcycle and the brand that they have been entrusted to help steward and grow. Training will also be provided to be certain that dealership personnel understand who the customer is and what they expect in a finest shopping experience. 1. http://www. indianmotorcycle. com/en-us/pages/home. aspx 2. http://www. phatridez. biz/Polaris. html 3. http://thekneeslider. com/polaris-buys-indian-motorcycles/.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Young Goodman Brown vs. Yellow Wallpaper

Young Goodman Brown vs. Yellow Wallpaper A young, innocent man who bids his farewell to his wife before traversing through the dark, gloomy forest of Salem for an unknown errand. Young Goodman Brown, written by Nathaniel Hawthorne, is known to be a man that is heavily rooted in his faith and shows no temptation, reacting in such repulsion as he not only deepens further into the woods, but uncovers the secrecy of sins and evil within the people of his village. His wife, Faith, a representation of all purity and innocence was seen to be his savior through his confusions of tainted evil minds of every person in the world. Unfortunately, his woman of sanctuary turned out to be one of them, leaving him with no hope of redemption. His ultimate awaken to Faith signified his true relationships with his faith and everyone in the village of Salem. The Yellow Wallpaper, by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, talks about Janes deep and long-drawn depression and her marriage that only worsens her mental health. Her husband, John, demands a treatment to cope with her mental illness by placing her into a room with a chaotic, disturbing yellow wallpaper. The narrator at first detests the wallpaper, but as a day passes by, she becomes totally drawn into the patterns as well as the faint image behind the wallpaper. This unknown image soon becomes entangled with her paranoid mind. Eventually, she sees that the picture has come to be a woman that happens to be trapped behind bars which significantly reciprocates back to her own situation. Much of the setting takes place in a mansion inhabited by the narrator and John, the narrators husband. From the hallucinations of the devil and the blasphemous surroundings in the forest to the wild imaginations of a trapped woman behind the yellow wallpaper; both stories depend upon illusions, repressed sexuality, and ends somewhat of similar purpose by having the two protagonists rejecting the world at the end. Feminist theory and archetypical usages are also both heavily integrated into either of both short stories. Feminist theory is the analyzation of gender inequality through the extension of feminism into a theoretical, fictional, or philosophical discussion. Archetypes are mainly composed of universal symbols that represent patterns of human nature through typical prototypes of character, theme, symbols, settings, actions, and/or symbols. Although Hawthorne illustrates the madness behind every character surrounding Young Goodman Brown while Gilman descends into her own mental madness, in both cases, the authors are firm on the idea to have readers focused towards the desired g oalthe dilemma of the main character. Does Young Goodman Brown really encounter the devil as he walks through the evil woods? Or was the evil man of the creature just his imagination? Hawthorne expresses that the fiend in his own shape is less hideous when he rages in the breasts of men, (Hawthorne). As Brown develops an intrinsic judgment and knowing that all sins and evil can derive from any being including him, he becomes very accepting of this evil man of a creature. Does Jane really see this woman behind the disturbing yellow wallpaper? Or was she just hallucinating? Taking the place of Gilmans character, the woman is the same woman, I know, for she is always creeping, and most women do not creep by daylight, (Gilman). The narrator begins to hallucinate and believes that she has seen the woman creeping secretively outside in the sunlight. Both stories depend on illusions or possible illusions. Repressed sexuality is depicted as Hawthorne criticizes women in a negative aspect in Young Goodman Brown. In the beginning, they perceived the notion of an archetypal maiden wife, Faith, as an innocent and pure lady with pink ribbons on her. Faith wants Brown to remain with her for the night but rejects her and he goes to fulfill his duties. Throughout the book, Brown soon uncovers the truth about Faiths religious perspective which negatively digs into his inner turmoil. Another example is Goody Cloyse, a respected Salem Puritans, along with many other hypocritical villagers, who becomes another victim of uncovered truths. That old woman taught me my catechism, (Hawthorne).   He discovered that she was not what he perceived her to be which the author instilled on the readers mind that everything is not what it seemed. On the other hand, the anecdote of Jane explains both her desires and resentment of John. Notably, he disregards all of her feelings and does what he thinks is best. John is away all day and even some nights when his cases are serious. I am glad my case is not serious, (Gilman). Gilman explains that while she deals with her outside feminist perspective of oppression. Her inability to pull herself out of her mental deficiency also adds her personal feminist oppression. The room itself oppresses the female protagonist. The failed judgement of men in women is another thing that bring two both stories together. In The Yellow Wallpaper, Perkins identified John as not only a physician, but his viewpoints as one. He denies all certain activities or writing for his wife even though it would only worsen her mental conditions. John is depicted as very analytical and scientific, in thought, yet he fails to see anything seriously wrong about Jane and the lack of communication hinders the two as well. The lacked essential of the ability of John to truly listen his wifes needs is the ultimate source of conflict in the story. In Young   Goodman Brown, Browns beliefs are tested to the fullest extent. Not only that, but the blinded trust he had in his wife madly triggered his inner turmoil when he discovered that she had succumb into the temptation and the involvement of witchcraft. Browns want of faith is what significantly takes a huge turn when he no longer can turn to the most important figure he had i n his life. Insanity is another topic found in both of the stories. Insanity is usually explained as not sane or sound of mind, but mentally deranged. Each of story takes place in a prison-described environment that includes the protagonist suffering from some form of insanity. Both authors concluded with Browns mentally deranged traumatic experience of the woods and Janes everlasting depression and paranoia was the case of both characters inner conflict. From isolation to insanity, the torment within ones outlook on reality becomes disrupted of stability, confidence, moral beings, and the state of mind. In Browns case, he basically questions his own thoughts and purpose for existence that it becomes unbearable when he find out that each corruption eventually shatters the foundation of every relationship he has built upon within his community. For Jane, the detachment from society and being unable to interact or relate to other in meaningful ways already forces her to be in her own state of conf inement. Confining to inner thoughts and emotions eventually leads to unhappiness and insanity for both protagonists of the story. Regarding symbolism, the journey is a major result of the downfall of Young Goodman Brown. The journey always explains how the hero descends from his residents and embarks on this quest that leads to uncovering the blackest truth. It is usually an errand that is unknown to the wife and serves an evil purpose. The ritual meant to be an organized ceremony involves honored members of a given community and an initiate. In Browns case, he views the evil assembly as an awakening part to his perspective as he sees Faith participating in such forbidden actions. The use of myths and archetypes in The Yellow Wallpaper features the wallpaper itself. Yellow is often associated with the symbolic meaning of creative, energy, consciousness, and possible enlightenment. The creativeness and energy have taken towards a darker point, and Jane is only fixated to her dark inner consciousnessthe woman in the yellow wallpaper. Imagery such as a smoldering unclean yellowà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ dull yet lurid orange in some places, a sickly sulfur tint, (Gilman). These symbols have an effect on both characters that result in the defiance of all social norms and the trivialized purpose in their actions. Brown manages to live in the world, albeit in an emotionally cramped, pushed-away fashion after his journey. Jane, on the contrary, is unable to deal with her feelings. A sense that there can be no reconciliation between her and her doctor husband, leaving her to deal with her mental insanity in isolation. The note of despair of both characters is carried through differently. Settings in both stories are undeniably similar in the way of their lasting impacts on the protagonists. The forest in Young Goodman Brown contained many evil descriptions. People with frightful soundsthe creaking of trees the howling of wild beasts, and the yell of Indians, (Hawthorne). Young Goodman Brown must venture the forest and reveal the true meaning of the people of the Salem Villagesecrecy of sins and unjust hypocrisy. Perkins described the room of The Yellow Wallpaper as the opposite of what is thought to be flamboyant, committing artistic sins. When you follow the lame uncertain curves for a little distance they suddenly commit suicide, (Perkins). The symbol of the wallpaper mirrors that of the mythological labyrinth. The narrator must journey through the wallpaper as she would a labyrinth and find the secrets for her and herself only. Both protagonists rebel against the revolting surroundings which ultimately leads to both of their downfalls. As Young Goodman Brown uncovers the evil nature of the devilish figure among each person, the resisted temptation to turn towards the dark side grows weaker by the moment. The effects of sins during the ritual forever tainted his opinions of good and bad. Though it may seem as his journey through the woods may be a possible dream and that it is only all of his illusions, Brown was able to grow from a realistic standpoint through seeing the true colors in even the most trustworthy men and women. Brown was able to   see all the practical nature of people and their daily acts of sins including his loving, innocent Faith. He was also able to acknowledge that the Devil is, in fact, capable of taking a form of his father, distinguished members, and even himself. With each prevailing of truths inch a step closer to the theme: public morality is strongly corrupted when ones privacy of weak faith has been discovered. As Jane completes the tearing of the yellow wallpaper so that the woman could escape behind bars, she estranges herself to the idealization that she is in fact, the woman in that wallpaper. The detailing of Janes mental and emotional decline lacks the expression and her frustration in the inability to assert her independence that only result into her own grief and mourn for freedom. The more time she spends isolated in her room by herself, the more she was able to grow resilient towards her disturbing output on the wallpaper. Eventually using her interpretation of the place as guidance towards what is needed to be done in order to cope with her mental illnesses. Significantly, The Yellow Wallpaper examines the marginalized roles that deny women of their own self-expression under the corrupted societal gender norms. In the end, both characters concluded the situations by rejecting themselves from the world. Young Goodman Brown becomes very bitter and cynical upon his society whereas Jane descends into her own dementia away from society. When both characters are put through a situation, unable to escape their problems and force to face their emotional toll, Goodman Brown and Jane acts in total urgency to do whatever they can in order to reprimand themselves. Two entirely different stories yet both charactersfacing their own dilemmashave reached what was underlying for the both of them. Through the illusions, the oppressions, and the denial of both characters problems, Hawthorne and Perkins describe their stories with such introvertedly explained problems that cause the physical situations necessarily to take matters into their own hands. Jane essentially breaks free from her husband and recovers from her dementia while Young Goodman Browns faith in Faith fades away, realizing that he has to guide him through his own faith in God. Even if everyone else no longer does.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Continual Oppression of the Homeless :: Essays Papers

The Continual Oppression of the Homeless The story of Eric Blair, also known as George Orwell, shows many aspects of poverty. Eric goes about everyday life that is completely and utterly different from every aspect of the average Americans life. He tells of various characters that are all attempting to escape the possessive hands of poverty. Each character has their own way of dealing with poverty. The problem is that none of them seem to escape. The stem of the problem can be found in many aspects of the book. The attitudes of the homeless, the operation of such homeless shelters as â€Å"The Spike†, along with the practices of the pawnshop and the actions of the coworkers all contribute greatly in oppressing the poor. There are also many characters that play a role in keeping the poor down. The first one that will be discussed is the role of the tramps play in their own oppression. Oppression is not something that can be forced on someone. It is something that they must accept and find to be true in order not to fight it. This brings up the issue the feelings deep inside a tramp that Orwell brings up. â€Å"Indeed, when one sees how tramps let themselves be bullied by the workhouse officials, it is obvious that they are the most docile, broken-spirited creatures imaginable† (202). This proves the first point that the only reason that those in this destitute class remain oppressed is because in essence they are allowing themselves to be oppressed. In order for the destitute homeless people to move up in the world they must prove first to themselves that they should not be oppressed. By allowing oppression, they are supporting it. Not only do the homeless not fight it but they admit themselves that they are not worthy of being praised. This attitude is exemplified by Boris in his talk with Orwell when Orwell first arrives and finds work as a plongeur, â€Å"Do you think a plongeur can afford a sense of honour?† (60). In saying this, Boris is proving the feelings that lurk behind those that work the low class jobs. They feel that they are so low that they do not even deserve their own honor. By not believing that they are worthy of their own honor they continue to hold themselves down.